Sunday, May 12, 2024

Dave Flemming's Not So Subtle Dig at Jon Miller; SF Giants Selective 'I'...


  1. Truth be told, I'd much rather listen to Fleming take not-so-subtle jabs at Miller for his cush schedule than listen to Marty's incessant shilling for those god-awful Malaria Islands housing projects out in the middle of nowhere.

    1. Introducing Malaria Islands, where the mosquitoes are the size of helicopters and the heat is hotter than your ex's temper. Enjoy being hours away from civilization, because who needs convenience anyway? Forget about pristine beaches, we've got fast-food strip malls and loads of Section 8 housing for that authentic experience. Place a down payment before May 31 and we’ll throw in three free surveillance cameras!

  2. This is pretty standard for a broadcaster on the verge of retirement. If Fleming has a issue with it, his comments should be directed at management, not Miller.

  3. I prefer an hour of Kars For Kids ads to Lurie

  4. Phlegm will be busy "on assignment" with Golf and college basketball games later in the season so we will miss his boring milquetoast broadcasts. Maybe we can hear the racist Glenn Kuiper or the womanizing F****** Prick Santangelo try to enthuse us during the woeful Giants games.

  5. The Giants are a joke and so are their radio broadcasts. When Miller doesn’t want to go to a certain city such as Cincinnati or Houston, he is “ on assignment,” WTF does that mean?! Phlegm also takes way too much time to be “ on assignment” for major national sports events on TV networks. I don’t understand why Larry Baer accommodates him. I’ve never heard of a regular baseball broadcaster going “ on assignment” in spite if the fact he’s a full time voice of a team. But Larry Baer could care less. Baer has also put an awful minor league, single A announcer named Joe Ratzo or Rizzo on the air to do the play by play of games when Miller and Plegm aren’t there. On top of that indignity, we have to listen to that overgrown teenager FP Santangelo.
    Baer clearly could care less about the quality of the radio broadcast when he puts a minor league announcer on the air, and KNBR doesn’t care either. This would have NEVER happened before that absurd radio company Cumulus bought KNBR back in 2006. They started cutting jobs immediately and now they’re down to 3 talk show guys that aren’t very good; “ MURPH,” Papa and Tolbert and who get well over 6 figures while the other rank amateurs share ur such as “ Copey-Dopes uwho is now also laughably the Program director after being a board operator / producer for several years.

  6. Rich, yes to the frustration Jon Miller causes by being so picky and fickle, a roue that Ken Korach now seems to be taking. I love Miller's stature in his broadcasting skills. I will NOT listen when the ridiculously narcissistic P.D. Santangelo is on. I would expect more of the Giants, of the class that Miller delivers, against which Fleming is a good contrasting partner. Me thinks Miller may fear having to slog through three Giants losses to Colorado. Thank God for the wonderful Bill Laskey. They and we are lucky to have him.

  7. Vin Sculley at the age of 88 in his last season for the Dodgers, from what I read worked all home games, and around 10 on the road. Excuse Miller if you wish, I no longer will. As for the much younger Fleming, a good announcer but hardly a star, he should be ordered to work all the games, or hit the road.. At some point, Miller might merit the same ultimatum. I can’t believe that I am starting to respect Vince C, whom I have never liked, over at the A’s merely because he shows up for work day after day. How novel! I am feeling insulted by these flaky broadcasting prima donnas and by the management that indulges them – the San Francisco Midgets
