Friday, August 30, 2024

ABC7/KGO Unintended Inner Mafia: Glover/Sze Power Play Rule 900 Front


  1. Kristen Sze power got rid of Dion Lim her same ethic both Chinese eye sore and good luck getting rid of Ama. She should use her power to get rid of one annoying reporter, Reggie Aqui.

    1. Dion, your shift today is from 11-8. Bring an apron. Let’s go!!

      Hunan Kitchen
      Rohnert Park

  2. Let me get this straight, some were threatened that they could lose their jobs because Dion Lim was good at her job? So those fearing for their jobs teamed up to kick the worker bee to the curb?
    Typical middle management baloney by those who are trying to seize more power. Not sure how these guys look at themselves in the mirror, but they obviously do not look closely enough at the content of their character.

  3. Lieberman, this soap opera you described in great length exists in every company across this great land. The cast of characters never changes. Insecure, egotistical, self-serving, gossiping. petty neer-do-wells. You'll excuse, me if I have zero fucks to give about these privileged and obtuse hot steaming piles at the mouse house. Race be damned! This behavior is toxic and has no place in any organization. Management, grow a pair, lace em up tight and kick ass's out the door! These morons wouldn't know a hard days work, if it bit em in the ass! Wanna play the race card? Bring it! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find a curb to scrape this off the bottom of my boot. That or a Popsicle stick. Now, go enjoy your weekend.

  4. Julian is the absolute worse. While I appreciate your report, you barely scratched the surface regarding just how much of a snitch he is. He gossips like a schoolgirl and sings like a canary to Trixie nonstop. I suppose this was Trixie's expectation when she hired him: bring on a completely unqualified dope who, in exchange, will forever be in your debt and do your dirty work, in this case serving as Trixie's 'eyes and ears' on the newsroom floor.
    Dion leaving is a great step but to really clean up morale Julian needs to be shown the door. In my opinion he's worse than Ming because his ratting and snitching extends to EVERYONE, with the exception of the couple of people in the inner circle.

  5. In less than 5 years working at KGO 7, Julian "The Snitch" Glover has had a Meteoric rise in newsroom prominence from originally being a Mediocre GA Reporter to now for the past year co-anchoring with Ming Sze KGO's 1 Hour 11 AM Newscast. In addition just yesterday Friday August 30th Glover also co-anchored KGO's 5 pm newscast with Dan Ashley. In addition to being a Gossiping Snitch, Glover has used both the Race & Sexual (Gay) Orientation Cards as a Battering Ram to rapidly accumulate power at KGO while destroying overall morale in the newsroom. As Anon 8:25 am so aptly said Julian Glover need to be shown the door at KGO 7!

    1. No one else has any motive to make this drama up but Dion. Girl, stop this chaos. It’s not a good look.

  6. Does Dion increase viewers? Nope. Unless she brings in higher ratings she’s just another reporter.
