Monday, July 22, 2024

A Shameful Bay Area Media


  1. Wow, this was too much to listen to on a Monday afternoon. I could only take about 10 mins of it. Yes, it's all dreck, but what do you expect to be the outcome from repetitively bitching about it??

    1. Business is business, if investors believed they could create a PROFITABLE local talk show much like the old KGO or fully staffed 24/7 news station like the old KCBS, they'd do it in a NY minute. Speaking of NY or LA for that matter, I don't care what's going on those markets

  2. Good job Lieberman! I can smell the sulphur and burning bodies from across the Bay. I was almost expecting you to break into an Aramaic dialect and deliver a hellfire Kol Nidre, but this will suffice. Don't know how much good it will do, but I can derive a similar satisfaction, like running a garden hose connected to an exhaust pipe down a gopher hole. Too bad, the Clark Street type of verbal slaughter can't be worn like some putrid slurry on the intended. I shall contribute now in hopes that you can purchase a larger and more efficient flamethrower. That or at least a semi-decent M79 grenade launcher for your next assault. L' Chaim!

  3. “Building a better Bay Area” stinks. They even say it when they’re not at work.

  4. Jenny Cavnar the A's broadcaster for home TV games is unlistenable.
    Yesterday's game there was deep fly to center and Bleday made a very nice catch going into the wall and she says the runner is tagging up at third and scoring. No comment on the sweet catch.
    There was a pop up in between home and first in foul territory, she says "a fly out for the third out"!
    The Angels are hitting into a double play and she got confused and just stopped talking! Dallas Braden had to step in and finish the call.
    One and done I hope with her. Garbage .

    1. Tonight, she had no enthusiasm during the last out of the game. It seems like she's watching the TV feed, instead of the actual game, plus she can't judge fly balls well. Jenny's not ready for prime time. If the A's want a female announcer, I'd recommend Abby Lubar from MLB's Quick Pitch.

    2. Jenny would be best as a pre postgame host.

  5. Speaking of the mouse station, I hate it when they say ABC 7 is owned by the mouse. And I cannot believe it is too overly political supporting one group.

    1. “I hate it when they say ABC 7 is owned by the mouse.” I would hate it if they didn’t. They should disclose that. Why do you hate it?

    2. Because the mouse is woke, dei, lgbtq and all, losing attendance by the gob

    3. @ 5:33 Talk about woke, budweiser light slipped to #3 behind Modelo, Michelob Ultra, Note: anheiser busch brews Michelob Ultra, I dare AB to get another trans to make a commercial for Michelob Ultra

  6. We miss John Rothman’s booming voice on days like today. The presidential historian AND former aide to Dick Nixon would be must listen to RADIO!

    1. Rothman would only listen to others who shared his opinion. He shutdown anybody who thought Biden's mental capacity was diminishing, the Hunter Biden laptop was fake news and the Russians and Trump were working together. I did like Rothman and his knowledge on history, but the guy couldn't entertain right leaning ideas.

    2. @2:44 is spot on! On a day like today Rothman would’ve been insufferable as he’d twist himself into a pretzel defending war criminal “BiBi” Netanyahoo after his blowhard speech to congress. Rothman would’ve invited an Israeli mouth piece from the local embassy and pretend they were both quaking in their boots in fear of “those bearded Ayatollah’s”! Oy veeeeeey!!!

  7. Fair analysis. It starts at the top: Make poor hiring decisions, set those people up to fail and this is what you get. Would love to see where people here stand on ranking the local stations from best to worse.

  8. Let’s be generous - nearly everyone in radio and television is simply mailing it in. The casts are mediocre, the reporting minimal, the same boring storylines. Several shots of the orange guy saying something ridiculous (ie “Hannibal Lecter is…”) And this BS passes for news? Might as well paint a chimpanzee orange and give him coverage 24-7. My silly mistake, they are doing that already.

  9. Rich, would you consider running for mayor of Oakland? If Shung Thoo is recalled in November, it’ll be your opportunity to step up to the plate and go for glory. I’m not saying you’d win, but you’d certainly give any other candidate a very good run for their money. And, with rank-choice voting, you might just pull off the upset of all upsets.

    1. Rich would get all of 5-10 votes.

  10. I agree, Lieberman for Oakland Mayor !
    His political platform: “Cut the Baloney !! Do your job !! Get to work!!”
    No more mailing it in - stand proud - give it your all !!

    Or don’t, and get exposed as ne’er do wells.
    Rich you got this. You are already “an influencer” with your video blog, and I have never heard you disparage your Oakland roots.
    Please, never ever ever move to Vegas !!
