Monday, April 19, 2010

Local TV/Radio/Net goes full-throttle gaga over Oakland attack; Monday pulse

As usual, the SF-based media mavens went completely overboard on the father/son assault near Oakland's Fox Theatre.

First things' first: The attack was despicable on every count and deserved of the major play it received. No doubt, it was simply an awful and unconscionable act.

But was it any more heinous then the Bologna murders in "broad daylight" in the city in '08? Or the recent spate of violence in Soma and North Beach and the Wharf?

Wait a minute, it's SF. Oakland's easier.

The Herb Caen phenomena still exists. Oakland remains a juicy and convenient target for local media that go completely berserk over a said incident, even one as ugly as the unprovoked attack in Oakland, and it was indeed, ugly.

I mention the late, great Caen because he ocassionally had an anti-Oakland obsession, and the SF media club; the KGOers, KPIX, and even KTVU, (located in Jack London Square) have this Oakland crime fetish. As if its only-in-Oakland.

Fact is, yes, Oakland is still plagued by high-crime but 80% of the city is relatively safe. The Uptown area where the attack took place is booming with new restaurants and cafes. It's a hip area with artists and locals meeting in a sort of urban oasis, but pockets of violent crime still exist. The residents here acknowledge it, but to see the SF media way, you'd think its, YES, only in Oakland.

I'm not suggesting a conspiracy. I don't go there. I AM saying its lazy and the coverage is a tad overboard. This wasn't Bernie Guetz on the subway stuff, but the coverage suggested it was.


  1. Not that big of a deal for the TV-radio stations to be all over it. Coverage is based on what news is out there and there isn't much else (local) going on. If there had been something else--say a kidnapping, explosion of some kind, or a new police scandal--this would not have received as much coverage.

  2. Eye on the Bay with Liam just covered Uptown Oakland and the dining options last week. So there was some positive stuff about the area going on.
