Sunday, October 6, 2024

ESPN/Davis Mis Info on Dave Flemming MIA ESPN Status; Sunday Misc; More KCBS Mush


  1. Dude! He was on assignment!

  2. Tom Brady today announcing "SAN FRAN" it's San Francisco...

    1. Springsteen called it Frisco. I prefer Frisco over San Fran. Brady grew up in San Mateo so I guess down HW 92 way they call it San Fran.

    2. Only a non-native rube says "Frisco". If you refer to San Francisco as such, you've outed yourself as a moron.

    3. If you grew up in San Francisco you also called it "The City"

    4. 3:04. You sir are correct!

    5. Frisco is in Texas.

    6. The way SF is going with safety, crime, drug, thefts and lack of police patrols I wouldn't be surprised their future name is San fu**up city

  3. Perhaps KNBR will give Tolbert 2 checks and a case of skunky beer as his loving parting gift.
    His firing is long long long overdue.

    1. Not understanding why there are no comments allowed on the earlier post about Tolbert. I listened to a podcast of the last hour of the show at the Alameda brewery they were broadcasting from and did not hear Tolbert’s allegedly drunken slurred speech but of course for me Somerville is the benchmark for drunk-speak. No Tolbert fan and his banter recently (maybe that day) with Copes about his alma mater Arizona’s exceptional, best in country supposedly, astronomy degree program allowed him to engage in the gutter with Copes. Tolbert said he is sure Copes has seen a lot of black holes. Childish a-holes.

    2. I was also listening and did not hear the purported "outrageous" drunken on-air behavior. Was Tolbert really out of line or is 415 Media once again just bashing KNBR because that's what this blog does?

    3. Yes Rich,what is your problem just likw Raquel M Dillion the first 15 minutes she mis id the traffic person and corrected it later. No big deal you forgot names and repeat yourself often so are you

      Peter Felch KCBS

  4. KNBR is ground zero for arrested developed man children.

  5. Dave Fleming not being part of the broadcast is supposed to be a huge concern?

  6. Silly. It was probably the pd's idea in the first place.

  7. I don't think anything will happen to Tolbert. He's KNBR's longest tenured employee, and because of him, KNBR can do weekly interviews with Kerr like 95.7 does. Losing Tolbert would be a huge blow to KNBR. It would be wise for KNBR to let Tolbert stay on as long as he wants

    1. Sorry Otey Colonie, you missed the mark on this one. Tolbert is LOUSY. He is a MORON. He is BOORISH. He has no right being on radio - he has “zero and I do mean ZERO” redeeming values.
      Talks about dog shit, his own bowel movements, and beer. That he attended UC Irvine and UA says a lot about how much those schools value jocks over brains. He made a boatload of money in the NBA, proof that sometimes idiots do well financially.
      KNBR will still get KERR even if Tolbert moves to Tucson and is never heard from again.

    2. Just to add: he fell asleep while on the air during a break. They were even doing a live stream so you could see him asleep. Ppl think these jobs are lifetime appointments like the SCOTUS! Tom just seems bored--time to move on.

    3. @2:27 and 3:00- To be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of Tolbert either mainly for what was pointed out in both posts. He's funny at times, but he needs Copes. When Copes is out, that show is not the same, and Tolbert can't carry shows like he used to. When I listen to him on the show now, sometimes I wonder if he needs the radio gig anymore. He probably could retire from it for good and still be in good shape financially.

      As far as KNBR getting Kerr if Tolbert wasn't on KNBR, not quite sure about that. I think I heard or saw somewhere that the only reason Kerr comes on KNBR to do weekly interviews is because it's a favor to Tolbert. Kerr and Tolbert were teammates in college and have remained friends since then. Kerr does the weekly interviews on 95.7 because 95.7 is the Warriors flagship and he's contractually obligated to do a weekly interview on 95.7 during basketball season. Kerr seems more comfortable when he's on Tolbert and Copes than Willard and Dibs. Damon Bruce had the best weekly interviews with Kerr though back when he was on 95.7.

    4. @3:00- LOL. Yeah, I remember that. I think KNBR still has it up on their Youtube page. It was hilarious, but at the same time, kind of embarrassing for Tolbert. Hence why I'm wondering if he really needs the radio gig anymore. Yeah, as the longest tenured KNBR employee, Tolbert has more carte blanche, but sometimes he acts like he's semi-retired. He probably may be bored. KNBR is not the same as it once was so the urgency may not be there for Tolbert sometimes. He's like one of the last links of KNBR's heyday.

      I wouldn't be surprised if Tolbert retires in a few years and/or leaves KNBR and just focus more on the Warriors and call Warrior home games on the radio on 95.7 with Tim Roye or be part of the Warriors programming on 95.7, similar to how Krueger is part of the Niners programming on KNBR. Basically have more of a part-time role/semi-retired. We'll see what happens though. I still think he will stay on KNBR as long as he wants.

  8. I watched the livestream of Tolbert and Copes on Friday, and Tom didn't appear plastered to me.

    Sorry Rich, but this is much to do about nothing. They are giving people opportunities to meet them at these breweries and they are also giving people a chance to see them do their show in front of a live audience. Pretty cool idea from KNBR. 95.7 has also had these get togethers as well as Damon Bruce. Another fun way of fan engagement for sure.

  9. As far as the Flemming thing, honestly not sure. Hopefully everything is ok with his family if it truly was a family issue why he missed the game. He mentioned on 95.7 last week that he was going to call the Miami-Cal game. Rece Davis probably was correct

  10. @1:35. Aren’t 90-95% people living in SF non-natives. Let me guess. You’re from Terre Haute, Indiana.

    1. 4:35.Born and raised here carpetbagger. If assumptive non-natives like yourself had bothered to inquire about using the term "Frisco"... It is considered derogatory and unacceptable. Reserved for transplant troglodytes like yourself.There's also no such thing as 'Karl the fog". It's just fog.

    2. 4:57PM, Not your nemesis but 285k Instagram followers over the past 10 years beg to differ on “Karl the Fog”. I guess it is a thing now anyway. I see he is attacking you again below. You guys are getting along as well as the Dodgers and Padres right now!

    3. Derogatory? Like all the feces on the street?

    4. 9:36. What makes something a "thing"? That sacred wellspring of social media, the likes of Facebook and Instagram? 10 years only? I understand your point, but San Francisco has a 176 year history. Forgive me, but 10 years is a millennial blip of insignificance. Comical isn't it? I don't know why this fool keeps engaging me. Just factual information, which of course is always afforded some latitude for interpretation. Dodgers? Good God man! That's blasphemy!

  11. Was kyle at the bear's game jinxing them? Gotta be, the usual 4th quarter meltdown

  12. @4:57. You’re a mid-westerner. French Lick?

  13. Tolberts closing awhile back was “Another mans meal is anothers bile(waste). It took KNBR a long time to remove it . That is an example of Tolberts and KNBR to air it.
