Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Brian Hackney MIA at KPIX Gets Murkier


  1. 11 minutes to say I don't know anything.

    1. Rich do investigative work,he is using his donations to buy a house in Fresno with wife Jan Wahl.

  2. Hard to imagine nobody knows the situation with Hackney. It’s a little worrying and maybe in its premature stages.

    Maybe next month and so on we may get better answers as to what happened to Hackney - perhaps a health issue, personal time off or his plan to quit and retire from TV altogether.

    Hope the CBS sweeps also eventually include making sure they got enough folks especially for weather and sports and so on. Especially weather because Darren Peck has been working every day since December 23 with filling in for Paul, Jessica and last night from 7PM till the rest of the evening for Paul again. Sounds like some cases its very short staffed.

    Remember Peck got hired for weather in 2019, made it on to weekend evenings maybe a harbinger that he would slowly stave away from weather & focus on anchoring and other reporting. Now we see Peck has pre recorded forecasts at 11pm if he has to fill in Monday morning (at some point that was expected!)

    Part of me wants to think maybe the ND’s didn’t like one of Hackney’s forecasts from Dec 10 where he snidely acted smart applying the calculus of rainfall amounts & saying “that’s why they hired me”.

    Again no one knows yet but we trust you will give us more info once you have it. Thanks Rich!

    1. The suits haven't liked Hackney for years. He's the smartest guy in the room/Bay Area. People who like to pretend they're the smartest guys in the room/Bay Area don't like people who actually are.

    2. He is 66 now and really at some point he’s probably going to or already retired. Most of the young faces are doing good especially Liz, Andrea and Devin Fehely.

      Agreed he’s the smartest guy with some complicated vocabulary from time to time. It tells you the current generation likes to dumb down their content into easier and simple pieces so people can understand (i.e. Heggen, Peck).

  3. Rich, I hope you do some commenting with your usual acerbic wit on the Sheng Thao crying jig she's doing on KTVU right now to try to get some pity from the city's voters.

    Shameless and pathetic, but KTVU is treating it with a straight face. Maybe she should get together with Frank Somerville and they could have the Bay Area "Poor Me" Tour.

    1. I noticed the same and am also hoping Rich issues a formal statement on the matter. Shung Toa wanting to drum up sympathy and make emotional pleas to keep her job ahead of a likely recall election is understandable and expected. But why the hell is ktvu doing a multi-night primary interview spotlight story on her and her emotional story? They’re promoting it like crazy. Are they trying to put their thumb on the scale and keep her in office?

    2. "Are they trying to put their thumb on the scale and keep her in office?"

      It certainly comes off that way.

    3. Why is it that no one has any sympathy for people showing honest emotion? The mayor got emotional talking about domestic violence. Who wouldn’t. And you say I’m on a poor me tour. I’m doing nothing of the sort. I’m talking full responsibility for everything I did. And when I get emotional about how I hurt my ex wife and kids people say I’m just looking for sympathy. Again I’m not. I’m taking responsibility. There’s a huge difference. And yes this is Frank Somerville keeping it real. Yet again.

    4. Because we all have sad stories. Keep it out of the job. Funny she only thought to bring it to Bay-wide attention when people are trying to toss her, that's why.

      Look up "disingenuous" if you still don't get it.

    5. "Why is it that no one has any sympathy for people showing honest emotion?"

      Because anyone with three connected brain cells can see it's a play for sympathy, that's why.

  4. speaking of mia... veronica de la cruz is missing AGAIN! last post on her Instagram said she 'had a car accident.' poor scripps news but I told you so ;)

    1. Oh, so now it’s a car accident? She’s silly. World poverty would be eradicated instantly if everyone in the world was given $1 for every excuse she’s made and drama she’s created throughout her career.

    2. That’s right forgot all about VDLC, but still I’m starting to think that is the route Hackney could be taking?

      Anyway I don’t expect he’s returning anytime soon, that much I can believe at this point.

    3. She's a walking calamity.

  5. I don't know if I am the only one out here or not thinking this, but, for some reason, I just think Sheng Thao is like, totally HOT! Yeah I know she carries a little weight, but for some reason, her face just is exciting, especially if one compares her to her predecessor, Libby Schaaf, who always blinked her eyes 100 times a minute! Sheng Thao has certainly made some mistakes in her first year, but man, I forgive her just because of the way she looks! I mean, WOW!

    1. I work at Oakland City Hall. It’s widely known around the building that the Mayor never wears panties. Ever. She’s an attractive woman regardless but her going sans panties makes it a special treat to see her in cute dresses and skirts.

  6. If Brian Hackney is gone now then I am done with Kpix news . Too many new people, where did all the others go ? Juliette Goodrich & Brian Hackney I liked together the same with Andrea ? . But I don’t care for either on their own . They are boring. And Liz Cook is the loud girl in school . I don’t watch KPIX anymore really. And will soon stop recording because it doesn’t look like the one truly interesting person won’t be back . Brian has been around for a long time now. And always interesting especially when allowed to be . Your reporters on the street have totally changed. I don’t care for them because I know nothing about them . Nobody is kept around long enough so there is no attachment.

    1. Yeah that’s why I’m baffled. I would have expected just like Ken Bastida & Allen Martin that if they had a plan to leave the station or news industry altogether and retire, he would have easily made an announcement. But there was none and part of us believes its abrupt. The difference between Hackney & Martin/Bastida was that both Martin/Bastida were primetime anchors and I really enjoyed their style of anchoring & they actually delivered news. Again nobody knows what is going to happen in the next several months if at all but my prediction (let it be wrong) is that Hackney ain’t coming back.

