Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The Somerville Key Support Group: Bay Area Black Community


  1. I vote for a clean start and a 2nd chance just not at KTVU

  2. I’m HR professional, no way will KTVU give him a second chance, too much legal risk, Go to another market, prove your behaved and then, maybe KTVU will Bring him back.

  3. What’s the legal risk? And please be specific. Cause I’m really curious. He’s said he’ll be tested any time. Will sign any waiver. I don’t get what the risk is.

    1. Wow, really? He shows up smashed and they send him home. He runs over a kid leaving the parking lot. KTVU could be dragged into a lawsuit. Even if they win, being dragged into it isn't fun. What if he harasses a coworker in an inebriated state? True anyone could do this, but with him the odds are higher. Any lapse of judgement from impairment, if KTVU knew it was a likelihood, they could be dragged into a lawsuit. "Aw, the plaintiffs wouldn't win!" you say. Well, even if they don't, just being sued is a nightmare. Even the "winners" lose.

    2. Just guessing as I am not 5:08 and not in HR but it is probably to avoid something like this:

      Judge: So you re-hired a person with multiple DUIs, an assault charge, and a sexual harassment settlement, and you would like me to reduce the damages, extra punitive penalties, attorney and court costs I am assessing for the employee filing suit?

    3. Hiring someone with such a troubling, well-documented history for a major market TV spot is an enormous risk. How is that not clear?

      After each incident, I'm sure Frank said it wouldn't happen again. But it did, repeatedly. I'm not saying Frank's history will repeat itself. I don't have a crystal ball, so I can't predict his future behavior. But I'm not the one hiring him, so my opinion doesn't matter. For TV stations considering Frank, it's a big gamble. If he stays out of trouble, it could be a massive success. But if he messes up again, it's not just a PR problem for the station—it could lead to legal trouble depending on the situation.

      It all boils down to judgment. Frank's track record speaks volumes about his poor judgment. And what makes it riskier is that these incidents aren't from decades ago; they're recent.

      Employers conduct background checks for a reason—to assess a person's character and judgment. They have every right to pass on hiring someone if their past behavior doesn't align with their values or could pose a liability.

      After watching Rich's interview, I sense that Frank is in a much better place and would thrive if given another shot. Personally, I hope Frank gets another chance on TV. However, any station willing to take that risk is making a big gamble.

  4. 5:08, I agree and I'm Catholic, we are brought with fear god and we don't f-up...'Frank has f'd up over and over again...he needs to redeem himself elsewhere not at KTVU

  5. There are many missing young children and adults of all ethnicities that do not make national nor even local news. Unfortunately, many African Americans come from difficult situations so there are no doubt more. I see KTVU reports on missing Bay Area children under Amber or other Alerts all the time with no filter of ethnicity. I challenge you or Frank to find one nearly identical example of a black female going through a road trip of hell with some psycho dude and all the drama like finding the victim such as Gabby Petito and eventually finding the perp like that lunatic violent killer boyfriend. Frank is a great supporter of African Americans I agree with the adopted daughter a prime example but saying journalism is racist is a stretch snd very pandering especially during a time where he needed to boost his image as some great leader of racial discrimination. You talk about Posers Rich. You or Frank should give us all an example of any news station here or nationally that you believe is racist and how other than perhaps some national shows on Fox. Every February is dedicated to Black History at stations here too and nationally with many endearing stories. Keep up the racism allegations though to boost Frank’s image.

    1. I never said gabby petito shouldn’t be covered. It was the ANOUNT of coverage. I dare YOU to tell me why that became a national story. And why specifically it got so much attention. That was my only complaint. As for you who think I pander to the black crowd … I don’t. I don’t pander to anyone. I grew up around a lot of black people. I love black music. And having a black daughter taught me so many things that I never thought of or felt before. All
      I was trying to do with my posts was celebrate my daughter. And let people know how she made me see things differently. That’s all. And yes. This is Frank. Keeping it real.

    2. “There are many missing young children and adults of all ethnicities that do not make national nor even local news. Unfortunately, many African Americans come from difficult situations so there are no doubt more.”

      Any evidence for that claim? Not an emotional rant, but evidence? Let’s see the statistical work you’ve done, the calculations. Thanks.

