Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bay Area media notes; Savage rips Limbaugh; KGO Radio stress; KSFO 'SussMAN; KNBR and Patrick; the Tuesday pulse

**Michael Savage, XTRA AM 860 took a swipe at Rush Limbaugh: "I don't trust a guy with no children who raps the flag around himself."

**There is considerable angst over at 900 Front St. as a semi, siege mentality overtakes KGO Radio. As its corporate owner, Citadel weaves its way though bankruptcy, rumors of another round of high-profile buyouts, (or as they're refered to these days, "retirements",) are the talk in local media circles.

Most troublesome, according to insiders: although KGO continues, (from book to book, although not the latest) to be the highest-rated station in terms of the overalls, (which advertisers don't care about) their core audience remains older, in spite of the stations' attempts to go younger with rock-concert ticket give-a-ways, frequent pop music bumper music, and the like. Stay tuned.

**KSFO embarrassment in the morning, Brian SussMAN, is "proudly American", according to the ultra right-wing KGO sister station in a web site promo. Thanks guys, for a moment I was thinking that Sussman was born in China.

**Haven't heard a peep lately about KRON, which must mean that we're due for some reality bites any day now from the 1001 Van Ness crew.

By the way, yes, I've heard it all about "her" over there at KRON, but as I have told a few people, I don't write gossip and could care less who's sleeping with whom; its NOT an item until it affects personnel. Besides, I don't need that to pile on KRON, they pretty much do that themselves. (Time for another memo)

**Just  wondering: is KNBR NOT running Dan Patrick on its 1050 opposite "Murph and Mac" on 680 because its worried that Patrick would beat the "morning show" "dudes"? That's the consensus. Seems logical to me, for Patrick is funny, does pretty good interviews and is topical, all of which "Murph and Mac", sorry, is NOT. (Patrick runs tape-delayed at 10 PM following the Bruno show)

**Speaking of KNBR, talk about the law of unintended consequences: outside of Razor and Mr. T, most of my sports listening is on 1050 AM--Damon Bruce is a no-brainer from Noon-4 PM over Rudy and the angry man, (on 680 from Noon-3), Tony Bruno in the evening from 7-10 PM is far more entertaining than FP Santangelo, (sorry Frank, but the Giants connection is way, way too close and bordering on shill dept--but you're great on TV)

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