Friday, January 12, 2024

Screw You NFL--Here's Your Peacock


  1. I 1000% agree with you. It’s the same with Thursday night football. Makes me so disappointed…

  2. Rich your take on this is way off.

    Is it your right as an American to watch an NFL game on free TV? I missed that amendment to the constitution.

    Second, there are all kinds of NFL games that are broadcast on pay-only channels. Last year there were many Monday night games that were shown only on ESPN, which locks out people like me that do not pay for cable. Should we be whining and complaining about that?

    Third, if the NFL puts the game on Peacock and the eyeballs don't follow, you can be sure that the experiment will fail and the 'problem' will take care of itself in the future. If the eyeballs follow and the money flows then there is no need to complain - either get on board or find something else to watch.

    You say that the NFL owners are so greedy and that the players earn all the $ they can get. Aren't the players salaries funded by revenue split between the owners and the players? Isn't the revenue primarily composed of the broadcast contracts? Seems like both the players and owners have an interest in maximizing revenue.

    Your take is juvenile in so many ways. Do you really think like that or is it just something you say to fill the Youtube airwaves and try to get views?

    1. Good point about espn. But may I ask are you happy with this move? And what would your suggestion be?

    2. Wow, this is spot on, and I'm somewhat surprised Rich approved your response.
      As a football fan myself, I'm disappointed that some games aren't on non-cable station, but I understand the reason and understand the evolution of media in general, so it is what it is. Complaining won't help, so everyone has to adjust with the times.

    3. If I have to pay for it, there should be no commercials.

  3. Most sports are greedy and moving their games to other platforms then normal television. Even going to the games have gone outrageous with the high ticket prices and an app on a smart phone, so they can track your ass. Rich hit it on the nail!

  4. The border is being overrun with illegal invaders, but dammit! I want my playoff football!

  5. Taylor Swift has confirmed she'll be at the Chiefs-Dolphins game. The NFL knows that tens of millions of "Swifties" will do anything and pay anything to catch a glimpse of Swift. So, they're taking advantage by putting this behind Peacock subscription. That's 99% the reason for this decision.

    1. This makes sense. Yet another reason not to pony up the money to watch this game.

    2. And I'm sure some whacko tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist will say, without evidence, that the Chiefs playoff games will be fixed so Swiftie dollars keep rolling in all the way to and through the super bowl.

    3. @1:52 PM, aka Mr. All-Knowing Anonymous Troll, so what’s the remaining 1%? Please share your all-encompassing knowledge with us mere peasants.

    4. @5:38. That's our intent. It will be a well coordinated rout like the 2020 election. No white hats. Strictly a Reptilian campaign as our Goddess oversees this exercise, with of course some assistance from the alien greys. Foul tempered little creatures. Smelly too!

    5. 5:59, unsure if your comment was meant to be funny, but if that was the intent, it landed as flat as Kyla Grogan's ass.

  6. These NFL idiots keep diluting the product on multiple platforms: nfl network, cbs, nbc, fox, prime and now f-ing peacock? I may just pay the $5.99 to watch the shit show as the play in sub zero temperatures and they show Swift going gaga in the box

  7. I have an antenna. I missed about 75% of the college bowl games, and about 35% of the NFL games. The product being put on the field is pretty weak. Won’t be long before I quit watching football altogether, even though I like the game. It is basic entertainment on par with crappy sitcoms. And fantasy football is for sub-adult beeshes who need to get a life.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Peacock is included in my Xfinity cable. Since Comcast/Xfinity is the dominant provider of cable TV in the Bay Area, a lot of households will be able to view the Chiefs/Dolphins game tonight for no additional charge.

  10. what's peacock? a new station?

  11. There are plenty of free streaming sites that allow you to watch basically any sporting event , including every NFL / NBA / MLB game . If you can’t figure it out , you deserve to pay for some dumbass subscription.

  12. we listened to game on knbr 680...
    radio? what's that haha

  13. When the Niners hit the skids I will quit watching NFL games altogether. Similarly the NFL Minor-League: NCAAF. Money will ruin, completely ruin college ball. Multi-millionaire college kids.
    There should be a requirement that HALF of the money given “Student Athletes” be given to teacher salaries.

  14. marklandefeld@gmail.comJanuary 16, 2024 at 11:02 PM

    The evil started with Pete Rozelle crafting the Sports Broadcasting Act of 1961, which granted the NFL the needed anti-trust protection to control broadcast areas, enforce blackouts, etc. Most of the NFL expansion after the AFL-NFL merger was driven by congressional reps questioning the expemption, until, of course the league would expand to quiet squeaky wheels.

    As all network programming shifts toward streaming, I don't imagine that the FCC will be in any position to slow or prevent pay-TV sports -- they really can't do much about ESPN as it is.
