Saturday, March 16, 2024

Alex Bennett Still Making Waves in NY; Bay Area Live 105 Legend; The Quake


  1. Incredible that Alex is still working. His mother also worked as a DJ with him and she lived until 100. KMEL and KITS were a big part of my childhood. Alex was a good fit for KMEL, but he seemed to be out of place with the new wave format of KITS, where they had edgier DJs like Steve Masters.

    Current and former DJs would be good interview subjects.

  2. Hey Rich,
    Thanks for the great memories. I can remember back in the late 80's my friends and I would hang out all night at the paladium dancing to the steve x modern music until 4am and then we went to the old live 105 studio I believe was on 5th st. to be a part of the audience.what a show that was.

  3. There will never be another original LIVE 105 KITS.

  4. Real last name is Shwarzmann

  5. Rich, just wanted to say thanks for all the memories we really enjoyed working with you back in the day when you covered the A's and Raiders. You were not just a good reporter but hilarious too. Loved it when you did your live reports the whole pressbox could hear you when you did your live updates.

  6. Frequency for KMEL was 106.1

    1. "🎶Wake up with the zoo crew - on 106 - KMEL🎶"

    2. 🎶🎶 Wake Up 🎶🎶 With the Zoo Crew 🎶🎶 On 106 🎶🎶 K-M-E-L 🎶🎶

  7. I remember the Quake! I was mad when the "City" replaced it. I visited KITS one one of his morning shows when he had his "studio audience." I even did a story for the Mass Comm class at Chabot College at the time.

  8. I was a cop working midnights and would often go the the South of Market studio afterwork and watch the show. A highlight was getting to sing, "cruchi fixiatum,", with co- host Joe Regelski, his vocal in memoriam to dead celebrities ......such fun times!!! Also it was our intro to Sal Castenada! Thanks for all the great memories Alex!

  9. In spite of some inaccuracies, I have to thank you for the nice thoughts. Where they can find me is at Once again, Thank You!!!!

    1. You're always such a surly dick, Bennett. Why be nice now?

  10. Why not? At 84 I can afford to be gracious!

  11. Please do a fill-in at Live 105....the ratings are starting to tank! They promised a mix of old and new and now they sound pretty much like they did before they changed format :( 91X is much better, imo
