Friday, June 28, 2024

Biden';s Fix-It Kit: Do "60 Minutes"


  1. I'm a Dem but unfortunately I see a Trump landslide due to my party's third world tactics, I've said it all along DON"T bring ridiculous charges, but, no, the 34 guilty verdicts broke the camel's back; now this disastrous debate

    1. 34 guilty verdicts are ridiculous?? Trump thinks he's above the law, and I'm glad to see all the charges against him, but both parties have unqualified candidates.

    2. get a was a grand jury, not a democrat who indicted Donnie.. It was a jury, fairly chosen by both sides who unanimously found guilt...Joe Biden was not involved. It was a state case, in any event, not a federal one. Joe needs to release delegates immediately so we can pick a nominee who makes donnie triple diaper.

    3. @ 12:02 @ 1:07 You're as smart as a box of rocks, you don't see bidens' pay for play, taking documents when he's not supposed to and no charges (ala hillary), setting the doj on a former president (ala communist tactics), people like you is why things are so screwed up

    4. @ 12:02 Ya gonna laugh when it gets overturn? I will

    5. @ 1:07 You don't see the biden's doj setting it up? My parents emigrated from these type of tactics from their country and that's why they would turn over in their graves

    6. @7:10 you probably also believe that January 6th was just a gathering of highly enthusiastic citizens going for a guided tour of the Capitol - thus they should all be pardoned.

    7. @ 10:39 Two tiers of justice, left goes rioting, burning police cars and police stations, burn businesses and federal buildings and no investigations and kamela srts up bail finds for the rioters, is this the America we want? You are a moron

    8. @11:32 what's stopping the GOP from conducting investigations? If anyone commits a crime, they should be held accountable. Where's the head of the GOP? Did he freeze again?

    9. @ 3:25 Knucklehead, cities are nuder cities and states' jurisdiction, most are dems run and progresive DA's won't do anything, understand?

    10. @11:46 show me one example where a GOP attempted an investigation. Sounds like a lot of hot air, but no follow through.

    11. @7:39 How to spot a MAGA Republican? They predictably resort to name calling and can't spell or form complete sentences.

  2. He's not fit to be Prez. Time to step aside and let someone else represent the Dems.

    1. @ 10:51 I suggest newsome, the way he run Ca into the ground is fantastic

  3. He's a joke.

    Who is really running the country?

  4. I have been very critical here of many of your doomsday videos, but not this one. It was cogent, objective and thought provoking! Anything Biden and his party can do to keep his deranged and deplorable opponent from being reinstalled on Pennsylvania Avenue is not only encouraged, but demanded.

  5. Yeah, but senile Biden on 60 Minutes with pre vetted questions, editing out his blank stares, and Alzheimer's speaking. At least he didn't wander off the stage in the wrong direction.

  6. "Go on 60 Minutes", so they can super edit the segment and make brain dead Joe look some what coherent. UNREAL! Wake up Rich!

    1. ! 11:46 Oh, CBS and other MSM are famous for cutting and or leaving pertinent comments and videos to satisfied their "narratives"; remember in school they taught you "one" word can make a difference whether it's left in or out, no wonder the MSM is no longer trusted

    2. And you called the White House to tell them to put Joey on 60 Minutes? @ 11:46 and @11:27 hit it right on the head.

  7. I want to know who is actually running this country? This should scare the shit out of people yet many simply do not care. Wake up folks!

    1. Yet the orange vulgarian famously never even bothered to read the constitution, telling a documentarian that the "words are too old-fashioned". I'll take Andy Beshear, democratic , successful, well-liked governor of a very red state, Kentucky.

    2. @ 5:27 Did kentucky legalized marijuana? You sounded out of your mind

  8. You can't fix dementia, it is incurable. The more Joe talks the worse it will get. He's toast.

  9. The appearance of the "Election contribution-in-kind" by 60 Minutes in your scenario will not put the rest the conspiracy theory Media is just the arm of the Democrat Party

  10. Going on 60 Minutes won't fix this. I'm a Dem who would never vote for Trump. I predict Biden is out by the end of next week.

    1. Agree. I don't like Kamala either, but would thoroughly enjoy watching a debate between her and the orange guy.

    2. hope you and Carville are right..the sooner the better.

