Friday, January 3, 2025

The Worst of the Worst: KNBR'' s Gruesome 'Papa and Silver' Beyond Embar...


  1. I never thought I would utter these words, "Please bring back John Lund". Greg Silver has now replaced Rod Brooks as the worst KNBR host in the history of this once great sports talk radio station.

    1. I much rather have Brooks over Copeland.

  2. Both Slivers are such loud mouths. The Apple falls close to the tree I believe the saying goes. Add obnoxious to that. At least Tim Ryan can talk normally at times. I was listening awhile back to “Dirty Work” and Copes said they retired their talking sex robot “Harmony” (wonder why — glad someone got a clue there) but wanted to give her a final send-off episode. Still want to take a long hot shower though after each “Dirty Work” Copes and D-Pop show. I need to contemplate what did I just listen to — 2 guys who think we should be giggling along with their mind-numbing banter?

    1. @2:05 pm
      Thanks for doing the dirty work for us ! I’d rather have my teeth pulled with no novacaine than listen to these schmucks.
      Beware, if you put enough of the crap in your ears, you - like them - will have shit for brains.
      Thanks again

  3. Papa is a self hating white man. Every man of color he interviews in the NFL he says is highly intelligent and could do broadcasting or anything he wants in life after football. OK Greg, we get it. Go put another hat on your show nobody watches.

  4. KNBR sucks? Really no way? Are you telling us water is also wet?

  5. Greg Silver and Derek “D-Pop” Papa are so god awful at their jobs that they make Markus “The Waterboy” Boucher look like the second coming of Pete Franklin.

  6. KNBR is a joke and has been since Cumulus slowly began to strangle the life out of them.

  7. Cope, cope, cope, copy-dopes! Copes dopes! 🤣
