Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Mike Mibach Troubled Future at KTVU


  1. If he's on I turn the TV to another channel.

    1. Why? What's your problem with him?

  2. I believe Mibach's challenges primarily stem from the fact that he landed his current role largely based on seniority rather than being recognized as an outstanding prime-time anchor. Over his extensive tenure with KTVU, he has taken on various roles across different time slots—something that, to clarify, isn't inherently problematic. He has essentially become the quintessential 'jack of all trades.' While being acknowledged for versatility is positive, it often means not being perceived as a master in any specific domain.

    In Mibach's case, it appears that perception has turned into reality. He is the KTVU 'jack of all trades,' and his latest assignment just happens to be the evening news. Whether for better or worse, the collective KTVU viewership has grown accustomed to him. He isn't the latest, greatest, or even great. If he were to transition to another market and immediately assume the role of their prime-time anchor, I suspect he might fare better and receive a more positive response from the audience.

    Another issue lies in his lack of a dynamic personality, or if he does possess one, it doesn't translate well on TV. He can come across as disingenuous during small talk and transitions.

    It frequently appears Mibach isn't entirely comfortable in his current role. If he were placed in a position more aligned with his personality, I believe he could thrive, and the audience would likely respond more positively.

    1. so his 'extensive tenure' has made him ill-prepared for his current position? Yeah, that makes no sense.

  3. To provide context for my previous comment...

    I acknowledge that Frank Somerville held previous assignments before taking on the prime-time role, which included anchoring their morning show for over a decade. There is nothing inherently wrong with professional growth and evolution.

    The distinction lies in the fact that Somerville, unlike Mibach, possessed the presence and gravitas befitting a prime-time anchor. He demonstrated an ability to connect with viewers through his anchoring and communication styles. In the case of Somerville, his professional and personality attributes aligned well with the demands of the prime-time role.

    1. This is just the same person posting over and over again. He probably has a voodoo doll of every anchor at his house. Yikes.

  4. He was a better fit in the mornings. Now he seems to be very mechanical, with very little chemistry with his colleagues. The awkward grins don't help him either.

    1. I agree. Watching Mibach and it feels like he's trying to play the part of a prime time anchor, as opposed to it coming naturally.

  5. Everything about Mike is average. Nothing about him stands out. He shows no emotion. No passion. He’s in my humble opinion nothing more than a reader. I’m just bummed that grand self destructed. He was everything that Mike isn’t. But as least Frank is on the road to recovery. And that’s great to hear.

  6. Happy Hanukkah Rich, Oh and a Happy Christmas to Mr.Frank. Good fortune in 2024 to you both!

  7. I don't see a ring on Mike's finger anymore. His Wife tire of him, too?


    1. I worked in the same building as Mike for many years and had the pleasure of getting to know him. Mike is a devoted and loyal family man who loves his wife and children. It's telling how all the negative remarks about Mike always come from keyboard warriors and trolls. Not once have I ever heard a negative thing said about him by anyone who actually knows him.

      If you don't like his anchoring style or don't believe he's the right man for the job based on merits, then fine. But enough with the frivolous comments and strange insinuations.

    2. I don’t know Mike personally but being in the industry I know people who do. None of them have a bad thing to say about him.

  8. Troubled future? How about the station hiring their newest reporter Tory ganes she can barely get through a live shot

    1. Yes, Tori Gaines is bad but have you seen Alice Wertz? She makes Tori look like Christiane Amanpour or Edward R. Murrow.

    2. I watched her doing a report on the weather the other morning. Dreadful. Couldn’t make heads or tails of what she was talking about.

    3. 10:47am Alice and Tori are equally atrocious. On a positive note, they have a new reporter named Joey Horta who does an excellent job. Before him, they had a reporter named Dave Dettling, who was also very competent. Unfortunately, like all the other good ones, he jumped ship at the first opportunity.

    4. @10:47, KTVU used to be the ultimate destination—a place where reporters and anchors from around the country aspired to be. The place where they worked their entire career hoping to make it to. Nowadays, newcomers are hired randomly with zero experience and leave at the first opportunity. Times have really changed.

    5. Don't miss that fatso detling

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I like him well enough, though there is a difference between an anchor / reader and a real high-profile anchor. There aren't many today. Kind of like in the way there are real baseball managers and guys who get promoted to the top spot but make no impact. The best ones have the quality to make people pay attention. (Example: we all talk about Somerville far more than currently working anchors. If he were just another reader, he'd be forgotten, his story would have evaporated into the ether. But instead people want to know if he might return.

  10. Mibach doesn't move the needle in the least. He has no chemistry with any co-anchor he's paired with. Doesn't matter who.

    Let's look at his counterparts:

    - Dan Ashley has 10x more credibility and presence as a primetime anchor. He and Ama Daetz have chemistry and it shows.
    - Raj Mathai, as douchie as he can be, shows personality and tries to be dynamic. He's full of himself, but he still has chemistry with his co-anchors, especially Janelle Wang. I'll leave it at that.
    -Sara Donkey is extremely easy on the eyes. Certainly not the worst person to lay eyes on before I turn in for the night.

    1. Dan and Alma are steady and reliable. Raj is okay, but Sara Donchey is my favorite anchor. She handles the teleprompter easily and banters with her colleagues with a smile. Lastly, she is easy on the eyes. I switched from KGO to KPIX because of Sara.

  11. Troubled future? Do we really think he'll be demoted and taken out of his current role? Such a step would be the ultimate vote of no confidence, inevitably leading to his departure. You can't make it to the top only to be publicly stripped of it and then act like nothing happened. Think Kevin McCarthy.

  12. Mibach - Zwiebach it’s all just dry crackers ! He’s just another working stiff trying to make a living. I hope he is nice to all his coworkers and does not allow all the stories of death and destruction to eat him alive. Day after day, car crashes, wars, mass murders - this stuff must wear on those reporting it.
    Mibach may be not ready for prime time but he is doing his job well.

  13. We miss working with Mike on the morning show.

  14. To this day I still don’t understand all the dislike for Mike Mibach. Is this a general feeling among viewers or is it simply sentiment that exists in these comment section echo chambers?

    1. 3:58, IMHO most viewers don’t give two shits about this stuff or even think about it. So of the two options you’ve presented, I suspect it’s the latter.

      This is a media blog with an author whose shtick, for the most part, involves focussing on negativity and highlighting flaws, whether they be related to one’s character or job performance. So it will naturally attract people with similar-ish viewpoints.

      And, the internet always attracts the screamers and those overly-opinionated among us who simply can’t resist sharing their opinions with cyberstrangers.

  15. The debate has been settled. Miback sucks ass.

  16. I saw Mike doing the Chinese New Year parade and he was awful. He kept interrupting his colleagues and making off topic comments. The other night he started talking to a colleague about their need to meet and prep for the parade. Tonight while Bill was introducing the weather, Mike could be seen talking to someone off camera. He just doesn’t seem to be truly engaged.

  17. I don’t understand why KTVU keeps Mike Miback on with all of these well founded complaints. Mine included. It has been a year. I would like a response from KTVU.
    A Loyal and Concerned KTVU member.
