Monday, March 11, 2024

KNBR Talks Up a Warriors Storm; 9ers Too; Ignores Giants; Still No Traction


  1. Rich, so true on the Copes laughter. Cope/Tolbert isn't even good background listening. At least Papa/Lund has some good football talk.

    1. All the football talk today was great.

    2. Lots of good NFL free agent talk the last 2 days.

  2. I think KNBR talks more 9ers/Warriors because the Giants are a boring team with no star players since Buster. It will be interesting to see how the KNBR shows navigate through the Giants season.

    1. Buster "star?" Maybe just in the Bay Area. But nationally??? And he's being talked up as an HOF'er???

      I get it--he was the catcher on three WS winning teams. I get it--he has a career .302 batting average. But only 150 HRs. And I get it...he was the catcher for three WS-winning teams. But his overall career stats are merely "pretty good." His stats are good enough for the Giants HOF--but not Cooperstown. What--are we gonna push for Panda or Bumgarner for the HOF, too???

      When I think "Who is the DEFINITIVE catcher of the past 15-years"'s Yadi.

    2. 7:14, Buster and Yadi are both national stars, but I never said Buster should be in the HOF.

    3. YES Buster Posey is a star. He will be first ballot HOF, no doubt about it: 3 world series, 1 perfect game, 2 no-hitters…Those are incredible stats. The Giants had great pitchers during his reign, but Posey called the pitches.
      Sure there are other future HOF catchers out there, and they deserve it too.

    4. Posey was a wimp. His collision with Scott Cousins was his own fault. Johnny Bench said Buster was out of position, but then the Giants vilified Cousins and tried to run him out of the game. Krukow was a big part of it. When the collision occurred, Kruk said it was a clean hard play. The next day, he changed his tune. Now we have the "Buster" rule in play. The dumbing down of MLB.

    5. @4:03 - man, I forgot all the micro details of that play. Watching it again, I'd have to say it was a clean play for that time. Posey wasn't even blocking the plate when he was waiting for the ball. He thought he caught in incoming throw from RF and in one motion, turned his body towards the runner. I wonder how Bench would've wanted Buster to set up differently on that play. Perpendicular to the baseline, instead of off to the side of the baseline? So when the play happened, the score was 6-6 in the 12th inning, so Cousins was trying hard to put the Marlins ahead. There was a lot of adrenaline going on both sides.

    6. @4:03pm Sorry B Posey is NOT a wimp. Taking a 100mph foul ball to the face mask or thigh or arm is not the stuff of wimps. Hell, just catching a 100 mph ball is pretty rough. And when Posey’s knee got trashed, he basically lost an entire season - wimps would never come back from such an injury. But I’d pay to see you get nailed by a few foul tips and then hear you say “Posey’s a wimp”.
      That said, the Giants look like they will struggle to finish 4th. I would pay to see Ohtani, but not at the prices the Giants are charging. I’ll enjoy listening to Jon Miller describing the scene.

    7. @6:03, Buster has hurt his knee before, but the Cousins collision resulted in a broken ankle.

    8. Uh...Buster Posey is a lock for the Hall of Fame. Giants win zero World Series if he's not back there. Catching position has a lot more demands than someone playing the OF who has three balls hit to him during the game. Comparing how many HRs a catcher hits to someone playing OF is ridiculous.

    9. To Anonymous at 6:03PM -- I feel the same about wanting to see Ohtani. This year you can again see him in Oakland during the 2nd half of the year for a lot less money!

  3. No more Dopey Copes.

  4. ***NEWSFLASH ***
    Major League Baseball is not killing KNBR, the NITWITS at KNBR are killing the SF GIANTS AND KNBR. You are correct Rich, the “hosts” at KNBR are sub-par at best. Not worth a listen because they have nothing intelligent to say.
    As far as weekend pregame-postgame with Marty Lurie and Bill Laskey, they are fine. The Giants announcers are fine. The Giants team is weak, but at least they got rid of Kapler so they should win at least 10 more games this season (still 4th place).
    I have written it here more than once: the Giants, Niners, Warriors, should buy KSFO, and skip the tired opinions of KNBR. I have ZERO doubt that such a station would thrive. But if the Giants and Niners stay on KNBR they are shooting themselves in the foot. KNBR on its best day is Mediocrity, and everyone who has been around awhile will tell you to associate yourself with others who are more intelligent and will elevate you. KNBR brings down the IQ, it does not elevate it.
    And no, I will not miss KNBR nor any of their hosts once the station implodes.

    1. Why KSFO is a cumulus station nothing will change.Why would they want 4 sports stations? That makes no sense.

    2. I wrote “they should BUY the station (KSFO)”. Forget Cumulus, they will soon be in the dustbin if they keep up the crap KNBR is trying to foist on us. KNBR is a lesson in not reading the room.

