Sunday, June 30, 2024

Somerville Reality--Mine Too


  1. Off Topic - but is anyone besides me really tired of the explosions going off? There must have been an early delivery of M-100’s. I feel like I am in a damned War Zone. Time for the adults in the room to take away the infants noise makers.

  2. Rich, still nothing about KQED cutting it's San Jose bureau.
    And how about Priya David Clemons replacing Julie at the Firm? She his anchored, done interviews, is easy going and is gorgeous.

  3. Also Off-Topic. I see Michelle Griego is still at KCNC CBS/Denver, but this sure looks like her in this Colonial Penn tv commercial:

    BTW, she looks and sounds great on Denver's CBS4, aka KCNC, on the morning news. (don't know her and don't care if she was a nice person at KPIX or good to work with or not).