  6. Once again Haener was a no-show today, leaving Claudine Wong to pick up the slack and cover her shifts. I noticed Claudine didn't say the usual 'I'm Claudine Wong, in tonight for Julie.' May've been an oversight but definitely was noticed.
    How does compensation work for all these other anchors who combine to fill in for Haener now that she's missing upwards of 75% of her shifts?

    1. She’s probably waiting for Frank to come back since she certainly can’t count on Mibach to make her look good. Mibach can’t dress properly nor anchor in my book. Harner’s salary is still coming in and she is likely laughing that others have to fill in for her. Maybe some KTVU staffer can inform us if they get extra salary to cover Haener’s outrageous absences. Time to fire her like they did Frank. Her son is raking in the dough too without performing when not suspended by the league for performance enhancing drugs. I guess the Apple does not fall far from the tree. I read Jake Haener signed a 4 year, $4,544,816 contract with the New Orleans Saints, including a $704,816 signing bonus, $704,816 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $1,136,204. That is one expensive backup for Carr and I am not sure he is even second string.

    2. I'd also like to know how compensation works for all those who have to constantly pick up the pieces for Haener. Each has their own full-time position but as 10:05 said they have to all combine to do the work of a 75% employee (the amount of time Haener misses as aptly stated above). These other anchors such as Heather H, Christina Rendon, Claudine Wong, etc have to be getting extra compensation but not sure how that works. And assuming they are, that means ktvu is paying double (or thereabouts) for the same shift: haener still gets her usual preposterous salary (to not even show up) and the anchor who comes to her rescue has to get compensation in some form or fashion. If they don't then you have a collection of morons consistently doing the work of another, higher paid employee for free.
      What a clusterfuck.

    3. Ain’t that the truth. And to your point about Haener’s back up status. He’s not even third string. Even after he came back from his six game suspension for using drugs, the Saints didn’t give him a single snap all season. Not even once in garbage time for a team that had no playoff hopes. Look it up, three QB’s got playing time this year but not Haener. So at first blush one would say he’s their 4th string QB but in reality his only responsibilities on the team are to wash Carr’s truck, spray Gatorade into players mouths during time out, and wipe players asses when they need assistance. But hey, he sure did look good wearing khakis, a polo shirt and a backwards ball cap on the sidelines all year (minus the six games he missed due to drug use)

  7. I rather listen to a drunk Somerville than sober a Mibach.

  8. Frank is done here. Just like Brandon Crawford. Thank you for your time with the organization, but your services are no longer required or desired. Both had been rewarded quite handsomely during their tenure I might add. Enough with the race crap already! We've reached saturation point and I'm quite sick of it, so stop beating that drum of pandering to blacks. Whites inferiority complex and patronizing to the black community is fake and pretentious. What I find laughable, is legacy media is in its death throes. A victim of the very evil it had wrought. No sympathy for the snake.

  9. Just an FYI….I’m a reporter at a local station. I just subscribed to your YouTube channel but to maintain my anonymity I signed up under my other YouTube account, which is “Goody Goody Two Shits.”

    1. I remember when Dave McElhatton was around, the unwritten rule was don’t use the microwave oven if he was in the KPIX Newsroom, it would set off his pacemaker.
      One day, I microwaved a fish platter and Dave looked like Fred Sanford, clutching his heart.
      Those were the good ol’ days at KPIX.

      Peter Felch

  10. Why does anyone care? They’re just coots who read the news. Antoine can do it. In Europe and Asia they’re called “news readers” or “presenters,” and they have about as much status as emcee’s.

  11. Another white liberal who uses blacks for leverage. Why is this even news? TMZ did a great piece about this a long time ago, but even they were afraid to run it on their show, so they consigned it to their website. Sadly, since George Floyd they've even taken it down from there, and YouTube has scrubbed it too. Making the world more open my ass.

  12. Let's see.

    Not that I agree with it, but we're in a state that; has a governor who regularly releases felons from prison early; with a governo who without legislation has banned the death penalty for capitol crimes; with some DA's who won't prosecute, reduce or drop charges; with judges who drop charges, reduce charges, hand out 'timed served' sentences; won't allow the police to actually chase criminals in some places; allows shoplifting to be a misdemeanor it less than $950 is stolen; allows minors to have sex with adults without putting them on the sex offender list as long as there not more than 10 years older; reduced passing HIV on to your partner without telling them from a felony to a misdemeanor; and we already (or soon) won't be able to check if someone is a convicted felon before hiring or renting to them.

    But let's worry that Frank may possibly show up to work tanked.

