Monday, February 26, 2024

Weekend Chaos at KNBR; Giants/Marty Lurie Schedule Screwed Up; Copeland ...


  1. Holy Toledo Rich !!
    Marty Lurie is a FANTASTIC baseball Guru who is mandatory listening for Giants, and baseball, fans in general.
    IF they have actually cut out Mr Lurie, I will NEVER listen to another peep out of KNBR ever again.

    KNBR is pathetic in general, not worth a listen except for Giants, Niners, games.

    Jon Miller is also a baseball God, too bad we must tune into KNBR to hear him

  2. Speaking of KNBR: This morning Papa spent time talking about his trip to Scottsdale Giants Spring Training and how he could see the contour of Pablo "Panda" Sandoval's buttocks.

    1. It is true: Papa is fixated on checking out men’s glutes. Whatever floats your boat Greg

    2. please, not at lunch time

    3. Since Papa is considered a horse’s ASS perhaps he’s well equipped to comment on men’s buttocks

  3. Whenever I hear Marty Lurie waxing poetic about the grand old game, I always think of the quote from Dan Jenkins, one of America's greatest sportwriters: "I have never understood how people can talk about baseball that way since I've never met a baseball player who could finish a sentence without using the word "c*nt".

  4. If KNBR continues to cut into Marty's time, it will just drive more listeners away. It wouldn't be a baseball season without Marty laying out the mosaic and talking ball. When Bill Laskey replaced him on the postgame show, I almost turned off KNBR. If Marty's barely there for the pregame show, that will be the end of KNBR for me.

  5. We still have Carmen Kiew until she takes over as the next GM

  6. Rich, you do know they have to fill 4 hours, right? Yeah, sometimes they may get too into the weeds on what transpired on their vacation, but at lot of it is probably to kill time during the slow sports period around this time of year.

  7. Hey Rich... who's worst? Copey Copes or Carmen Kiew? Two of the worst people in Bay Area Sports broadcasting. Also, does Copey understand most program directors are behind the scenes and no longer on air? I'd say talent but you have none Adam.

    1. @11:31- Copes is dedicated to the show. Plus, he's trying to build something with Tom Tolbert as their show is still kind of a new show.

      I think Copes is good. Why are you making him seem like he's a nothing host when he's accomplished and has been a staple on KNBR for a number of years now?

    2. Keep drinking the Copey Copes Kool Aid Otis? I think the gang from Mayberry is missing you. Andy, Opie, Floyd & Barney.

    3. @12:51- LOL. Naw... I'm cool with Copes though. I talk to him sometimes on the KNBR Youtube chat, when he gets a chance to interact with the chat for a few seconds. Hopefully he can help turn KNBR around.

  8. Lookit all you ass clowns discussing sports like it's of world importance. Who cares? The country is slipping into fascism and worse, and you want to talk about grown men dribbling a ball?

  9. “ Copes” is another example of how broadcasting has gone into the toilet. Someone with his “ skill set” would have risen no further than being a hack producer just ten years ago, but now he’s not only a cohost on a drive time shoe but also doubles as KNBR’s PD.? But because today, they hire neophytes, “ “eager beavers” who are willing to work for peanuts, you have rank minor league talent such as “ Corey-dopes” Carmen Kiew, Cole Kuiper, Carlos Ramirez, and that bland, boring woman who works with Matty Maiocca on the 49ers post game. I can’t remember her name,
    ( it’s not worth remembering,) but she adds nothing to the broadcast, repeating obvious things knowledgeable fans are already familiar with, while wasting air time. I feel sorry for capable Maiocca, who has the share the mic with this empty-headed nit-wit. But that’s Bay Area broadcasting in a nutshell. A ghastly caricature of what it once was.
