Monday, April 12, 2010

Source: Giants/AT&T Park courting CAL for 2011 football; Coliseum in running too

The SF Giants are quietly courting Cal football as a home for the Golden Bears 2011 football season at AT&T Park, as Memorial Stadium undergoes a major $273 million renovation, according to a source close to the situation. The Bears will play in Berkeley this year, but will need a temporary stadium for the 2011 season.

Other potential sites include the Oakland Coliseum and Candlestick Park, but Candlestick is a long shot, according to the source, (who requested annonymity) because of its distance from Berkeley and lack of public transit availability.

The Coliseum remains a possibility, (location and BART access), but scheduling is an issue with both the A's and Raiders. It is believed to be the most popular choice among Univ. of Cal. sports officials.

While football at AT&T Park would hurt the grass, the idea of increased revenue for the Giants brass is tempting. It also doesn't hurt that Giants President Larry Baer is a Cal grad and avid UC alum.

Attempts for comment from both Giants and Cal officials were not available at press time.

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  1. "Hurt the grass"?
    It gets replaced every spring anyway. Besides football is easier on the turf than the motor cross and tractor pull events hosted by AT&T Park.

  2. seyhey- Cal would probably have 3 home games during the baseball season. Having a football game on a Saturday afternoon, and SF starting a home stand on Tuesday may be a little rough on the turf.

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  4. As a Cal fan, I would prefer AT&T over the Coliseum as an alternate during the construction at Memorial Stadium, but I'll attend the games if they are held in San Jose. It seems that scheduling at the Coliseum would be even tougher than AT&T.

  5. Ok so turf and grass are two different things and for both those events the grass is covered up with for the overall about it i agree that that is a dumb reason, but i'd rather see them play at the coliseum