    If he's willing to blow a breathalyzer before clocking in and be searched for contraband at will, sorry, but I fail to see what the problem is. If he shows up under the influence just one time, then can him and be done with it forever.

  13. That's a nice picture of Frank.

  14. 11:53 you want me to support with data that the news as s matter of course does not report daily all the missing people of all ethnicities? I went on to say Blacks have more missing per population due to their living circumstances. Wow, you need data to support that too? I don’t get your point and what are you trying to prove. Elaborate please on your indirect assertions that my statements are inaccurate because you are correct I don’t have data for the obvious.

  15. Yes Frank, I guess as an anchor like you would know a multi-State mystery involving an eventual murder manhunt, with this young couple traversing the country on a road trip, in which the girl was killed in a location to be found, and with cops who were fooled at one stop after she had been victimized, should not make local nor National news. Good thing you were just a news reader.

  16. Here are the facts. More black eomen are victims of domestic violence every year that white women. Yet their stories rarely make national news. You can pretend that’s not the case but we all know it is. Faby petito received extraordinary coverage for one reason. She was a cute white kid.

    1. Does domestic violence including murder against Bay Area white women usually get on National News? I doubt it. The Petito murder case example you use to make your case of black domestic violence news under reporting at the National level disparity seems more out of the ordinary as I noted above of the month long ordeal. You sure do use that “cute white kid” a lot for your point. So where is your data for your assertion since you asked me for such? Glad you controlled your anger by not going to all CAPS.

    2. Who cares? I'm so tired of identity politics and all our entertainment tacking on black / asian / transgender / etc. characters, just to be "inclusive", not because they are necessary. Tired of having my nose rubbed in shit because of an agenda. And I'm speaking as a proud Democrat who would never vote Republican. But see the problem here? If my own party is being hijacked by the feverish minority with an agenda, how are Democrats any different than Republicans? Bottom line: who cares what color a woman is who gets beaten? It's wrong, no matter the race or gender. Stop having a damn agenda!

  17. Just so you know Frank, this response above was not from me you were responding to but you can see people are getting fed up with race baiting even within our own party. My response to you is there is likely no ethnic filter for making National news and where is your data to disprove that since you wanted mine.

    1. It’s just common sense. We don’t need date. Just use your head. And let me ask you
      I’m assuming you’re white. Why the total disagreement. It’s right there in front of your face. But I understand. I was once like you. Couldn’t admit the obvious truth. Dude. You dont need data. Just use commen sense.

  18. Do you really believe the things you’re saying. Even petito dad was embarrassed by the incessant coverage. Just use common sense and ask yourself why her story received SUCH an extraordinary amount of coverage. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Seems to me all frank was trying to do was put the story in perspective. He’s never said as far as I know that the story should not have been covered. He just questioned the amount of coverage.

  19. Yes, I am just a run of the mill white guy. Your point is the Gabby Petito coverage was over the top and a “pretty white girl” should not get that much news time. I may agree with that especially if like you said her father wanted less coverage (really?) despite the killer boyfriend (or maybe it was fiancĂ©) on the loose.
    However, what does that have to do with whatever your statement was going to be that your News Director of whoever was in charge then at KTVU would not let you make on air? Can you state verbatim again what you wanted to say. Was it “We brought you this continual unfolding story about Gabby Petito again tonight at the direction of Fox News but our local affiliate news station KTVU acknowledges that racism in America’s news media is preventing black female abuse cases from being reported at the National level”. People will ask which stations? The parent company Fox most likely, right? They paid your salary directly or indirectly, and you are going to throw that allegation out there in their face and the faces of other networks less right wing? Were you and your bosses at KTVU going to inform Fox the statement is substantiated by common sense like you are telling me? You don’t have to back this up with me of course and maybe there is racial bias at the National news and local news directors’ level (probably true in some Southern states). However, I think your director or whoever stopped your statement saved you from getting fired the next day.
    You seem to be a genuinely nice guy and maybe you are seeing racism to an extent I and others don’t see given your daughter. I wish you well. Maybe we can have a coffee someday to hash this out and if we agree to disagree that is fine as I think most people have moved on from this thread.

  20. All I wanted to say was this: two to three women are killed everyday from domestic violence. On average more black women are killed every year from domestic violence compared to white women. But their stories rarely make national news. All of these facts were attributed. That is ALL I wanted to say. But I was told that the station questioned my news judgement.
