Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Draymond Green Presser Illustrates Foolish Bay Area Sports Media


  1. The presser was stupid. Like you said, lots of softball questions that were not related to the reason for the presser. Draymond is a smart guy and has evolved from that street guy in Michigan, but he's been given so many chances - chances that non-athletes can't comprehend. At this point, it'd be good to just trade him before the deadline so both sides can have a reset. Otherwise, we'll all have to endure another 3.5 years of his 'antics' or his 'antics 2.0'

    1. Amen to all of that.

    2. I'd love to know exactly which teams would want Draymond. No one wants the drama. They also don't want to pay for that contract.

  2. When he first started in the league and wasn't being paid, he didn't have all these 'antics' Now that he's a seasoned vet with plenty of money, he feels like he could do anything he wants. Like he said, if he walks away from the game today, he'll be fine financially. Once a street kid always a street kid.

  3. This is completely unrelated to Draymond Green but not sure where else to post this comment. Earlier KTVU's Tory Gaines was reporting on the SF Board of Supervisor's ceasefire resolution. She was so nervous or is so incompetent that she referred to it as a 'ceaseFART.'

    1. Sums up the on-air reporting she has introduced to KTVU thus far. One giant explosion of flatulence on the air waves. Unclear when management will cut their losses and cut ties with her. They must want to take the whole ship down with them. It is amusing that KTVU thinks an alcoholic yet intelligent and admired anchor reflects more poorly on the station than an incompetent inexperienced imbecile of a journalist like Gaines. Neither is a plus but if I had to choose I would rather have Frank pulling up to the front door in his trashed Porsche than bozo in her Kia with her deer in headlights expression.

    2. I'm really curious.... What do these resolutions do? By my estimation.... Absolutely NOTHING.
      Fighters on each side shooting......... "Wait everyone! Hold on!" (Fighting stops; opens envelope..... reads paper). "It says here that there is a CEASEFIRE RESOLUTION in San Francisco, Ca. Well that settles it then. We're done here." (Fighters drop weapons; head home.)
      AAAAAAAAND... Scene.

    3. @10:56 thats why they passed a ceasefart instead. Its much more impactful. No one likes a stinky battleground.

    4. At this point i'm not sure which is more ridiculuous, gaines referring to it as a cease fart or SF (among other cities) wasting taxpayer time and money on these pointless resolutions.

  4. It's not mental illness. He's just a bully. And never grew up. And retire? Yeah, no. Wants all the money.

  5. Draymond is a horrible human being!

  6. Face facts. The Warriors time in the sun is over. Look to rebuild. Unload Thompson and Green. It's more than time to move on. A weak Meyers couldn't pull the trigger. It's a business folks.

  7. Like the Giants of 2014 - time moves on as the players age their abilities diminish. Warriors should trade Klay and DG. The team can not keep up with the younger, faster and taller teams. It is painful to watch. They have all been paid for their work. The Giants hung on and have been a mess for years. Warriors headed that way.

    1. Warriors headed that way? Did you see the Pelicans blow them out of the Chase Center tonight? I think they arrived.

  8. Lookit all you children getting so excited about your sports heroes. And you're all likely wearing jerseys with another man's name on the back. Ridiculous childish nonsense.

    1. @9:02. Is that all you got fruity pants? Look, just because you lost out on being on the can of Bud lite and lurk in the Target restrooms doing your best "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane impersonation... don't go having a blogging hissyfit? Now, stop wearing your mommies clothing, wearing make-up, fondling yourself in public and loitering around elementary schools damnit!

    2. Lame and silly. Childish football fans prancing around wearing a football jersey with another man's name on it. Childish. Waste of time.

    3. 6:43 PM is the childish fruity one prancing around wearing another man's football jersey. Silly and lame.

    4. After reading 9:02's comment, my initial reaction was, 'This person seems arrogant, smug, and condescending.'

      However, upon further reflection, I completely agree. It does seem peculiar for a grown man to proudly wear another man's name on his back, especially when reacting defensively when questioned about it.
