Saturday, May 11, 2024

Dion Lim Shines on ABC7; Da Lin Underwhelming on KPIX; Saturday PM Post


  1. Dion Lim is a star. The Bay Area is lucky to have her. I'm sure national networks would love to pry her away. I do agree that she's a little nasally, and her speech has some over-enunciation on certain words.

    Da Lin makes me uncomfortable. He has a face of someone who's always constipated. His reporting skills are just OK. I get the sense that he's fine with carefully scripted questions, but would fail miserably in live segments.

    1. It's not really a constipated look. He just looks upset. Not exactly inviting or someone I would purposely tune in for.

  2. Da Lin's style reminds me of reporters on the cable networks. He looks and sounds like someone who wants to be taken seriously, but to Bay Area viewers, he's just a cheap knock-off.

  3. Da Lin, the man has a wife, baby and has to jump on the Enterprise to monitor the Romulans in the Neutral zone.

  4. I don’t know why you think Da Lin is underwhelming.

    Da Lin is a solid reporter and gets to the point without any fuss. Remember back in December he comforted a woman who lost her father killed in an Oakland robbery? Think of it as he being a solid reporter but also having class while doing it

  5. Rich, you are spot on. Dion Lim has gotten much better. Five years ago when the Gilroy Garlic Festival killings took place, it was a Sunday
    evening and Dion was anchoring. The moment was too big for her
    and she was like a deer in headlights. I stayed with ABC-7 coverage
    throughout, but it was painful. Later, I heard Dion won an award for
    her work that night. What a joke! My sole thought was they must have
    really lowered the bar when doling out these awards. Having said this,
    I think Dion has improved by leaps and bounds and I have become a fan. Da Lin is a different story. He was moved along too quickly. He
    has not improved one iota since he came to KPIX from KRON. He
    should have stayed at KRON until he worked out the drawbacks in
    his delivery. He has already hit his ceiling talent-wise and it's not very high. His worst habit is not maintaining eye contact with the camera
    during LIVE reports. It's as if he loses his train of thought when he
    looks directly at the camera. This is the height of amateurism and
    it's ingrained in his reporting. I doubt he can change at this point.
    Watch for this next time you watch Da LIVE.

    1. Lim won that award because she nominated herself and no one else entered the category. Win by self-promotion and default is not a true win. It's a joke.

    2. Da Lin tries to be more dramatic than is necessary. All that looking away from the camera looks amateur-ish.

    3. Nobody wants to stay at kron as long as that psychopath general manager remains there. He is a very toxic person who is constantly bad-mouthing the employees behind their backs.

    4. @ 6:44 & @ 3:01 Ya, typical "Don't like Asians" comments

  6. Now Betty Yu is in Greece. What a joke.

    1. Don’t be envious. Good for her if she has a boyfriend who provides the means to travel like that.

    2. Where do you see she's in Greece? She hasn't posted anything on her Instagram page in a week.

    3. She was vacationing in Ibiza, not Greece. (I can understand why you’d think that since visually the two locations can look similar in pictures.)

  7. I think Da Lin’s reporting is fine. He is competent, straightforward, to the point, and has a serious attitude.He does not have a smiley, joking, frivolous, style. He reminds me of that Badge Man of yore, “Just the facts Mam !” (Jackie Webb)

  8. 8:51, Jealous much? So many insufferable idiots like you in the Bay Area.

  9. Da Lin has a face for radio.

  10. Regarding Spencer Christian this July he will be 77 years old. This years marks 25 years Spencer Christian has been with SF KGO-7. In Bay Area TV News Market it is quite rare to see an on-air person who is Spencer's age. Is it true that he has a lifetime contract with ABC to stay on TV as long as he wants to?

  11. Betty yu ass all hairy and stinky like yous and sam rubin. Her butt smells like a gas station bathroom that ain’t been cleans in months

    1. What the hell is this?

    2. I worked with Betty at PIX. She was the most hygenic and clean person in the building.

    3. “Her butt smells like a gas station bathroom…”

      No way! We all know Princess Betty Yu’s poopoo doesn’t stink. No sir. Her caca smells like strawberry’s and cream.

      Well, at least that’s how she likes to think of herself.

    4. So now you've resort to publishing comments about her butt and bodily odor? You're such a chauvinistic pig.

  12. Where has Kumasi been? Lots of MIA in the morning over the last few month

    1. Yeah -- I'm not interested in Yu's vacation but I would like to know whether Kumasi will be coming back (soon, I hope).

    2. I'm not interested in Yu period. I turned the channel whenever she appears, which hasn't been much lately since she's apparently already taken two vacation since joining ktvu. (might be another good story for you to explore rich)

  13. Q: Where did you get your degree?
    A: Betty Yu
    ...I'll see myself out........

    1. major in International Travel
      minor in Social Marketing've been a great audience....don't forget to tip your waitresses..........

  14. I'm just not that into Yu.

  15. Let me add a big YES for Da Lin. He points of some things that others might overlook in order to say Bay Area woke. He points out the obvious. He might be small in size, but very big in honest reporting, as far as I can see.
