Thursday, September 26, 2024

Oakland A's Epilogue: My Take


  1. Why are some stadiums built in bad neighborhoods? A friend went to candlestick Park once and had his wheels stolen, my Wife went to the A's coliseum once and swore never to return because she felt unsafe, shame A's are leaving

  2. playing baseball in blast furnace neither possible nor smart. Whoever thought sacramento was a good idea wasn't thinking

  3. Rich if you have the time.
    KGO 810 is desperately missed
    No news talk anywhere, So I go
    to WABC, KFI & KBHK, is the bay area going to get back in the game ?

  4. And yet these know-nothing, interloping posers refer to Oakland as ‘The Town’ as if they’re all plugged in to the local lingo. Bailey O’Carroll is guilty of that, along with other local reporters.

  5. A’s always sucked after the 79’s. Oakland economy crashed as business’ left to avoid an overload of cost (taxes, discrimination cases, etc.)

  6. I don't always agree with your takes, Rich, but I agree with you on this one. What’s truly disgusting isn’t just the wall-to-wall coverage local stations have dedicated today to the A's last home game; it’s their complete absence of coverage regarding anything A's-related until now. Sure, they’d throw together a quick 30-second story whenever there was a major development on the move-to-Vegas front, but it was always surface-level and fleeting.

    Fischer is a greedy, self-serving dickhead who has been hell-bent on moving the A's, no matter the cost. He saw greener pastures in Las Vegas (pun intended) and couldn't get out of Oakland fast enough. He allowed the Coliseum to fall into disrepair; ensured the team remained cellar dwellars; and treated the fanbase like shit, all in an attempt to keep fans away so that he could use low attendance and lack of fan interest as the justification to move.

    Local media had the opportunity—and the obligation—to conduct in-depth reporting on the real story, the underlying motivations, and Fischer's utter lack of good faith. While it likely wouldn’t have changed the outcome, it would have added much-needed accountability and exposed the truth. Instead, the local lamestream media has allowed the narrative to revolve around no-show fans and low attendance. This is absolutely shameful.

    And, no, I'm not interested in Larry Beil's faux rant or KTVU's nonstop coverage from the parking lot provided by reporters who had never set foot on Coliseum property until this morning.

    1. I've been ranting about the local media feeding frenzy about this since yesterday. Clowns.

  7. The crime isn't the uprooting of the A's. The crime is MLB allowing the sale of the A's to John Fisher years ago. He wanted to move the A's the minute he bought the team. Under his ownership, I don't remember a player contract being more than two years. He's a cheap owner hoping for handouts from MLB, all the while he's spewing the narrative that A's fans don't go to the games. They don't go because ownership doesn't invest in it's players and it's product. Hopefully, the truth will be exposed and Fisher will be forced to sell the team.

    1. The Cespedes deal was for 4 years, but he was traded after 2 seasons. Before Fisher owned the team, the A's ownership had attendance over 2M for 5 consecutive seasons. During his close to 20 years as owner, attendance reached 2M only once and reached record low attendance the past 5 seasons, all while raising ticket prices, food prices, parking prices, etc. And that cheap bastard has the nerve to blame the fans for not going to the games.

    2. @ 5:00 Totally disagree, Oakland is not the place TO BE, driving on 880 or 580 is scary let alone the city itself, now no Raiders, Warriors and A's, who watches the Ballers anyway?

    3. @11:10 look up the Montreal Expos. John Fisher is using the Expos' playbook. Spend little to nothing and collect the revenue sharing, then move onto the city that will finance a new stadium. Under Fisher, payroll was consistently at the bottom. It's like going to your favorite restaurant for decades, then the portions become smaller and everything costs more. At some point, customers will look at alternatives. Fisher should be forced to sell the team.

    4. @ 5:07 Regardless, I would move out of Oakland too, crappy city, twice as bad as SF

  8. Not just the A's, but all pro sports team owners cares more about the money than the fans.

  9. I can only guess that the Giants behind the scenes played a part in getting the A's out. When I went back to the A's this season, after giving the Giants a try and listen for two years -- I love Korach and Townie -- my going back was hastened by the news that Jon Miller had snubbed the last Bay Bridge series, and that he had started out IN Oakland FOR the A's, and in his place SF had sent of P.D. Twilight zone. All of which left me reveling in the pitiful collapse of San Francisco's midgets.

