Monday, April 1, 2024

KNBR Officially into Radio Abyss; Dumb April Fools Folly and More


  1. Copeland seems like more of fit for the morning show. Not a lot of substance, willing to fake laugh and giggle at whatever is said.

    1. Adam can have Mark Pitta on his show where they can talk about Pitta’s mental breakdown.

  2. 100% agree on Murph. The guy has good energy, but he may be the biggest kiss ass in sports talk radio. Unlike Dopey Copes, Papa does bring some substance to the program. His April Fools joke was's just one day out of the year. Lighten up, Rich.

    1. It's a disgusting amount of ass kissing, especially with Kruk and Kuip.

  3. Papa is OK during football season, and Marty Lurie is great during baseball season. Everyone else could go.

  4. KNBR needs to take more callers.

  5. Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Murphy said Steph Curry could be President. lol.

  6. Isn’t it unbelievable to think the golden years of KNBR are long gone? The dreck that’s on today is unbearable. I wish we could resuscitate Pete Franklin so he would ceremoniously flush all these giggling turds down the toilet the Franklin way.

  7. Murph is a no talent suck up. He lacks ad-libbing skills. He devolves into little league jargon rather quickly.
    During SF Giants’ broadcast, “this date in Giants History”, as soon as i hear Murph’s voice, I quickly change the channel - that is how repulsed I am by his lame jive.
    To make matters worse, his weakness is only exceeded by Tolbert and Copez. But that is not saying much - they are mailing it in thinking they are something special. They haven’t a clue.

  8. Copes loves BLM and is down with the movement while he dates someone who is white. It doesn't matter who he dates to me, but Copes always interjects race into the discussion. He is a phony and makes race relations worse with his rhetoric.

    1. His mommy was white. His daddy has had two white wives.

  9. If you're going to refer to his radio show, please have the common decency to refer to it by its correct name: 'PooPoo & Dung'.

  10. I don't understand the dislike for Papa. Among all the KNBR radio hosts, he's the only one who knows his shit and actually discusses sports in a meaningful manner. Smurf and Dorkus in the morning are unlistenable, and Tolbert and the laughing hyena in the afternoon spend most of their four hours talking about things totally unrelated to sports. Case in point, the other day Tolbert spent 15 minutes discussing a business that was busted for selling counterfeit sex toys. You can't make this shit up.

    1. Papa has a huge ego, but he brings solid content to the show, especially football content.

    2. You hit the nail on the head - Murphy, Tolbert/Copes are incapable of carrying on a conversation about actual sporting news. They digress to movies, beer, Vegas, and ridiculous theoreticals.
      But anyone with a job and a brain isn’t listening to these hacks. The numbers prove that.
      Why do you think they play all those Kars4Kids commercials? Because it is cheap to buy radio time on KNBR. Losers lose.

  11. Meanwhile at KNBR, Adam Copeland, in his role as Program Director, is evidently aiming to be "strategic" and “forward-thinking,” with summer approaching when many employees, including on-air talent, take vacation time. He's been discussing the possibility of bringing in various KNBR "super callers" to guest co-host different shows. Already, he has identified 7-8 regular callers, who existing hosts know and have decent rapports with, as potential co-hosts. First Uber drivers and now callers, what a shit show.

    1. Oh please, let this be the dagger to the heart KNBR so desperately needs. I look forward to hearing nationally syndicated shows.

  12. On April 2nd, a Tuesday after Easter, KNBR had its business report just before was canned, as it turned out and mentioned the stock market being closed that day since it was "Good Friday"!!! After that played, there was no apology for the obvious blunder. The station is in a seriously time warp, apparently.