      I don’t like the new anchors either. Liz is loud I agree but she is hot. However the only good anchors I’ve seen are Anne Makovec & Devin Fehely. They know how to anchor and have a solid delivery of the news and reports, especially Devin.

    2. Also forgot to add Andrea Nakano who is a great anchor. Max Darrow is also pretty good too, love his personality, style and energy of delivering the reports, news and so on. The sports people are really good especially Matt Lively. I find it hard to believe why they would put/bury the good and solid anchors on weekends and put mediocre anchors on weekdays.

  7. Ryan Yamamoto was subbing at 5 & 6pm on Saturday. I even asked him myself via a DM on IG, which he does respond where Hackney is. Apparently, he honestly doesn’t know and he also said others don’t know or are just keeping quiet just as Rich said.

    We’re almost going thru a whole full month without him since December 3. One day there’s gotta be at least a clue what’s going on. Because of his age & experience I’m starting to feel he might be in a similar crisis to Dennis O’Donnell health-wise.

  8. Brian Hackney is the best! I miss his wry humor and respect his smarts…a lot. He deserves to retire of course but I wish he’d make it public so I don’t have to think the worst and so I can stop worrying about his fate.
    Liz is way too full of herself. She seems to be a party girl needing a lot of attn. Somebody, please, tell her how ridiculous her outfits are. Paul is no better. He wears his gardening jeans most of the time. I wish KPIX would spend their $$ on staff instead of on the distracting graphic 3D crap.

    1. Totally agree with your comments! Still watch the 6pm newscast and the national news but avoid the 5 pm newscast especially because of Elizabeth Cook who is like the loud girl always being dramatic and outright yacky. Soooo annoying to watch her. P Heggen is tolerable but I agree he looks unprofessional and wearing his ratty gardening clothes is annoying. I am tired of his never ending “ dog show “ theme too. Peck is more professional any day. Sad to say but we actually avoid KPIX now because of Elizabeth Cook and the Paul Heggen shtick. Miss Brian Hackney who is definitely the smart guy but is witty too with his dry humor. I hope he is just retiring and is still in good health. I’ve been watching KPIX for over 50 years when Walter Cronkite was the national news gols standard.

    2. I couldn't agree more. Brian has been underappreciated for such a long time. He delivers the news in a professional way and with class. He and Juliette were a great team.

      Paul is the worst dressed person I've ever seen on the television screen. He's a slob. I think D. Peck should be doing the weekday weather. He has a great personality, explains things well, and dresses professionally.

      I liked Liz when she first came to KPIX, but she has become so full of herself. She really drives me up a wall now. Juliette is great in her new weekday slot. She's always got a smile on her face and delivers the news with grace.

      I hope all is well with Brian. Let us know when you know.

    3. Paul Heggen is out until April 15. Darren Peck is filling in during the evenings. Good to see his professional self on a Friday too. Brian Hackney is filling in weekend weather until Paul Heggen comes back.

      Last week I loved seeing Paul Deanno. To a degree he’s like Heggen but super knowledgable, professional and has great class. He said if anyone ever wants a fill in he would raise his hand. I would be okay if he filled in on evenings.

      I also saw Deanno doesn’t wear a tie but has far better fashion sense. Paul Heggen, learn from that! If you wear a spring blazer wear some good khakis and similar with other colors.

      Because of the horrible attire of Heggen, I switched to KNTV and even if Mayeda and Ranieri don’t wear ties they still are professional & deliver the weather.

  9. I miss Brian…excellent in everything he has done on the various Bay Area television stations not only KPIX, KRON and KGO…always a class act!!

  10. Paul Haggan in charge ?!?!**** Someone needs to explain to him that Bay Area residents don't care that storms are hitching a ride on an atmosheric river. Fine to discuss with his weather channel friends. But lets just call a storm "A Storm." AND we don't care that in the next 8 days we are gonna have 13 inches of rain. Tell me how much rain tomorrow.And the next day. And the day after that. Because I can do the math to determine if the Russian River (1/4 mile from my house) might flood.*****My other complaint about the KPIX news at night is a joke. Everyone is dressed like they are in a Lexus commercial, looking at their phone like they are expecting a text, and standing up like they are walking off screen as soon as they get it. Poor Brian probably couldn't get far enough away fast enough. When KPIX put someone besides Brian in charge they made a big mistake. Going in a different direction appears to have driven the news telecast off a cliff according to everyone in the Bay Area I have asked.

  11. Elizabeth cook is a good anchor hope she sticks around for a long time

  12. Hope Brian is coming back.

  13. I miss Brian. I hope he is well and coming back to bay area.

  14. We thought he was on vacation but it’s been too long. Hurry back Brian❗️

  15. Any news on Brian Hackney? I miss him and going to let KPIX news that I am not impressed with their anchors…

  16. Just thinking of Brian Hackney, miss his professional demeanor. Would like to know when he is coming back or any other information. Please update this post.

  17. Hope all is well with Brian Hackney. He is in our prayers.

  18. He’s back as of this evenings news, March 2nd, 2024

  19. Brian is there tonight with Darren and Andrea. Yes!

  20. To Brian Hackney, Mike Mibach called and wants his hairpiece back.
