Thursday, May 30, 2024

Rich Lieberman KNBR Hostage Tape Revealed


  1. Rich, you really, honestly think this video is funny, or adds value? C’mon man!!!!!

  2. Rich, you should get an Oscar for this performance!
    I believe Jan Wahl is no longer a member of the Academy, but she knows people, who know people, who can advocate for your nomination in the Documentary/Short category
    . “Best Actor in a Supporting Role”
    Nobody can tell me you are not a Thespian. I hope your union dues are paid up/current.

    **** “ I laughed, I cried, I soiled my pants. Lieberman steals every minute he is on camera!”

  3. Every time I get ready to donate (give you money), you do something like this or the hostage tape. That degrades the good work you do. It simply devalues your intent. Play it straight Rich.

  4. Very poor taste. You should know what is going on in the Middle East

    1. Are you part of Cancel Culture? Grow some you wuss. He's trying to be funny. And he was.

    2. Wuss? what are you? 13? If you all come here for real insight on local media you're all mistaken

  5. Embarrassing Rich. This is on the level of some of those tribute songs that used to play on the KNBR show. If you don’t have anything productive to say then just don’t have a show that day. Yes, I turned it off after about a minute, maybe it got better, but I doubt it

  6. Adam Copeland... Copey Copes is a "radio genius"? Lol He's broadcasting outside the ballpark tonight. If you're going to the game tonight let's start a "Copeland SUCKS!" chant. Kowakami is another ego maniac jerk off. Take his picture with your cellphone. He loves that!
