Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Trump Verdict --Bay Area Perspective


  1. He should be treated like any Joe Schmoe. No special treatment for anyone in government.

    1. If he was treated like any Joe Schmoe, he wouldn't have been on trial in the first place. Because he's named Trump, Biden and his corrupt cronies are throwing every charge they can think of to stop him.

    2. Right, no special Mickey D orders in the slammer.

  2. He should not be eligible to run for US President.

    1. 4:41. A little revisionist history. Look up your socialist hero Eugene Debs. Ran as party nominee while in prison. There is nothing in the constitution to prevent DJT from running and or serving as CIC. Of course, he can just pardon himself.

    2. He can't pardon conviction of State crimes, which is what he's just suffered.

    3. a president cannot pardon himself from a conviction in a state case. This wasn't a federal case.

    4. Doesn't matter. It will be overturned on appeal. Merchan and his daughter should be in prison as well as others. Show me the crime? Can't, but their corruption is visible for all to see!

    5. It is not against the law, any law , for the son or daughter of a judge to work as a political consultant. You can bend yourself up in pretzels trying to make it so, but it isn't.

  3. No matter what, there will always be that group of loyal supporters who will go ahead and drink bleach just because their conman leader says it will clean up your insides.

    1. Just pour down half a bottle of bleach, then stick a few pipe cleaners down your throat and scrub away. After 5 minutes, all viruses are gone.

    2. 6:58, almost had my coffee go up my nose reading that comment 😄

  4. Joe BUYden is smarter than every liberal in SF combined. SF is a 3rd world country and liberals think it's fine. Wait until the Giants move out of SF to a safe conservative City. lol.

    1. @5:36- The Giants aren't going anywhere. What are you talking about?

    2. The Giants and Warriors are just about the only businesses not closing or leaving the City.

    3. In 3rd world countries leaders can get away with anything. This verdict shows the US is not a 3rd world country.

    4. May 30, 2024 at 5:36 PM. Nice try, but you failed.

  5. Third world tactics, dems making huge mistake, I see landslides

  6. Look on the bright side, his orange jumpsuit will now match his orange face.

    1. 7:55. Puhleeze. Never heard of "Free on bail pending appeal". It will be appealed due to the unconstitutionality of process, et all. It will be exhaustive and lengthy. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    2. @ 7::55 You're stupid as shit, typical dumb ass libbie, fing dems are turning this great country of ours into a third world and you're too blind to see it? Oh, apologies, you're part of the dumb shits that's creating chaos and one sided justice systems much like communism, News Flash! Trump landslide!

    3. They may not allow face paint in prison.

    4. Dear 9:33. Donnie never even bothered to read the constitution, famously telling a documentary film maker who wanted to record him reading a segment of it, that the "words are too old-fashioned". His cult still hasn't figured this out, because they've never bothered to read it either, thinking that waving big flags and wearing flag underpants was all one needed to do to be a "patriot". See mirror.

    5. 7:55..."unconstitutionality of process"? how so? Did you mean "et al", not "et all"? Was your law school the McDonald's Hamburger College of Law?

    6. The orange cheeto won't see a day of prison, but it was satisfying to watch him get convicted. The appeals process on all of his trials will outlive him, so he'll get to continue playing golf and eating cheeseburgers.

    7. Let’s see:
      $85 million in fines (defamation case),
      loss of business license in NY, (fraud, misrepresenting values, tax evasion)
      Found guilty of 34 Felonies. (Fraud, cooking the books)
      All this Winning must make El Turdo want to commit more crimes. He is positively joyous - he found some McNuggets stuck between the seat cushions.

    8. @9:27 The orange cult leader and his followers don't believe in the Constitution or democracy. If elected, orange Cheeto will attempt to implement his form of dictatorship, ala his heroes in Russia and North Korea.

    9. 7:09, yet according to mainstream media and libs, Trump was supposed to have done that very thing during his first term. Nothing but nonstop fear-mongering from these anti-Trump clowns.

  7. Him and the other guy in the WH ancient. We need younger blood in the top spot.

    1. Age is one thing, but both candidates are simply unqualified.

  8. Incredibly troubling to see so many people rushing to defend a guy who would end the rule of law in the U.S., abandon NATO, and fundamentally change much of what our country has stood for for almost 250 years. How have we ended up with so many nuts in our midst?

    1. There are certainly those orange cult loyalists, but it also shows how poorly Biden is doing.

    2. There are certainly those orange cult loyalists, but it also shows how poorly Biden is doing.

    3. These people are either:
      a) Trump loyalists
      b) Republican party loyalists
      c) anti-Biden loyalists

  9. Love the way the Republicans are crying crocodile tears over the Dems treatment of Trump. It's about time the Dems play hardball. Nice to have the Republicans get a taste of their own medicine. Polls right now are not reflective of what things will look like in November. End of the day, Trump is a convicted felon. This will matter.

