Monday, May 13, 2024

Frank Somerville Exclusive LIVE Interview


  1. Rich, you did a fantastic job. Truly. If you watch your first interview with Frank and then watch this one, the difference is night and day. This time around there were no interruptions, you were succinct, you let him speak and express himself, you were clearly listening, you were empathetic, and you left natural pauses. It's very apparent you not only have listened to audience feedback but have taken real steps to enhance and improve your interview game.
    Great job, Rich!

    1. 100% agree with this assessment.

  2. Join the club Frank S. My brother and I would kill each other were we locked into a room together.
    He did not choose me and I did not choose him. Family dynamics can be volatile, dysfunctional, or “just business”. I wish you well on that matter - I no longer carry a grudge against my brother but I do not mind never hearing him, never seeing him again.
    I had better luck “drinking and driving” but I eventually came to the conclusion I was better off not drinking alcohol. Been “sober” 39+ years. I made the decision and I stuck to it, NO AA no programs, no support group. But whatever works for anyone is fine by me.
    Mr Somerville, get on a plane and GO !! To Brazil, to Ireland, to Greece, to Egypt, to Tanzania, to Colombia, to Thailand…. You will grow more on one trip than you have in the last 4 years. Guaranteed!
    And while you are at it, Quit beating yourself up. I believe you are not the first person to screw up. Those who never screwed up are either lying or are candidate for Sainthood (and most of them really screwed up!)
    Duck the Fodgers !

    1. Agreed man. I think Frank appears to be much too tough on himself. Obviously we don’t know the whole story, but every time I see him interviewed he’s constantly on self attack mode. I also agree that if I were in his place I’d be traveling. I’m.a huge tennis nut, at the moment I’d be in Rome at the Italian Open, then Paris for the French Open and then I’d be in London for Wimbledon. See ya! I think Frank would return rested and refreshed with new perspectives on things.

    2. Hi Frank, you’re not alone with estranged relatives. I have 2 Uncles that I haven’t spoken with in 30+ years because I was embarrassed by them at a family reunion. Doesn’t bother me in the slightest.
      After the no contact order expires, I wish you all the best in reconnecting with your brother.

      Darrin C
      Rohnert Park

  3. Bravo! Perhaps your best interview ever. I thought it was excellent and I also thoroughly enjoyed the impromptu appearance of your dresser behind Frank. His brother sounds like a real piece of work. Dude needs to let go of his anger.

    1. "Bravo! Perhaps your best interview ever."

      He's only done three......

    2. The haters gonna hate!

    3. @4:24 don’t forget Rich also had a show on KSCO in Santa Cruz. He has more than 3 interviews under his belt throughout his illustrious career.

  4. Rich, you deserve a pat on the back. This interview was far better than your first interview with Frank. You didn't interrupt him, you were a good listener and appeared empathetic. Well done.

  5. Frank, you should find an intermediary for you and your brother. You both have deep rooted feelings. You have taken a good first step by admitting you were not there for your family. Now it's time to show you'll be there for them, including your brother. Good luck Frank.

    1. This is a good suggestion. Sometimes there are misunderstandings getting in the way of a good relationship. Letting a 3rd party listen to the issues impartially would help get things to the surface, then the two of you could work on those issues.

    2. I disagree. Not all break ups are fixable. Sure it’d be nice if things got patched up, but often times, there’s no going back. That’s life.

    3. 5:18 it's not about fixing. It's about understanding why his brother won't speak to him. Understanding the issue is the first step.

    4. "'s not about fixing. It's about understanding why his brother won't speak to him. Understanding the issue is the first step."

      Maybe bro has a good reason. You're only seeing one side of the story on Rich's sycophantic blog.

    5. 7:32 that's the point of an intermediary. Both sides could voice their issues without judgement or defensiveness.

  6. Rich - you've improved drastically. The interview had good rhythm and good tone. This may be your best one yet.

    1. Interesting how when newcomers to one of the stations (Jessica Burke, Kyla Grogan) are finding their rhythm, Rich slams them mercilessly, but *he's* allowed to struggle and get up to speed.

    2. 1:52, you're not comparing apples to apples. The names you mentioned are professionals on a professional network, backed by sponsors. Rich runs an independent vlog with no sponsorship(by choice). Completely different expectations.

  7. Damn are back in the game. I have zero constructive criticism for you. Keep it going.

  8. Meanwhile, in other news the SF Comical dba San Francisco Chronicle is running ads online offering subscriptions for 25 cents for three months with no commitment required/cancel anytime. So by their own admission, their product is worth about 8 cents per month. Sounds about right.

