Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Bay Area Media: Posers


  1. Thanks to Mayor London Breed and the radicals on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Macy's has announced it will be closing its flagship store in Union Square. I know it's a long-shot, and my fingers are crossed, but I'm hoping London Breed gets voted out, leadership in SF changes, the problems in downtown subside and Macy's changes its mind about selling the building.

    1. Retail businesses have been leaving for years. Tech companies have been leaving since the pandemic. It'll be tough to turn things around, especially Downtown. Converting office space to residential space is just a pipe dream. The cost for such a conversion would far exceed the projected revenue in return.

    2. what does that have to do with Rich's Bay Area Media?

    3. Here we go. Another nut job blaming a city mayor for drastic shopping habits post pandemic. Anyone with the IQ of a gnat has known for years that the retail shopping model was doomed. Are you still one of the few remaining dopes who still spends his weekend shopping “at the mall” with your hat backwards?

    4. Macys is closing more than 150 stores, not just this one. And they will close more in the future. They’ve been closing stores for 20+ years. Much as I dislike London Broil, this has nothing to do with her.

    5. Good luck, libbies and dems will vote dems no matter how bad the candidates are with their liberal policies, bet Rich won't publish this but I want him to know dems run cities to the ground

  2. Mibach had a good gig in the mornings. Now he's under the microscope and nobody can stand him, for the reasons Rich listed. I can't say the same for Dan Ashley. He doesn't come across as fake or a poser. In fact, he's probably the best and least annoying male anchor in the Bay Area.

    1. Mike and Gasia were quite good in the morning.

    2. “ Mike and Gasia were quite good in the morning.”

      I never thought so. He’s too grating and she still is. And they hated each other.

    3. “ He doesn't come across as fake or a poser.”

      Look harder.

    4. @11:14 To each his/her own. What makes you think they hated each other? I never sensed that. Truthfully, I don't know what "grating" means in this context.

  3. Nobody, or at least very few people shop in department stores anymore, anywhere. This has nothing to do with Ms. Breed.

  4. KTVU chronology: Dennis Richmond --> Frank Somerville --> Mike Mibach. Enough said, yet Mibach loves to go around bragging about how he's Dennis Richmond's replacement.

  5. Couldn’t agree with you more about Mibach.

  6. Everyone seems to have an opinion about Mibach, so here's mine, coming from someone who worked with him (behind the camera) during the morning shows. First off, he's genuinely kind. People enjoyed being around him, and he always treated everyone with respect, no matter who you were. In the years I worked with him, he never came across as 'swarmy' or 'smug,' nor was he seen as a controversial figure in the newsroom. To my knowledge, he never got caught up in drama. He was just genuinely nice Mike, a dependable team player who would grin and bear it, but he never caused or got up in any turmoil.

    Did he have opinions, some strong ones? Yes, but he always expressed them respectfully and professionally, without causing Any interpersonal conflict.

    Is he a strange person? Yes, absolutely. But not in a way that was off-putting or made you not want to be around him. Just strange in his own Mike kind of way.

    If you had told me back then he'd become the prime-time face of KTVU, anchoring our legacy newscast, replacing Frank Somerville, I would’ve told you to return your crystal ball because it’s defective. Mike never had the commanding and compelling presence of a prime-time lead anchor, nor did he seem to have a passion for journalism and the subject matter he read and the stories and people he covered. He was a good foot soldier who simply showed up to work, did what he was told, and left. That's not to say it's a bad thing; he was a reliable team player. However, it would have been impossible to predict this turn of events.

    1. He does project a smug-ness, but it could just be a coverup of an overall awkward person, maybe someone with some insecurities. In terms of reading the news, he's capable and dependable.

    2. “People enjoyed being around him, and he always treated everyone with respect, no matter who you were.”

      Former KTVU employee here, and this was also my experience with Mike. Unfortunately, other anchors were the opposite, treating anyone who wasn’t a fellow anchor as second-class citizens. A few of them were famous for walking by without acknowledgment, speaking condescendingly, rolling their eyes, but would be your best friend when they needed something. I won’t mention names, but you can use your imagination. Mike, on the other hand, was friendly with everyone, remembered details from conversations, asked about family, remembered kids' names, inquired about weekends, and took the time to listen. It's unfortunate that such basic human decency stands out, but when you see both sides of the coin in the same building, often during the same shift, it makes you appreciate it and remember it that much more.

  7. 9:34 Dumbass! Retail accounts for a large portion of our economy
