Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Murky Times at KTVU; Search for Managing Editor is Difficult


  1. The two most important people behind the scenes are Rachael Ibanez and Darren zulberti. Quite frankly Darren Darren should be the news director and Rachael should be the number two. They are that good. They are the ONLY two who can right the ship period. And yes this is Frank Somerville keeping it real.

    1. Frank miss watching you what do you think of KTVU hiring new reporters with NO on-air experience?

    2. If you're really Frank tell me how to mix a Pisco Sour.

    3. Frank, which auto body shop do you use in Oakland?

    4. It’s sad to me that the hire people with so little experience. But that’s just the way it is now. It used to be an honor to work here. You used to have to have experience to work here. Sadly that’s not the case anymore and it show. As for mixing a pisco sour I have no clue what that is. My drink used to be vodka. But I’m no 7 months clean and sober and feeling great.

    5. To answer the question about which auto body shop I use…. it’s uptown body and fender right off Broadway I believe on 27th. I love that place. Ask for Giovanna. She’s the owner.

    6. You know Frank, I don’t get you I swear. Why do u patronize Rich’s blog? Half the time it’s just fabricated lies and other times it’s exaggerated nonsense. I mean I check it out because I find it entertaining nonetheless and I love the gossip between the chats but I’d imagine you don’t care for gossip, but it seems you actually care for his crap, which even u know not to be true.

  2. The astonishing downfall of KTVU is absolutely mind-boggling. Someone needs to make a documentary about it.

    There was a time not too long ago when KTVU wasn't just a highly regarded news outlet but was hailed as one of the best in the country. It held the status of a sought-after workplace, a true destination employer. Every field has those coveted employers that individuals aspire to join, and KTVU was one of them.

    Fast forward to the present. The script has completely flipped. After more stumbles and fumbles than can ever be fully recounted in a blog comment, KTVU has devolved into a bottom-of-the-barrel, bottom-feeding mockery. To call it a shell of its former self is being kind. Once able to attract the crème de la crème, now they can only draw rejects and industry newcomers utterly inexperienced and ill-prepared. Ironically, these nincompoops only stick around at KTVU long enough to find another job.

    1. KTVU hired Tory ganes a reject from KRON who wouldn’t even put her on-air. She worked in the digital department. Now ganes is reportedly bragging in the newsroom she did not have to start in a small market. It’s not Ms. Ganes’ fault she sucks. I blame KTVU management for letting that imbecile represent the station on TV

    2. there are plenty of young, and hence still learning, journalists who are sharp, curious, and have a knack for uncovering compelling stories that really resonate with people and then sharing those narratives. they know the right angles, know how to track down the people with information and get them talking, ask the right questions, and know how to craft a gripping story. it’s called having journalistic acumen.
      ktvu doesn’t attract people like that because why would any up-and-coming journalist want to work for a total dumpster fire that mostly sticks to press release journalism? someone who's passionate about true journalism understands that they won’t get to showcase any of those skills or truly stand out at ktvu. why would they want to subject themselves to a chaotic and petty environment where their abilities will be stifled? that’s why they mostly draw in individuals who aren’t even pursuing journalism as a career or even aspiring journalists; instead, they are more focused on their social media presence and on becoming social media influencers.

    3. 5:05, it’s not just a KTVU thing. It’s true across mainstream local news. Have you ever seen Vice News? Many of their reporters are young in their 20’s and early 30’s and they do an incredible job of telling stories that have impact and depth. Go to their YouTube and pick a couple of videos at random and just watch. Then compare it to the doofus reporters at ktvu or any other local station for that matter. It’s embarrassing. Only then do you realize it’s not an age issue. It has nothing to do with that. It’s the difference between a journalist and someone hired to do reporting with zero qualifications. At this point KTVU should just hire AutoZone cashiers and throw them on air the next day.

    4. "why would they want to subject themselves to a chaotic and petty environment where their abilities will be stifled?"

      you forgot to mention that they'd be surrounded by insecure dunces who'd be threatended by them causing their tenure at ktvu to be shorter than a tori gaines highlight reel.

    5. 4:32pm Speaking of that "imbecile" Tori "CeaseFart" Gaines, she was hired by KTVU News not for her journalistic acumen but because as Rich says she "checks a box." DEI-Diversity Equity & Inclusion Hiring Quotas which today are not only prevalent in the public & private sector but in TV Newsrooms as well. Despite her lack of journalistic qualifications Ms. Gaines happens to be a Black Woman-this is why she is now bragging in the KTVU Newsroom that she did not have to start in a small market. I remember in 2021 KTVU hired a young African-American GA Reporter named Candace Charles despite her having no actual TV reporting experience. She Totally Bombed on air. 3 months late she was terminated. Rich: You absolutely have the Best Media Blog in the entire state of CA!

    6. Tori Gaines looks like her desk is at Popeye’s in Rohnert Park. Woman, put down the mashed potatoes! Goddam!!

    7. Tori Gaines looks like her desk is at Popeye’s in Rohnert Park. Woman, put down the mashed potatoes! Goddam!!

    8. 5:05 PM: You nailed it! Perfect analysis.