    3. @ 11:54 I'm a Dem too but always voted wisely, I've voted Dems, Repubs, Indies, whomever I felt is best for my beloved America

    4. @ 4:45 I'd watch it too but stipulate no cackling, drives everyone nuts, never will happen but if it does she lose, she has no cranium fillers, nada

  11. You are delusional if you don't understand that the debate collapse was the worst presidential debate performance in history. Joe has done a great job as president, achieved the ultimate, needs to understand the legacy power of knowing when to bow out gracefully and quickly. He can hang on the beach at his beloved Rehoboth and play with Commander. Release the delegates, let the top contenders declare and pitch to the public and the delegations. Over 4,000 delegates pick the actual nominee. Joe is not the nominee at this point. In August at the Chicago convention delegates can vote, probably several times before reaching the ultimate consensus and pick the nominee. I favor the very successful democratic governor of a very red state, Andy Beshear of Kentucky. Young, smart as a whip, calm effective debate style, former AG, not ego driven in the effete, arrogant way of Newsom who can't win the country. Beshear is telegenic, has great record in a state where even Republicans vote for him and work with him.. attractive young family, a real leader. praise Joe for all his accomplishments ..and move on.

    1. Not red or blue at the moment, but what has Biden done to be deemed "great?"

      Under his watch, the borders have been wide open, the inflation rate reached over 9%, billions of dollars are going to fund foreign wars, and the US is ever closer to a world war.

    2. No buddy, YOU are delusional. The man can't function the way a president is supposed to function. Has to use the bottom stairs of Air Force One. Has been known to stumble. A lot. About your assertion that he's been great: have you seen what's going on at the border? We're paying more for our groceries, too. You must not be affected because you're on welfare and appreciate the handout. Walk around San Francisco? It's the home base for the homeless. The Bay Area isn't the only place that has seen a decline in the standard of living. But your attention is laser-focused on every blind, toe-the-line, loyalist Democrat who says we have to support Uncle Joe. Are you the modern day Nero who's fiddling while America is burning? Enjoy the ride if we get another four years of nonsense.

    3. hmmm recession averted after a global pandemic shutdown of trade, NATO strengthened and Putin frustrated after what he thought would be an easy march through eastern Europe is thwarted, affordable vital drugs like insulin for American seniors, stocks soaring, best job numbers in over half a century, more domestic oil production than any other time in history.. Did that help?

    4. @ 5:22 Ya, but how's your bank account?

    5. @ 5:05 Couldn't agree with you more, amazing when I asked people I know saying how great biden's doing I asked them (to quote Reagan) "Are you better off now than four years ago?" The sad eyes I see are priceless, been hearing them grip about overall high inflation over the last 3-1/2 years

    6. @5:22, I'll give him credit for affordable meds and domestic oil production, but the positive job numbers are deceiving. Yes, there were more jobs, but many people just got hired after mass layoffs during Covid, so there was a lot of self-correction. Strengthening NATO sounds good in theory, but when has NATO benefitted the US directly? I only see other NATO countries benefitting, while the US continues to hand over billions of dollars, instead of helping it's own citizens. We are so generous that even non-NATO countries can take home billions. The inflation rate reached 9.1% in 6/22, a rate that hasn't been seen in 40 years. I still remember paying over $6 for a dozen eggs. Don't forget, one of first things Biden said when he took office was, our borders are open, and we have seen record numbers of illegal immigrants since. Biden isn't the answer, and orange Cheeto isn't either. We need someone who truly has America's best interest at heart.

    7. GREAT??? wtf has that guy down other than open the border and run inflation through the roof

    8. @5:22 pissing off dictators like Putin and Kim is a bad idea. Funding Ukraine and supplying them with artillery and training so they could kill Russian soldiers essentially puts the US directly in an unneeded war. Sure, I don't foresee Russia storming US lands anytime soon, but acts like 9/11 are very real.

      Strengthening NATO isn't a good thing for the US. It just means more countries looking to us for handouts.

    9. @9:29, "Are you better off now than four years ago?"

      Still remember when Reagan said that. I'd settle for being the same as four years ago, but when I'm worse off, I'd have to consider another candidate.

    10. dear bank account is terrific... I worked very hard at two professions for many years and invested wisely..yours?

    11. 11:25 - you ain't kidding. Check out the article from Yahoo today.