  5. Our country is on the brink of dictatorial fascism yet all these silly weenie man-babies keep squabbling over who can score more points or dribble better. Such dimwits.

    1. It's the sports minutiae that helps distract us from the catastrophe of our national government.

    2. Totally agree. As American democracy hangs on by a thread people are infinitely more concerned about Klay Thompson coming off the bench, who Taylor Swift is dating, and John Cena prancing around nude on a stage. Mention the state of our democracy and people roll their eyes and dismiss it as ‘politics.’ Yet, once our democracy slips away we’re never getting it back. But hey, at least the Niners are bringing back Juaun Jennings!

    3. What a foolish comment. How did you arrive at the conclusion that those who simply enjoy sports have no interest in our government or a desire to see our democracy prevail? And what exactly do you propose? Should all sporting leagues, along with other non-essential activities, cease operations so people can spend their entire days at home contemplating, reading, and discussing the future of our government?

  6. In other news, Rich you obviously have influence despite what the haters say: Julie Haener showed up to work again today, which is 3 days in a row now. Something she hasn’t done in months. I don’t think it’s coincidence she shaped up after your explosive reporting recently regarding her excessive absences. When she did the same last year and you called her out she showed up to work once you began to beat the drum.

  7. It's too bad KNBR cheaped out on the important position of Program Director. They SHOULD have had a real sports radio manager but chose to go with the person in the chair now. Copes has zero credibility or management experience. With the pxp properties KNBR have the rights to now, the station should be head and shoulders above 95.7......but they are not. They continue to be falling further behind. You get what you pay for.

  8. The John Dickinson post game show seems kinda pointless. Just rambling fanboy talk about meaningless regular season games. The 50 pt Celtic loss followed by a 30 pt Bucks win shows how hollow these games are - they may as well be breaking down a dunk contest. Wake me up when the playoffs start and the games mean something to the players.

  9. KNBR is unlistenable. Plain and simple. Their morning show is a joke with ‘frat boy’ who and a guy who sounds as if he just graduated from high school. The mid day show has at least a little credibility with Greg Papa, but the the afternoon show is the worst. Tom Tolbert has long since mailed it in and the laughing hyena known as “ Copey-Dopes?” Seriously? This is the crappy quality that Cumulitus has given Bay Area sports fans. Unlistenable and irrelevant. A joke. Keep ripping ‘em Rich!

    1. Agree. The mid day show is mostly good and sometimes great. This week, they talked a lot about NFL free agents and had a good interview with Donte Whitner. Last week, Tolbert had a cool interview with Gregg Popovich. Other than some interviews, the afternoon show is tough to listen to. The laughing hyena is "Dopey Copes."

  10. Interesting that Copes' little brother and Michael Silver's son are now working at KNBR. The next time Copeland starts complaining on air about equal opportunity, he needs to remember that nepotism is just as wrong as racism.

    1. Beg to differ. Nepotism involves only a few while racism involves millions. Do the math.

  11. I did not know Michael Silver and Steve Kerr were childhood friends. Silver, the dad, has a pretty good radio voice and nice interaction with Kerr today along with Copes. I listen and sometimes watch like today on KNBR’s Twitch or whatever it is. I don’t get Copes’ man-bun on the too back of his head. Kind of effeminate, no? What’s up with that?

    1. Here’s another clue for you all, any asshat that wears a Man-Bun needs a good ass kickin’ by real men. A man-bun is proof that dorks still exist, and need a wedgie a day until they man up.

    2. Only idiots care about what he looks like. The point is he is horrible as an on air voice. He has a terrible voice for radio. He speaks so fast he's unintelligible. He can't converse with Tolbert let alone any callers because he has no skill as a talker, a communicator. His ridiculous constant cackles make him more foolish sounding than he already is. And he's there only because his father got him in the door, and with cumulus' disgraceful ownership and the attrition that followed we are left with him and the rest of the dregs, including Lund, and any of these 20 year old interns now thrown behind the mic on week nights and weekends.

    3. Given that Copeland's daily radio show is livestreamed, the visual aspect of his appearance, including his distinctive "man bun," assumes considerable significance. Human beings, whether consciously or subconsciously, often base their viewing preferences on the visual presentation of the show's host. Consequently, when viewers choose to disengage, this results in a tangible loss of advertising revenue, emphasizing the undeniable importance of the show's aesthetic appeal. The daily livestreaming of the show transitions it into the realm of visual media, prompting viewers to form judgments and determinations about their viewership based on the visual depiction of the individuals involved.

      In this context, the significance of Copeland's "man bun" cannot be overstated, as viewers' acceptance or rejection of this aesthetic element can directly impact their decision to continue watching or to tune out.
