Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Yu 2? The Latest; Finney/ABC7 Tension; Wednesday Wash


  1. Betty Yu at any station would be an asset, but KTVU already has two female Asian reporters. That may or may not be an issue in terms of diversity.

    1. She should go to KNTV if she can stand the commute.

    2. I would love to see Yu at NBC Bay Area! or CNN?

    3. Why would it be an issue? How many female white reporters are there? More than 2 that’s for sure.

  2. Why is Kristen Sze referred to as Ming Sze. Someone give me the scoop.

    1. Cause she is a bitch bullying new reporters and any reporters trying to steal her fame.

    2. Ming is her real first name

  3. As you said Rich, Betty Yu is a great reporter. Especially considering the amateur types we commonly see - fresh out of Bakersfield. I wish her a full recovery. I would watch her wherever she lands.

  4. ABC is woke biased garbage, nothing less.

    1. 1:31 Mr. David Muir, white courtesy telephone!

    2. Don't let Julian Glover hear you.

  5. “Beautiful”, not attractive in my view. To Rich, KTVU, KGO and KPIX, a big fact have issues between News director vs the staffs either leaving the station, playing hookie or lawsuit against the station, is NBC 11 KRON 4 the best station to work for with better management. Underrated reporters usually get promoted with a better spot on NBC 11. Here are facts KPIX is famous with reporters playing hooky or whatever and never heard again. KGO settle a few lawsuit related to stressful staff or termination. Heather Ishimaru and this Asian reporter with Ama on weekends, Reporter Wang. KTVU, now you are telling me the news director or management is not too friendly or a station with harassment or lawsuit issues.

  6. There is/was a huge proxy fight at Disney annual shareholders meeting. Some want to sell ESPN and the television stations
    All this could be a factor in Finney's

    1. Disney stock value around $220 Billion. ESPN like many sport TV stations is losing viewers in droves. I hope Disney sells it, and it recedes into the background. Disney makes all kinds of money from streaming, movies, parks, licensing.
      ABC 7 is small potatoes in a diminishing market. Look at local newspapers, radio: going, going, go.. TV is entering the same black hole.
      This isn’t rocket science - information is at your fingertips. Entertainment too. The gambling and money in college ball will eventually ruin the college and professional game.

  7. I recall you reporting that Betty Yu either had been offered, or was seriously being considered, for national positions either with networks or with CNN, etc. Since I believe what you say, I don't understand why in the world, Betty Yu would even think about going to another local station ,when she could go to the "Big Show", a network?

  8. ABC7 should hire Joy reed, morning joke and wife mika to complement the joke of airwaves "the view"

  9. Betty Yu will pop up in the coming months as a social influencer. Reporting was getting in her way of living the social media life.

    Take it to the bank.

  10. Would follow Betty Yu wherever she lands !

  11. Rich thanks for keeping us posted as you are the only source of information out there, even though it's a lot of speculation. I remember you saying Betty Yu is from the Bay Area and likes it here.

  12. Is anyone else tired of the Yu MIA drama? I’ve watched her maybe a couple of times and she hardly strikes me as the next Walter Cronkite in heels. I’ve grown to appreciate Stephanie Lin over on KRON. What a lovely gal and so easy on the eyes. Her interview today with Leona Chen had me mesmerized.

    1. Stephanie is solid. I wouldn't be surprised if she gets a prime time anchor gig.

    2. Stephanie is boring