    12. @ 2:58 You wouldn't be working for Sam Bankman-Fried at some point before, have you? No wonder you need to work two jobs, too lame ot understand inflation on top of it

    13. @11:25 am Apparently you are too young to remember the saying “kill a Commie for Mommy”. Nor are you informed enough to know that Ukraine, a sovereign nation, was Attacked by Russia. As Ukraine represents a bulwark to fend off Communist aggression, Europe and the US agreed to support Ukraine. As far as RocketBoy, who starves his own countrymen, he is an evil despot, the sooner they flatten the midget with a bad haircut, the better off SE Asia will be. Ask Japan, ask Australia, ask the Philippines. (One bets you could not find them on a map)

    14. @ 11:44 I'm a senior and a Democrat, most of my inner circle and a few outsiders are going to vote Trump because we see the difference in the last 7-1/2 years between Trump and biden; also we take into consideration how Trump is unfairly hounded by the DOJ and colluded DA"s

    15. so you thought tv. anchors and lawyers didn't make good salaries and didn't save their money? Two of the most financially successful friends of mine are former Playboy bunnies who saved and bought property early and now sit by the sea laughing at the cool breeze off he ocean wafting through their homes.

  12. Unfortunately, it’s too late. As a Democrat, I must acknowledge that the train has already left the station. I no longer support what the Democratic Party is offering. They have been assuring us for over a year that everything is fine, but it wasn’t. Every time I expressed this, I was berated and labeled a “Trumper.” It’s truly appalling how Democratic supporters were treated for simply speaking the truth. Being humiliated for noticing that the President was not okay was evident on Thursday night. I don’t trust the media, even 60 Minutes, to deliver an unedited interview that doesn’t show Biden in the best possible light. I now assume Biden might be wearing an earpiece and being fed lines. This is how little I trust the media. Just two days before the debates, Nancy Cordes of CBS News filed a story calling videos of Biden being confused “cheap fakes.” CBS has since pulled the story. CBS and 60 Minutes cannot be trusted. It’s over, Rich.

    1. It's the job of the nearly 5,000 delegates to pick the nominee. The convention is in August

  13. This year's election should be sponsored by AARP.

  14. If Biden agrees to a 60 Minutes interview he better demand that (1) he is given all of the questions in advance and (2) he gets full editing rights before it is broadcast

    1. @ 1246: Do you believe in unicorns?

  15. Rich, it was a PRESIDENTIAL debate. Is there any question which candidate looked, sounded and acted more Presidential?

    1. True! One told a Boat Load of lies, while the other stumbled. I do not trust serial liars - they'll say anything to gullible fools.

    2. @ 11:55 Yep, cracks me up right after an Washington"professor" giving hie 2 cents on the debate saying he's counted trump telling 25 lies but no mention of any of biden's fibs, yet that how your kids are being "brainwash" by these type of educators, instead of teaching truths they are injecting their own prejudice and ideology very dangerous, also most are antisemitism

  16. Rich I have never read so many uninformed opinions in my life - these folks obviously do not read and are incapable of critical thinking, and yet they vote. They seem to think oil prices and inflation are set by the President. Apparently they are unaware of the trappings of Capitalism.
    Do the names Leonard Leo, Peter Thiel, Ron Baron, Miriam Adelson, Scott McNealy, Larry Ellison, Charlie Koch mean ANYTHING to you Luddites? Apparently not. How fitting.
    Keep swallowing the Kool-Aid, keep plying the lies. Be good zombies.

    1. The President isn't directly responsible for a lot of things, but as the saying goes, "the buck stops with him" When the going is good, the President will take credit for things he has no control of. When the going is bad, the President deflect any responsibility. It's politics.

    2. @ 5:29 So you know morning joke, brainless mika, joy reid,joyless behar, poopie goldberg, cloudy hostin, sara haines, backstabber Alyssa Farah Griffin , hairless toobin? They are your blood relatives

  17. Biden is smarter than every Liberal that voted for him. On a side note, the City is as beautiful, clean and safe as ever and gets better everyday.

    1. @ 6:41 Love your sarcasm LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!

  18. @641: Too bad "smarter" isn't an adjective that can be used to describe you.

  19. 5:29pm, Look at the big brain here. When the president (Biden) stops or reduces oil drilling in this country (like he did) our energy prices go up. Now go back to smelling your own farts you brainiac you.

    1. Educate yourself..Domestic US oil production is at its highest level ever..See FORBES, Reuters, etc.. easy to do the basic research. And yes, oil drilling is smelly..get a whiff of your own misinformation

  20. You called it Rich. Won’t be 60 Minutes but George Stephonopoulos
