Saturday, March 16, 2024

Bay Area Sa turday Evening Post; Rich Lieberman YouTube


  1. The anchor that took over for Wendy Tokuda was Dana King. She reminded me of Halle Berry and her personality was so refreshing. Two shows I miss from the 80s/90s are Evening Magazine and Bay Area Backroads. Doug McConnell would be a great guest interview, but I think he's going through some health issues now.

    1. Dana King is now doing some amazing art work.

    2. Dana's an interesting person. She rides a motorcycle and once lived on a house boat in Sausalito.

    3. Bay Area Back roads was the best program. It introduced me to a lot of fun places around the Bay.

  2. Sara Sidner was very good for KTVU. She's now a big star with CNN.

  3. My favorite was Carolyn Johnson. She was the mode for female anchors.

    1. Yeah, the one who once did a story on an airline pilot who was berated for allowing children to come up front during the landing procedure and even touch the yoke and she asked her co-anchor "What's wrong with that? Haven't these people ever heard of take your children to work day?" What an idiot, and she was an anchor from Rich's "good old days" era.

    2. She always had fun banter with Larry Beil.

  4. Pete Giddings had two interesting clauses in his contract. 1. He was to make $1 a year more than the general manager and 2. He and Lloyd Lindsey Young were never to be in the same room together.

    1. I also heard a rumor he wore a certain kind of tie and no one else could wear one. Kind of doubt it, however, as I kind of doubt these.

  5. Getting the scoop is cool, but getting a dose of nostalgia once or twice a week is great too. Keep it going, Rich.

  6. Jim Lange's wife, Nancy Fleming, hosting AM San Francisco for a while. Way back when (mid 60s?), I vaguely remember a morning show called "Luau" that Jack Hansen hosted and even Jim Dunbar hosting a morning show on ABC7. Does anyone else remember this?

  7. How about Charlie and Humphrey with Pat McCormick?

  8. Don Sherwood, Al Jazzbeaux Collins,
    Tom O’Hair - when radio was di riguer.
    There are some wonderful programs today - Chuy Varela (KCSM), The Captain (KZSU), Tom Mazzolini (blues by the Bay) and the dude doing La Raza on KPFA.
