Monday, April 8, 2024

Solar Eclipse EXCESS News Coverage


  1. ABC has a special live program dedicated to the eclipse. Calling this whole event coverage excessive is an extreme understatement.

  2. YOU just covered this, too, dummy!

    1. No, as a media critic , he noted the endless, breathless reporting on a totally expected event which only a simpleton couldn't understand.

  3. I totally agree as usual with Rich here, and I haven't even watched the video yet! But I can tell from the subject line, that once again, Rich is right on here. I mean, what is the big deal with the eclipse? We seem to have them every year. And so what? We can watch it if we really want to, on the internet. So why people are actually spending money on hotels, food, travel, etc, to get to the middle of the country, for something that is going to take a few minutes at best, is beyond me!

  4. Totally disagree with you Richard. This is a major event, we will have enough time to cover the elections and the genocide by israel another time. Take a chill pill.

    1. And Hamas started the genocide

  5. On CNN Ed Lavandera is at the Dallas Zoo covering the eclipse. I am not kidding: an ostrich just laud an egg and Lavandera went bezerk wondering if the eclipse caused it lmao

  6. I’m glad we have global news that isn’t bad or depressing (or angering) to focus on together for a moment.

  7. When news anchors dress up as the sun and the moon to explain an easily understood moon path, it's excessive and silly. For those filled with awe and the sense of respite from the world's woes, think again. Nothing about this perfectly normal, predicted event changes any of that.

  8. It only took a couple of hours and it was a major event. The news will be there the rest of the day with plenty of repeats of the top stories. If you ever left your bedroom, you might enjoy something like an eclipse.

  9. An uplifting story on a miracle of the Universe. What in the world (pun intended) is wrong with that? Can we just accept a happy occurrence or just wait for the next school shooting? Good grief. What a group of Debbie Downers.

  10. I have friends who journeyed out of state to witness this rather long total eclipse (4min). They spent wads of moolah. A fun road trip, if nothing else. Just like my friends who will drive 2200 miles to shoot a 200 pound deer. It isn’t the meals they will enjoy later, it is the camaraderie of the road trip.
    I paired up a couple of welding lenses and saw a partial eclipse (34%) today in San Jose. Even took a lousy shot with my phone. A couple of oohs and ahhs, and the feeling of clouds.
    Grand total outlay? About 2 bucks.
    There’s another total eclipse in ‘26 in Morocco, I may need to visit Casablanca. It is a good excuse to get out of Dodge.

  11. Next total eclipse is in the 2040's. Astronomers and the like have been searching for any other planet,moon and star that can have this alignment for over 75 years and have not found one . For all three to have perfect symmetry to see our stars' corona, solar flares and even a Coronal Mass Ejection is truly miraculous.
    The only mass ejection you see is from that burrito from that 7/11 in Alamo.
    Wake up ignats, it's a wonder we're even here.