    9. “Astonishing downfall”? WTF? Watching TV isn’t rocket surgery, if you do not like the way it’s presented, formatted, written, simply change the channel. Easy. Problem solved.
      A classic example of listeners/viewers voting with their channel changing, knbr, those nitwits are killin’ it ratings wise - losing listeners faster than the speed of a silver bullet

    10. Vice news is off the air. Loss of young viewership #1 problem.

    11. I was a loyal KTVU viewer going back to the days of Dennis Richmond, Barbara Simpson, Elaine Corral and Leslie Griffith. The reporters were excellent and the stories were in-depth. After Fred Zehnder left, the station started its steady decline.
      As veteran reporters retired, their replacements were weaker.
      I stopped watching KTVU news completely. Now, I rotate between KPIX, KNTV and KGO. No one station is outstanding.
      That is the nature of television local news. It is mediocre at best. The anchors and reporters no longer move from small markets like Chico to larger markets like Fresno and then graduate to major markets like San Francisco. I submit Jessica Burch and Bailey O’Carroll.

    12. "I submit Jessica Burch and Bailey O’Carroll."

      Just them? Crystal Bailey, Sara Donchey, Lauren Toms, Kenny Choi, Alice Wertz, so many. My favorite is KPIX's José Martínez, who thinks he's bilingual. And Da Lin deserves an Emmy for "Biggest Ham."

    13. "At this point KTVU should just hire AutoZone cashiers and throw them on air the next day."

      I thought that's what they were doing already.....

    14. "The astonishing downfall of KTVU is absolutely mind-boggling. Someone needs to make a documentary about it."

      I worked at KTVU during the golden era. Then I went into advertising, with an agency that handled KTVU's account. I sat in a meeting shortly after Zehnder's departure where the new chiefs said he had basically been "lucky" and that they were going to do better and do it for cheaper. Yes, they really said that. And they proceeded to pile-drive the station into the ground with death by a thousand cuts. But they walked away with fat paychecks for destroying a legacy station and they're somewhere else now (or retired) so in their own minds they were geniuses.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I just watched Roberta with all the yellow and green in red. Her twins look like stop lights!

  5. Roberta Gonazles is wearing a red dress with massive cleavage tonight. is she on the market?

    1. gotta do what you gotta do to get them ratings up

    2. "gotta do what you gotta do to get them ratings up"

      That won't do it. Blind people don't watch TV.

  6. I like my yimes murky. My yams, not so much.

  7. Where's Jesse Gary? Working. Where's Emma Goss? She hasn't been at KTVU for over a year, went to KNTV, then had an operation on her tonsils, which apparently didn't change anything, and is now in purgatory. She's not well-like in the industry, and my opinion is if she wants to stay in news (which is foolish if she wants to put food on the table) she should switch to print. She *is* a pretty good writer.

    1. What’s the drama with Emma Goss? I worked with her very briefly. She seemed cold. Not surprising she isn’t well liked

  8. I wonder how can News Director(s) right this ship. They would need to fire or demote many of the current anchors/meteorologists and reporters and start over. I would describe the ones needing removal in various ways such as melba toast, insincere, smirky, calling it in, senile-like, wacky, etc. Your friend’s (Mark Ibanez) daughter can’t fix this situation. KTVU and KRON had good runs but similar to the Warriors now, they both suck. I cringe when I see promos for KTVU’s “Like it or Not” (or whatever) featuring their personnel. Never watched it but it makes me want to vomit just seeing the promos. Hard enough watching many of them on the news. I could not care less about their personal preferences for meaningless stupid stuff as they sit together on a couch for this lame show I guess hosted by Greg Lee per the recent promo. What a bizarre, low class trashy show it seems to be. Is it supposed to endear us to them to improve their ratings? What a dumbass news station it has become.

    1. "'Like it or Not' (or whatever) featuring their personnel. Never watched it but it makes me want to vomit just seeing the promos."

      Even worse, they're now using LioN clips on their regular newscasts as filler, presenting the "feelings" of the "hosts" as genuine news content.

      Fred Zehnder is rolling in his grave.

    2. KTVU's Like It or Not show serves no other purpose than to, in no particular order: 1. fill time 2. make these imbecilic self-aggrandizers look even more idiotic and irrelevant than they already are. Brilliant.

  9. I thought things were supposed to improve after The Firm ousted Countess Amber Eikel and ran her out of the state.

    1. Nope. The only thing that changed is the Walnut Creek Nordstrom shoe department's revenue dropped in half. Not surprising though considering she spent more time shopping than she ever spent at the station.

    2. They rushed to put a person 'o color in charge. I'm sure that was based entirely on merit so I'm totally shocked things are even worse.

      Maybe the new ND will be our vice president some day.

  10. The person they hired as news director. Simone aponte is horrible. Here’s all you need to know about her. During the pandemic she worked as the assistant news director. That meant it was crucial for producers to get ahold of her. But they couldn’t. You know why. Because she started a cookie delivery business from her home. You literally can’t make this stuff up. How do I know? Cause I worked at ktvu during that time. I can also tell you that the reason that brooks left was because Simone used to be his executive producer and he hated her because she was completely incompetent. There were five women leading ktvu. Mel the gm. Amber. The news director. Kelly the assignment director. Amy an em and Simone the assistant news director. I have no issue with women being in charge. I have two daughters. But these are five INCOMPETENT women. And they destroyed ktvu. And anyone… male or female who works there LNOWS I’m telling the truth. It’s just so sad.