    1. Now I feel violated. Last year I got a 6 month subscription for $1. ARGH!!!

  9. How come the Chron is reporting 30 day jail sentence when Frank says 14 days community service only?????

    1. 4:55, see the comment at 4:25 PM for your answer.
      The only “journalism” they seem to care about these days are their 900 articles about the best boba tea in the Bay Area, the latest purple house in San Francisco, and latest fashion trends for tech bro douchebags.

    2. Sadly that’s the chronicle. The sentence is 30 days UNLESS he is accepted into a community service program. And we all know that’s what’s going to happen. He will do community service. There is no way they are sending him to jail.

    3. 7:38. Yes. It is called a "suspended sentence". This is court imposed and usually waived when conditions of probation have been met. This 'child' that wrote the article for Sfgate did a very amateurish job at cheap sensationalism. Poorly written.

    4. Only the Comical could make SFist and BrokeAss Stuart look like credible sources of information. The Comical is nothing more than the lamest possible version of a juvenile clickbait rag.

  10. Ah, the Berkeley PD screwed up, the DA screwed up. What a joke, he was freaking hammered and got caught. All I hear is a bunch of waaa waaa. I would love to hear his brothers side of the story. This guy is a sniveling b!* ch

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Great interview Rich! Thank you for asking your question & letting Frank just talk. Raw, from the heart & it shows what addiction can to people's lives. I wish Frank the best, that he remains sober & does his community service. Somebody is going to give him another shot and take a chance on him.

    1. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone deserves another chance, but does a white-privileged 66 year old man deserve that chance over a non white-privileged middle aged candidate? (white-privileged is a term Frank used to describe himself)

    2. That's not for any of us to decide. But being a 50+ white guy in corproate America, it ain't easy for me to advance at my company because they choose the other candidate based on gender, race and sexual preference. Shouldn't it go to the most qualified, hardest working person who never calls out sick? Just playing Devil's Advocate. Maybe that is why all these airlines are having issues because underqualified goofs are getting jobs they can't do.

    3. I would argue that his skin color has nothing to do with it when we are THEORETICALLY striving to be a color-blind society. However, Frank himself is obsessed with this woke shit so it's fitting that you threw it back in his face. It would also be amusing to hear his rationalization why yes, normally a person o' color would be more deserving but...[and then he'd make up a reason why this time it's different]. This is how libs work. They are all behind a principle that makes them look virtuous...until it impacts them personally. Then they find an exception.

    4. @12:32 once upon a time, qualifications/experience was the top pre-requisite for a new job. Now, your experience and age could be a detriment. It could mean the candidate is less driven, closer to retirement, and come at a higher cost.

      Frank admitted to being white-privileged. There are other Franks out there who are equally qualified, but are not white and being passed over while someone like Frank takes advantage of his white-privilege.

      You mention that it's difficult to advance in corporate America in your 50s and being white. Imagine being in your 40s/50s, non-white, with equal qualifications, but never given the opportunities, or worse yet, having the qualifications but passed over for a self-admitted white-privileged male with a questionable history. I wish the best for Frank, but it's difficult to express much empathy given the scenario just described.

  13. Rich you did great! Keep tuning out all the trolls and miserable schmucks who thrive on negativity and try to make you feel bad about yourself. It’s a pathetic way to live and don’t let them drag you down to their subterranean level. (And put me in the camp of people who are rooting for Frank, hoping all his work to better himself will pave ways for new opportunities.)

  14. I care what people think, Frank Somerville was the last good Bay Area anchor.

  15. Sure Frank-
    It’s your brother who is the problem.
    Uh huh….

    1. I know the somerville family well (for 48 years), the problem is and always was Frank.

    2. 11:47 not surprised.

  16. I have two brothers, and am not on speaking terms with either one. I think this is common in families.
    If Frank were willing to work in a small market, I'm sure he could get a job somewhere. That would give him credibility, and it would be fun. A smaller market would be so lucky to have him. He's so talented. After he established a proven track record, he could move back up to a big market. That's what he should do!

    1. It's not unheard of, but it's hardly *common* to not be on speaking terms with your siblings.

  17. A couple of things.

    Rich; What a great get! Way to go.

    The next TV station to pick up Frank - and there should be several offers coming after this interview - will be a ratings jugernaut. There are several stations in the Bay Area that need ratings. To those stations, stop waiting and get him while you can. This interview is filled with the talents the guy has. Knowing from being close to the business, it is so easy to hire someone and define the contract info with necessary elements to justify employment and justify firing if need be.

    Frank, like so many people before him, deserves another chance.

    Rich, this interview gives you the credibility in the marketplace and it is great to see - long time working on it and you deserve the accolades everyone above is mentioning. The sincerity, asking the hard questions, and listening. The hardest part of an interview like that is listening to Franks answers and reacting from there.

