Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Anything and Everything Tuesday


  1. Until they pull the plug on KCBS, I'll continue to listen.

    1. Same. I’m Team KCBS until the wheels fall off.

  2. Cumulus stock closed at $2.06 a share, Audacy .¢06 a share.

    1. BARGAINS! Warren Buffett is no doubt scooping them up.

  3. Rich, I am writing to formally inform you that I have been extensively involved in trolling activities on your site. My trolling has been considerable and sustained. However, effective immediately, I have resolved to cease all such activities on your platform.

    This decision marks a significant and profound change in my conduct, and you can expect to observe a substantial reduction in trolling incidents as a direct result of my cessation. I fully recognize the importance of fostering a respectful and constructive online community and, despite my prior commentary, I hold deep appreciation for your commitment to your craft and dedication to communicating with your audience regarding topics about which you are passionate.

    Henceforth, you can depend on my commitment to becoming a positive and supportive participant on your site.

  4. Why was Greg Papa back on NBC Bay Area Sport's Pre- and Post-Giants game cable tv shows? Is he replacing Laura Britt, who hasn't been on lately?

    1. Britt is in Paris for Olympics and Alex Pavlovich, who has been filling in for Britt, just started a pre-planned vacation.

    2. Laura Britt is not in Paris. She is staying at a hotel on Stanford, CT and broadcasting from their NBC studios. Same with Bob Fitzgerald (basketball) and Jim Kozimor (badmiton). #nottheOlympicExperience

  5. Rich you're overdue for a good ole fashioned rant. You know, the free wielding broadcasts where you let loose on anyone and everyone associated with Bay Area media. While I always find your broadcasts entertaining, the 'no holds barred' ripping sessions are truly my favorites.