    1. 10:28 Son, stupid and deranged is no way to go through life. Seek professional and lay off the drugs.

    2. 7:58 Practice what you preach!

    3. 10:28. Point to the area on the doll and tell the therapist where the 'bad man" touched you okay?

  10. Rich, I’ve seen you rail against Mike Mibach for months; however, I’m rarely able to watch the 10 PM news because of my work schedule. I watched tonight, and my goodness, Mibach is much, much worse than you’ve described. They had a few segments with a legal analyst in the studio discussing the Trump verdict. Throughout, Mibach repeatedly cut off and talked over both the analyst and Julie Haener. At one point, Haener showed visible annoyance. Meanwhile, Mibach’s facial expressions were a distracting combination of grimaces, squinting, and smirks.
    I thought you were exaggerating in your critiques. I can now say you’ve been 100% accurate. I understand why viewers are tuning out.

    1. The weird thing is that he was nothing like that when he was in the mornings. Not sure what changed, but he needs to go back to mornings or leave KTVU.

  11. Thankfully Mibach is going to be the MC for Trump’s “Give me Money Chumps” visit next week, in Pacific Heights. Apparently the goofy combover sealed his selection. (His coiff does look like he and Mike Pence share a barber)

    1. Rich will you be covering this? It seems highly inappropriate for a local news anchor to MC a campaign event for a presidential candidate.

    2. What Mibach does in his free time is none of ktvu’s business. He doesn’t need to get ktvu’s permission to MC a private Trump event, so long as he’s not explicitly representing the station while doing so. And remember, Mibach’s sole job is to read words off a prompter. He doesn’t make editorial decisions (including which stories to cover) nor does he write the stories. There’s no viable place for his political leanings to come out while he does his job.

  12. His munchkin hands are way too small for handcuffs. And I know Melania doesn’t want conjugal visits.

    1. Ever since Don Trump gave Melania that weird looking wart on her lip, Melania has kept the Cheeto Kid away from the bedroom. She may be stupid, but he’s dumb.

  13. Remember when all the libs were celebrating because the Colorado court ruled Trump’s name could not appear on the ballot? How’d that work out for y’all?

  14. He was convicted of 34 counts. Can anyone name them for me? Or tell me the difference between Count 8 and Count 22? Yeah, didn’t think so….

    1. So what? People understand the basic thrust of the case even if they can’t recite the specifics of all 34 counts he was rightly convicted of.

    2. And how would you know he “was rightly convicted of” all 34 if you can’t even tell me what the fu@& they were?? Unbelievable!

    3. So you cannot articulate what the 34 charges even were, but he was rightly convicted of all of them?? You sound about as biased as the DA who brought this case and the judge who tried it. Prediction: overturned on appeal

    4. So because a lay person can’t recite 34 criminal counts that means the entire legal proceeding was biased? LOL Because I , a singular person in world of 8 billion people - can’t tell you every charge Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, Martha Stewart, Kenneth Lay (remember Enron) or Elizabeth Holmes was charged with, then I guess that means they’re innocent and their was bias in their trials.

    5. Prediction: overturned on appeal. That was not the case with Manson, Dahmer et al.

    6. The jury knows a hell of a lot more about the case than me or any of you Trump apologists on this site, so we can leave it to them to work through the fine details of the case. Or is the verdict valid only if your guy wins, just like his view on elections?

    7. The Judge on the trial made financial contributions to Biden and a group called “Stop the Republicans.” His daughter is a fundraiser for Democratic candidates and causes. If that doesn’t sound like their may have been bias I guess I can’t help you

    8. To answer the question posed above, each of the 34 counts related to the falsification of a document. I can’t identify each of the 34 documents (I doubt anyone not involved in the trial could do that), but that’s what it was about. Simple enough when you just address the facts without trying to spin them to support a political position.

    9. 2:04 PM - The jury knows what the charges were and they voted guilty on all, that's all that matters.

    10. No there is actually one other thing that matters. Under the law, there is the right to appeal any verdict and I have no doubt that will happen. Let’s see how it all plays out before jumping to conclusions.

    11. How many trials can you say that about period? Does that mean no one in prison is guilty?

    12. You are kidding, right? Do you really think a reasonable conclusion is that no one in prison is guilty? In this country, there have been innocent people who have been found guilty. That is exactly why our system allows appeals.

  15. Can you even begin to comprehend what it's like to walk around with moist skidmarks and smelly dung all day?

    1. Hi Darren Peck! Or is that is it Mike Mibach? To answer your question, no I don’t, but please tell!

  16. Be honest. Unless you are 18 or did not vote in 2020 you should know who you are going to vote for. Nothing on either side will change you.

    1. Exactly right.

    2. Well the judge and the jury came into the court room
      About 9:30, the 23rd of Jun
      Now we're all here to try your crime
      To see if we'll set you free or make you serve your time
      The jury all set up in the chair
      He's guilty, he's guilty, send that boy to jail
