Monday, April 29, 2024

Bay Area Media Joins Herd Mentality; The Anti-Semitism Menace Hits Home


  1. I don’t believe we wiped out much of the Iranian population in the hostage situation involving US citizens. This Netanyahu guy does not seem to care about civilians in his way to rightly destroying Hamas for what they did. Does it make sense to make all Palestinians pay the price for electing Hamas’ leadership including their children too? Look at the body count of non-combatants on both sides. Seems you Semites will never get along with each other with engrained hatred and like all the ethnicities with problems in their homelands, the freedom of protest here disrupts our own country. I say cut off all the funding to Israel now and each side here take their beef to the “homeland” instead of on our doorstep. Maybe even move to your “homeland” while we watch from afar and without our tax dollars supporting either side.

    1. Best comment I’ve ever seen on this site.

    2. I'm from Iran, but left there when family moved from there back in the 1960s. Only been back there a hand full of times since then. The revolution mainly happened due to outside interference into Iran's affairs. When that happened I was in college and I'd would get harassed cause I'm Persian and came over a decade before.

      Netanyahu seems to have a bug up his butt and reading international news even some in Israel want him out. He's like their version of a bad prez of the US. I've been reading history through several sources and learning why that area is so disputed. Israel does need to stand on it's own and not get aid from the US.

    3. I hope Gaza’s turned into a parking lot.

      Jim and Betty Simmons
      Rohnert Park

    4. I believe you have forgotten Iran-Contra, the Reagan behind the scenes deal of trading guns for hostages. Maybe you forgot Ollie North? Having a “selective” memory does not make a decent argument.
      Who took Americans hostage? Iran. Who is funding Hamas now? Iran.
      Same old proxy war, where everyone fears WWIII will begin.
      I do not know who has treaties with whom, mutual defense agreements. But you can probably make an argument that Russia and China and Europe and the USA have “friends with oil”.

  2. Show me 10,000 HAMAS Civilians killed. The same body wrapped in a sheet is not evidence. If there was evidence Hamas would be showing the mass graves. There is no such things as Palestine and Egypt, Syria and Jordan don't want them either.

  3. My beef begins is how mainstream media refers to the different ‘factions’ as either pro-Israel or pro-Israel. The accurate descriptors, IMHO, are pro-genocide or anti-genocide. There are many Israelis and Jews who stand with the what mainstream media refers to the ‘pro-Palestinian’ camp because they too are enraged by the ongoing genocide. Everyone has their opinion…so yeah, that’s mine. At then end of the day this is just the comment section. Not here to lambast anyone for what they believe. If you have differing beliefs then that’s great. So be it.

  4. Last time I looked both Israel and Palestine are internationally recognized governments.
    The war is being waged between them - both sides claiming they have the duty to defend their citizens.
    I am not sure folks understand that their protests have virtually zero impact. If you don’t like US involvement, don’t pay your taxes - a much more effective way of getting the attention of our elected officials.
    I wish there were a way to end the carnage - it is a shame that so many innocent lives have been lost. Very troubling. With every person who dies, another family wants retribution.
    Nothing good will come from this conflict. War is the wrong way of settling disputes - it is good for absolutely nothin’!!

  5. Brain dead, entitled and indoctrinated college students along with paid agitators are doing themselves a grave disservice. The useful idiots that they are will be discarded when no longer needed. Yes! Laws and Codes of Conducts do apply to you! I see graduations being canceled and imagine expulsion and forfeiture of tuition following suit. Congratulations morons!

    1. For the students involved, expulsion should definitely apply to them, but I feel for the students not involved who will not get to participate in college graduation ceremonies, some who also were unable to participate in high school graduation ceremonies due to Covid.

    2. 3:35. You are correct and I do empathize with those that will be collateral damage in this maelstrom of blind stupidity and ignorance. This will be one helluva teachable moment and a costly one. The enormity of impending litigation is indefinable. Instead of matriculation your looking at incarceration.

    3. @ 8:27 Couldn't agree with you more, yes, the "useful idiots" are wasting their parents hard earned money, most of these morons don't even understand the real issues only to become the sheep following the herd mentality, they don't analyzed the conflict but tell or show them videos or pictures and get all triggered, shame as these are the country's future

  6. Why the HELL are we even IN that region? Why should we support Israel over Palestine??? As an American atheist...with NO ties to that region, I say we just get the HELL out of that hellhole. I'm neither Jewish nor Arab...and don't believe in God/Allah/Buddah/those weird elephant-head gods from India, etc. Let's pull our annual $3 billion funding from Israel....bring all of our boys/girls back from the middle east...and let Israel and Palestine duke/nuke it out. Whoever is left standing--THAT's who our ally will be. The whole concept of creating one state for one religion (Judaism) without creating another state for the other side (Islam) was just plain stupid. Hell--I'd be pissed if a governing body created a home for one side but not my side.

    1. What ever happened to education in this country? There just might be a couple of Islamic countries in that region, such as the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    2. Moral to the story religion is band.
