Sunday, June 30, 2024

Heather Holmes Lays Down Law at KTVU (Again) --I'm in or I'm OUT; Sunday...


  1. This is Frank Somerville. I would love to see heather anchoring the ten pm news. I sat across from her for years. No one worked harder than her. No one. Not even me. My only complaint is that she doesn’t trust herself to be herself. Instead she makes things about her. Oh I was running today. Oh I was shopping today. Oh I was working out today. Just be yourself. And trust me that’s harder to do than you think. Her and Alex would be great together.

    1. Well said Frank. Posting her personal routines diminishes the hard work she puts in and natural ability to flesh out a story

    2. Oh I was in Danville playing slap the ass with Julie, and a thug smashed my window and tried to get my purse. I pointed my finger at him and said No. Blah blah blah blah blah.

  2. Hey KTVU Quit playing games already, promote HH for Christ's sakes, she's more than capable and good on the eyes, you've already lost quite a few due to your incompetence and game playing, Kyla Grogan comes to mind

  3. Hilary thought she was entitled to the job so I understand your point about HH.

  4. Making Demands is NEVER a good career move. While I like HH, her demands mean she’s a short-timer.
    She’ll be gone before the next Solstice.
    (She should have lost all the garish gypsy jewelry, it may play well with millenials but it cheapens her gravitas)

    1. @ 11:50 Oh, I don't know, Steve Young demanded to play or be traded so the 9ers traded Montana, shame because I felt Montana could still play at that time, Young got a lot of heart but not as skillful as Montana, Young "willed" the 95 SB win with the 9ers' help buying temporary defense

  5. AGREE: Holmes is vanilla, but capable. Putting Mibach back on the mornings would save his KTVU career.

    DISAGREE: I don't see any presence in Savidge. He's just as vanilla as Holmes. I think Holmes is great at live interviews, maybe the best at KTVU.

    1. Agreed. Savidge is melba toast, as a certain blog owner here would say...

  6. Heather Holmes is nothing special. A short time ago introduced the news broadcast by confusing Willie Brown with Willie Mays who had passed away. Interactions with the weather people consist of sharp "Ya.. Ya.. Ya" . Can you imagine Van Amberg or Dave McElhatton or even Dennis Richmond doing this? Not prime time material.

    1. You think *they* never slipped up and called someone by someone else's name?

      And I don't even wanna get started with Wendy Tokuda... "Secretary of Defense Ronald Dumbsfeld" is her all-time classic, but there are so many.

  7. Heather is awesome

    1. Heather Holmes is one of the very best news anchors in the Bay Area and if not the country. I’m surprised she never went to the national level. She’s very professional, intelligent, talented and not to mention very attractive. She’s great.

  8. Let’s give credit to Holmes who rebounded nicely from snot gate. That would’ve ended most careers. I also think she’s vanilla but I want her to get the job just so duck lips Yu doesn’t just prance in and takes it when she’s obviously more interested in posting glamour shots at fancy galas on her IG. Mibach can take a hike, Savidge is 100 times better.

  9. You're absolutely right about Mibach. He was promoted into the prime time role not because anyone thought he has the skillset, chops, acumen and/or presence, but simply because he's been at ktvu a long time. For some reason length of service now warrants a 'promotion' into a role that one isn't even qualified for. Following that logic, ktvu should've given the job to Tom Vacar or Rob Roth,

  10. Spot on. In tv news the evening prime time anchor position is considered the holy grail and the job anchors must aspire to. What’s wrong with being a really solid morning anchor and excelling at that role? They should’ve left Mibach in the morning where he developed a niche instead of putting the proverbial square peg into the round hole by forcing him into a job he’s not remotely qualified for just because anchors that’s how an anchor’s career is ‘supposed to’ progress.

    1. 9:35 AM: I understand your point despite the typos. What you've described is a common occurrence in the corporate world, where employees are often promoted into management roles for two main reasons: (1) they've been with the company for a long time and have 'paid their dues,' and/or (2) they are strong subject matter experts in their particular field. The issue with this approach is that the skills that make someone a great engineer, for example, are very different from those required to be a great manager of engineers. Some individuals possess the skills to thrive in the new role, while others lack the necessary qualifications, desire, or personality.

      In Mibach's case, the decision to promote a mediocre morning anchor, who had spent his entire career in that role, to become the face of the station's entire news operation points directly to incompetent management.

  11. This is NOT Frank Somerville. I never worked with Heather, Julie, Rosemary, or Gasia.
    The offerings as far as a News Hostess are all the same to me. Read the prompter, try not to hack the names (harder than it sounds), and do it within strict timeframes. Try not to play politics.
    Sames goes for Mibach, Savidge, Mallicoat, Sal, Andre - just read the news! I don’t really care who is doing it, only that I get a report on what’s new.

  12. Christina Rendon will take the job if Heather is gone.
