Thursday, January 11, 2024

Who Hosts Post-Game Giants Show on KNBR? John Dickinson -But There's a FP...


  1. dickinson could say 'the dick is in'' for his slogan...

  2. FP is a great post game choice.

    1. Thank you for sharing FP
      Please return to leering at girls half your age at Applebees

    2. @8:14, he's upgraded from Applebees to Balboa Cafe and a couple other bars of choice in the Marina. That's where he hits on girls in their early to mid-20's. Many times he's so sloshed he can't even form a sentence. He tips well so bartenders tolerate it but behind his back they all swap stories.

    3. @10:43 Maybe FP will resort to wearing his Giants uniform to try impressing drunk coeds. But since he is in his cups, it is unlikely he will see anything except gals and guys laughing at his sorry act. “G’night FP!”

  3. Does that mean FP will not be on radio broadcasts.

  4. Thanks for the Joke Greg Papa!

  5. Dickinsons Warrior's postgame show is basically useless. Not enough changes between games so he ends up saying the same things over and over. Klay's game is declining is the new Belt plays a good first base but doesnt give you enough power.

  6. Rich have you seen that strange Like It Or Not show on ktvu? I caught it last night and it appears to be 30 minutes of four random ktvu people opining about nonsense and rambling about meaningless topics from atop their soap boxes. Last night it was Frank Mallicoot, Rosemary, Heather, and Henry Lee.
    I guess it’s supposed to be their version of a talk show, but where the only people talking are themselves.

    1. This morning's daily dose of KTVU dreck: referring to a cannabis dispensary as a cannabis "distillery."

      Say what?
