Sunday, April 14, 2024

International News? Not in Bay Area; Middle East on Edge


  1. Oh, Lieberman can’t find international news locally. Boo hoo. How clueless is he?

  2. If you want to be taken seriously, Rich, anyone but CNN

  3. How can one expect to have international news coverage in the zombieland known as the Bay Area when the media outlets can't even cover what's going on around here? The Comical would rather focus on the best parks and hamburgers in the Bay Area as opposed to seeing how local governments want to clean up their downtowns and reducing crime. Their coverage gets worse by the minute. Is Hearst trying to bury the Comical after all of those wars between them and the deYoung family when they owned the Comical and Hearst had the Examiner? If they think their readers will get their international and national news from REAL NEWS SOURCES like the NY Times, Washington Post and the LA Times, they're right. If you want to read what angry biased columnists are writing and trying to pass off as news, the Comical is the place to turn. One example is the militant known as Justin Phillips, who's carrying a one-person crusade for Reparations. What about a one-person crusade to make Oakland safe? You'd rather have anarchy. Good luck to you.

    1. 12:31. Did you see that idiot Phillips sad excuse for a resume? The whole Reparations charade is laughable. CA was never a slave state and not one of these miscreants clamoring for reparations were slaves. They get nothing!

  4. Yep, people without cable have no access to international news and are reliant on the internet.

    1. Au Contraire Pierre! I have rabbit ears - I get Japanese, French, German, PBS, BBC, Scripps, news, all in English. My wife watches Vietnamese news on 26-5. There is also Chinese news, and likely Philippine news. And that’s with a $40 buck digital antenna with signals from San Bruno Mountain and San Jose.

    2. Relying on social media for news is dangerous.

  5. Fox News is for clowns.

  6. France24, DW, Sky News, BBC WS, even Al Jazeera are the best 24/7 choices these days for breaking international news. Before the internet we used shortwave radio, but that's mostly gone, unfortunately.

    1. DocFilm on DW is mostly excellent.

  7. Ya, local media sucks, most times they don't report breaking news from around the country let alone international, really sucks

    1. So don’t rely on local media for international news. You never thought of that? You think local news elsewhere is any better?

    2. @7:39 I rely on cnn, that's why isa so tupid

  8. Most people today relay on the internet for news. Which is good and bad at same time.

  9. Local news shouldn't spend much time on international news, there's plenty of cable news networks for that.

  10. Only idiots believe the swill and BS on FOX and MSNBC.

  11. @9:07 So I take it that you're a CNN lover? Low IQ are ya?