    This site is now bookmarked for the future.

    1. "The next TV station to pick up Frank - and there should be several offers coming after this interview - will be a ratings jugernaut."

      You really don't know how The Real World works, do you?

  18. He should serve his 30 day possible jail time, watching the video, looking at his facial gesture and using media platform to get promote how good of a past reporter he is doesn’t work this way. Doubt he will ever get a main anchor job, good luck getting a field anchor job. Definitely still needs rehab and help.

  19. He showed up drunk, twice to his dad’s house and assaulted family members. And he wonders why they don’t talk to him?

  20. He was about to cry, the affair person is laughing right now for how she got treated by a married man.

  21. I would like to know what the brother said in court. Rich should have gone to the hearing before the Frank interview.

  22. Frank should be a teacher/mentor. With his questionable past and age, it'll be a challenge to find another opportunity as a news anchor.

  23. OMG. So tired of hearing of the Somerville drama and all his excuses.

  24. Rich, you spend too much time obsessing over people’s reaction to you or your content. As an onair talent (in another market), I have learned to just put myself out there and move on. That said, I love your content, your voice and personality and I think your great interviewer too.

    I also agree, the other SF media should be reporting on the newsworthy stuff Frank had to say about his situation. He is an iconic former anchor there, and his past and future is newsworthy.

  25. You have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m telling the truth. This all started because my dad said out of the blue that my beautiful black daughter was NOT part of the family. He also took down her picture but kept up pictures of his three WHITE grand kids. How would you feel. You’d be furious. And then both my dad and my brother would say nothing about it. TTHATS why I want to my dad’s house. I was livid. Wouldn’t you be. It took my dad ten months to apologize.and say that he never should have said that. But for some reason my brother has a vendetta against me. He won’t talk. I have NO IDEA what he’s so angry about. It’s really sad. There are no winners here. We All lose.

    1. Maybe 11:47AM can fill you in about when and why this “all started”. Seems at least 48 years ago. Do you think you were on your way back to news anchoring until the justifiable (to you) fight with your dad? That was more like the last straw. You need a sincere mea culpa. Most people would not try to beat up family members (especially their dad) rather than leave a situation like that in disgust. You still got some anger issues. Take some anger management classes too. Your fan base needing you back on air is nuts.

    2. How would you feel if your dad said out of the blue that he no longer accepted her as a part of your family. And then refused to talk about it. You would be furious. Just like I was. FYI. 10 months later he apologized and said that he never should have said that. I totally accepted his apology.

    3. How would you feel if your dad said out of the blue that he no longer accepted her as a part of your family. And then refused to talk about it. You would be furious. Just like I was. FYI. 10 months later he apologized and said that he never should have said that. I totally accepted his apology.

    4. 7;40PM. I can tell you quickly what I think your brother is so angry about, if you really want to know, he is very angry at how you treated your father during this situation. No matter what your disagreement, you could have chosen to honor the sanctity of Mr. Somerville's private home. When your parents get that old, you gotta cut them some slack. You cannot have the same emotion charged debates with them as you may have had 30 years ago. When you get his age, you are usually physically and emotionally more fragile. We, the offspring are expected to anticipate that change in our parents and respect that. If you disagreed with your Dad on that issue, then, simply stay away from him or greatly minimize contact. You cannot bully someone into agreeing with you in such situations.

      When you charge at him like a 15 y/o shrieking at his Dad about a difference of opinion, you are out of line at this time in your life. Mr. Somerville expected more consideration and even empathy from you as a human being. If his views bother you so much, maintain a civil CIVIL distance . Cease filling his ears with what you want and what you feel. THAT is why your brother is mad at you, because you still don't seem to get it. Honor thy Father and Mother, (while they are still here!)

  26. Frank, I think you should take 2 years and get out of town. Go to Reno or Bakersfield or Palm Springs and get some rest, try to land a local anchor job in a small market where you have no history, and get some fresh tape. Heck, maybe work off air, with the chance to fill-in. Work your way back to the bay area.

  27. Aw, it was nice to hear Frank's laugh. Heard it so many times over the years.

  28. Too much personal information. Frank should disappear, maybe a smaller market and less drama. Boise Idaho or Eugene Oregon. --- Rich, lay off trying to justify the existence of 415 Media. You do great work. Just do that and shut the Hell up. You Report - We Decide. --- A Fan

  29. Just because you are biologically related to someone does not mean you have to have them in your life. I have a sister who I haven't spoken to since 1989. I have no plans to ever speak to her again and I could care less. Just go on with your life and let them do the same. Less stress and for them to treat his daughter differently (the adopted one) tells you all you need to know about why you don't need them in your life.

    1. This is Frank. And sadly I agree with everything you are saying.
