Friday, January 17, 2025

Claudine Wong, KTVU Stalwart, Good and Bad


  1. Claudine is the definition of blahhh. She's capable, but not an anchor that would cause anyone to alter their schedule to watch her. Agree that she's a bit too serious.

  2. I like her pretty smile above which shows she can and seemingly has a genuine personality. Maybe it is just my perception like Rich’s but would be great to see that more on air! Lighten up Claudine; you can do a sincere smile on air unlike …

  3. Claudine is a great person and a great field reporter back in the day. The fact she's lasted this long at the Firm is testament to her cordiality with her fellow employees.

  4. She speaks like she has a mouthful of marbles. Pass.

  5. What’s wrong with Wong? Seems fine by me.
    She is stunted by “Like it or Not”, but then again who hasn’t been besmirched by the program? It is “ratings poison”. Not Wong’s fault.

  6. She's boring and always sounds both unsure and bland. The much-ballyhooed Betty Yu is even worse.

  7. Big news day today and Eric Thomas is solo at KCBS.

  8. Claudine always looks so frumpy next to Rosemary Orozco.
    Wish she would smile more or at least look less 'serious'. Agree that she talks like her mouth is full of marbles yet FOX doesn't seem concerned on how she comes across on screen. Guess weekend viewers/ratings don't matter as much.

  9. Sum ting wong at KTV-YU what do Yu think?
