Thursday, May 16, 2024

Yu-KTVU Curious "Vacation"; KRON Lady Royalty; KCBS Hamas Fetish


  1. Did she fake her illness just to get rid of KPIX? 3 months work probation before hire and now vacation, I let this staff go or else KPIX curse with staffs disappearing is coming to KTVU

  2. Betty Yu is/was on a two-week international vacation, which doesn't get planned overnight. It’s unlikely she started at KTVU less than a month ago, immediately planned this trip, surprised them with it, and they approved all this time off. It's much more likely she told KTVU about this upcoming trip during the employment negotiation process.

    This means she was planning this extravagant trip while on her alleged medical leave. You know, the one for that mystery illness so serious it kept her out of work for exactly 90 days.( Coincidentally, that’s the maximum length of time for a personal leave under the law guaranteeing your job will still be available) The illness so severe that she had no choice but to quit KPIX with no notice, breaking the news to them only when she shared it with the world on social media.

    Betty Yu is living proof that decent looks, integrity, and professionalism aren’t mutually exclusive.

    1. If Ms. Yu didn’t look moderately attractive no one would give two shits about her. Only reason she’s even mentioned on this blog is because Rich has bestowed upon her to some goddess-like status. I saw someone else mention if Betty Yu was Billy Yu there’d be no mention of him.

    2. @3:15 PM, Let’s all assume the obvious, Betty notified KTVU of her current vacations and got the time off approved. Why then does it matter that she’s taking vacations "already"? Am I missing something here? Good for her that she has a boyfriend who provides her with the means to travel extensively to various international destinations. And good for her that she has a job that allows her to do so.
      Honestly, it seems like a lot of the criticism is just jealousy combined with obsession. First, everyone was up in arms over her medical leave, even though she shared a photo from a HOSPITAL BED. And now the fixation has shifted to her company-approved vacations.. We should be thankful she shares her experiences on Instagram. I personally don’t have the financial means to travel, so I appreciate when others share their adventures as it allows me to see beautiful locations that I am unable to see in person.

    3. Great to see she’s fully recovered from the health ailment that required her to miss three months and then quit her job with no notice

    4. Only reason Yu gets mentioned is because of the duck lips and “glamour” shots on instagram. She’s no better than your garden variety field reporter.

    5. 10:49, I couldn’t agree more. The Bay Area is filled with garden-variety reporters. The only thing that sets Betty Yu apart is that she’s more physically attractive than most and, as you said, she projects herself as something bigger than she really is on Instagram. I haven’t seen her on KTVU yet (which makes sense considering she’s already on vacation), but if I ever do, I’ll be changing the channel immediately.

    6. May 18, 2024 at 3:19 PM All T.V. news has garden-variety reporters today as media becomes more internet driven.

    7. I’m sure she was planning her vacation BEFORE her medical leave.

  3. Ah, the KPIX copywriter speaks! More tell us!

    1. Ok. I just look at her on social media. She flat as a board. correck, her butt ain’t flat it actualy goes inwards.

  4. Being in the workplace for over 30 years, I'll give Betty the benefit of the doubt. When negotiating a start date with your employer, sometimes an employee will have other obligations already, so it's up to the employer to decide if they want the employee bad enough, given those obligations. In Betty's case, her employer allowed her to go on vacation very early in her KTVU tenure. Her absence isn't her fault. If you want to point the finger, you have to blame KTVU management for allowing her to take the vacation. I've seen this scenario play out several times in my professional career.

  5. Love Catherine "the brain" and Vicki Leviakis.

    1. They should replace Ken with Catherine. She's the best of the best.

  6. She’s a great reporter.

  7. Vacations aren’t spur of the moment, dummy. She probably planned this six months ago, put all the money down and negotiated that when they signed her. If you ever had the money for a vacation (or a cover that stays up behind you during your “show”) you would know that.

  8. “Vacation?” She actually has taken two entirely separate vacations since she started less than a month ago.

  9. Yu get a car! YU get a car! And YU get a car!!!!!

  10. You may not be obsessed with Betty Yu in a "Baby Reindeer" sort of way but you are obsessed with your inability to get her to directly communicate
    with you for your "Pulse Scoops." Do you really think any self respecting woman is going to come into your bedroom studio, sit in front of the former basement couch slipcover and spill the beans?
    Reindeer Richie...let it go! People negotiate vacations with née employers all the time. It's not a new phenomenon, nor will it be the last time it happens.
