Sunday, April 18, 2010

ESPN Radio's John Kincaide; in era of gimmick sports-talk radio, a real standout; Sunday pulse

Chances are in this market, you haven't heard "The John Kincaide Show" on ESPN KNBR, which runs syndicated programming on the weekend, has a winner at the ungodly 4-7AM Sunday morning slot; Kincaide's show is a three-hour audio treasure chest full of biting commentary, insightful interviews, and a unique, often candid and funny sports radio show bereft of the usual banality.

Kincaide is based out of Atlanta, where he hosts a daily sports-talk radio show on "680 The Fan", the ESPN radio affiliate. I haven't heard his daily Atlanta show, but based on his Sunday gig, I will give a listen as this Philly native provides interesting, informative and entertainingly funny material. Too bad we couldn't have him here in the Bay Area.

Kincaide is smart and funny. He's also refreshingly candid and doesn't dumb down his listeners, which is so prevalent in today's sad state of sports-talk radio. Imagine that! A guy who does a witty and engaging show without idiotic sound effects, isn't afraid to take unpopular stands, and is extremely knowledgable on sports matters. This guy is real good, you have to listen to him.

His rants on the Ben Roethlisberger incident were spot-on, matter-of-fact and infinitely sensical. He chided his fellow sports media mavens who defended the Steelers QB on his infamous Georgia bar encounter with a twenty-something college co-ed. (Kincaide articulated, sarcastically, "Hey Ben, 'you're 28 years old and a star million-dollar QB for the Pittsburgh Steelers--you shouldn't be 'hanging out in college bars."

Even if you disagreed, it was good, cogent and solid radio and even better yet, Kincaide didn't have to spice up the segment with annoying sound drops and sophomoric, formula shitick that has permeated the entire industry.

Kincaide is funny too and his periodic interviews with ESPN college football guru, Beano Cook, during the season, border on brilliant hillarity. Kincaide plays the straight man to Cooke's wise-guy persona and what you have is a terrific blend of humor, insight, and entertaining radio. All in 10 minutes. Cool stuff.

Give this guy a listen.

"The John Kincaide Show"
ESPN Radio, Sundays 4AM-7AM PST
"680 The Fan" M-F 1PM-4PM PST

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