Friday, April 12, 2024

A Bob C ostas-OJ Simpson Opp--How Tom Tolbert and Greg Papa Struck Out


  1. That's weird. I don't remember Costas doing football broadcasts at all.

  2. This was The Trial of The Century! Simpson obviously born in San Francisco and played football here. Tolbert probably lost money on a Simpson Death Pool Wager. Papa probably would have asked Costas if he thought Simpson was the father of Khloe Kardashian.

    1. The terrible OJ trade set the stage for the greatest Niner draft in history that led to multiple Super Bowls.

  3. Thanks for calling out those two KNBR schmendricks! Bob Costas was also on CNN yesterday with the great Wolf Blitzer. If KNBR could get him on and refused because that dope Tolbert would prefer to talk about beer or whatever else then that station is worse than we all thought!!

  4. Costas has a contract with CNN. There may not be exceptions for some media.

    1. Wrong because Richard reported Costas was on MSNBC too

    2. Little Bob Costas is a pompous a$$

    3. Costas is so woke now it's absurd!

  5. Why not go to Tolbert and ask him why he didn’t want to talk about it? There could be a story there.

  6. Tolbert would rather talk about beer with the laughing hyena, Copey-Copes or Copey-Dopes or whatever that clown calls himself. It is truly embarrassing that a rank amateur such as Copey-copes or Copey
    -Dopes is on the air in major market radio. But then, why should we not be surprised? KNBR has gone from a sports staff of 20 to a skeleton staff of about 8-9 since Cumulus bought this legscy station in 2006. . A radio station that once had the likes of Frank and Mike, Gary Radnich, Ralph Barbieri, Bruce MacGowan, Steve Bitker, Mike Sculman, Mark Ibanez and John Schrader now features a clownish lineup of people like Copey-dopes, the frat boy Murph and John Lund, who’s speciality is saying “ that’s right Greg!” or laughing at his juvenile penis jokes. About the only thing that can be our said that’s been good about KNBR recently is when they got rid of the insufferable Paula Mac, who unbelievably was making six figures. But the guy they replaced him with, some lowly errand boy whose name escapes me, is even more of a joke. Not sure who the GM of KNBR is nor do I know who the program Director is, but Tony Salvador and Bob Agnew who had those two positions for years when KNBR was in its hay day in the 1990s and early 2000s must be laughing their asses off! !

    1. Aren’t Salvador and Agnew dead? Ralph Barbieri sucked, and many of us celebrated his firing. The smiling Marky Haener was primarily a guest host, I am surprised you did not dish on the talentless Murphy. But you are correct: KNBR is simply crappy radio these days. At the rate they are bleeding listeners, I give em 18 months before there is a complete change in programming.