  10. I stopped watching the local media years ago. I did watch a few of the reports. The local media both print and TV follow the same story line on most stories. Use a catch phase "Climate Change", "Far Right" and others. I like to the read the Wall Street Journal. The news tends to be the left while the editorial tends to be right. I also look at Politico (far left) Ray from Sunnyvale

  11. Can't accept the fact that low .I.Q. blacks have destroyed everything they touch. Truth!

  12. F the A’s. Most embarrassing organization in MLB, attendance wise and otherwise.

  13. The Giants will leave next. SF is a crap hole and no player wants to go there. The 3 World Series teams they had were mediocre that no outside SF remembers.

    1. The Giants are a bore to watch, but they are going nowhere. They'll be around for decades.

    2. @ 4:41 You must be an outsider and living in a dark basement, SF Giants aren't in SF, They are in SANTA CLARA! You aren't giving the great Bruce Bouchy credit, the 2201, 2012 & 2014 World series are very exciting, oh, sorry, you must come from the east and don't give a ding dong about Giants anyway

    3. @6:05 have you watched a Giants game in Santa Clara?

    4. @ 2:07 Thanks for correcting, meant 49ers, mind was multitasking, even though the present Giants ballpark area isn't ideal (I worked on 4th and Townsend for years) it's a thousand times better than Candlestick and Giants will stay put for a very long time

    5. @12:07 I worked in the China Basin area before Oracle was built. The area was dirty, unsafe, and full of homeless people. I could've never envisioned what China Basin is today. It's a win-win-win for the team, the fans, and the city.

  14. Giants fan's hate their owner because he has values and principles. He was right to get rid of Renell the disc jockey and i BLM activist in Giants gear.

    1. Incorrect. The SF Giants have a lousy team. They rank #9 out of 15. There is a good case for diminishing returns - lousy expensive parking, $15 beers, and a team that cannot hit its way out of a paper bag. They rarely steal a bag, and few hit for power. The Johnson clan is just like all other billionaires - they think they own the rest of us.

  15. Years ago, the A's gave up the territorial rights to San Jose to the Giants when they were struggling a bit. If the Giants and A's would have been able to cut a deal to give back those territorial rights, the Giants would have been fat and happy in the Bay Area and the A's would have been able to build a stadium and a base in San Jose. Billionaire owners and millionaire players, bah! I'll go watch high school sports or little league. Too tired of pro sports today.

    1. Larry Baer and the Giants refused to give back San Jose territorial rights to the A's and MLB backed him. A's fans need to remember this. I will never be a Giants fan.

    2. The Haas family was naive when relinquishing territorial rights. Their good deed was not reciprocated when they attempted to build a stadium in San Jose. It just goes to show that being nice gets you nowhere.

    3. @10:38, it was a different time back in the early 90s. I wonder if Haas would've made the same decision today, or even in the early 2000s.

  16. @6:05 PM Surely you jest! The SF 49ers play in Santa Clara; not the SF Giants’ baseball team. Either you are the actual clueless one living in a cave or I suppose you meant that some of the SF Giants’ fans come in on the Caltrain from the Santa Clara area. However, they have fans all over NorCal, especially in the Sacramento area. If things get bad with attendance and player appeal in SF, they may want to move to Sacramento area as the Giants’ Larry Baer will claim territorial rights to that area including the infamous sponsor River “Mosquito” Islands and kick the A’s to a still undeveloped parking lot in Vegas. I bet the majority of SF Giants’’ fans are from that area. I say this mostly based on KNBR SF Giants’ fans callers’ identified cities and my observations in the few games I went to this year. Larry Baer and the rest of the SF Giants’ ownership group got their wish with the A’s owner Fisher good with getting out of Oakland and the entire Bay Area. I see this getting ugly though if the A’s get good when Fisher finally opens his wallet near SF Giant’s fans’ home towns building a state of the art dome stadium near one of the rivers. Those 2 owners then may not be buds then.

  17. The A's playing in Sacramento, is like moving back into your old home you sold and renting. The Sacramento RiverCats, formerly the A's triple A affiliate is now Giants territory. The area as a whole has always been partisan to the orange and black well before then. I despise greedy people. The combination of stupidity and greed knows no bounds. The organization is tethered to a moron.

  18. Will Jenny Cavner be back next year?
