Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Good Traffic at KCBS: Kiffany Winstrom and Rebecca Goodeyon Make Fender ...


  1. Saying someone is good at traffic is akin to saying they breathe well. Is doing traffic that hard? My guess, it isn’t hard.

  2. Rich no need to kiss their asses. They aren’t gonna date you.

  3. Don't think I've heard them yet. The one on the 5/10 AM sure has a whinny voice.

  4. Rich what about your Wife Jan Wahl. I will stick to Jennefer Seelig and Gasia M.

    The Peter Felch

  5. Prior to the Entercom takeover in 2017, Kiffiny was the weekday evening traffic anchor. It's been really nice hearing her voice on KCBS again!

  6. IMO stations don't need traffic reporters.

  7. I thought Kim Wonderly was VERY good in the morning and Claire Beverly, took over and the morning traffic hasn't missed a beat. They both sound as if they've gotten in their cars and driven around a it to familiarize themselves to the intricacies of our freeways and side streets... or maybe just can read Google maps really well. I haven't heard these two young women, but I give a plus to Claire Beverly in the morning- often the first voice I hear when my Google Nest Hub turns on KCBS at 0508 in the morning.

  8. Except that voice! Claire sounds like she knows her stuff but give me either of the 2 Kim’s any day.

  9. The blonde one looks like she takes some massive shits. She just has that look for some reason.
