Thursday, October 26, 2023

My Two Cents; KRON Anchor-Only Meeting and More

KRON, the meeting place will have another session on Friday, only this time, only the anchors will present. Interesting, to say the least.

*Kim Wonderley, is now MIA at KCBS a good 5 weeks and nobody has a clue. I do, I'll save it for later on.

*If KQED has an external audit soon, you heard it from me first.

*All of a sudden, nobody's talking at KPIX and that's a BAD sign.


*NBC Bay Area has scaled down its Paris/Olympics personnel to a mere dozen or so because of concerns about Middle East tensions and it's expected to become ev en more irksome as Sunner /24 approaches.

*Larry Beil is breathing in on Dan Ashley, put two and two together.

*ABC7 (KGO) just lost two key off-camera people and it's about to get worse.

*Ken Wayne is likely gonna from KRON come the first of the year. The budget is getting slimmer.

*The Chronicle print edition is getting thinner and thinner.


  1. I thought that Kim W. had a bout with carpal tunnel syndrome the last time she took an extended leave.

  2. Dying to hear what you have on Kim W, Rich!!

    1. Oh for crying out loud, what do you think? She's having an affair with Hunter Biden?

  3. Or Summer 24 [Sunner /24] approaches - as most people with more than an elementary education would write.

  4. KRON should have a meeting on why they are bleeding viewers, get rid Ken Wayne and we're otta, wait, we're already otta there since screwing with the programming, bye

  5. Off Subject:

    How did KCBS win the NAB Presents 2023 Marconi Radio Award: Legendary Radio Station of the Year
    KCBS(AM), San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, Calif.

  6. The Thought of Mathai & Wang cruising Paris is enough to have me blowin’ my onion soup.
    Please prevent an international incident, keep M&W home, warming the cockles of couples in Monte Sereno.

  7. Is Lawrence Beil still trying to hook up with Dion Lim? I used to work there and still remember how aggressively he tried to get with her.

  8. KPIX has improved their evenings news operation significantly. Ryan Yamamoto and Liz Cook are good at 5:00 pm. Julia Goodrich is steady at 6:00 pm and I love Sarah Donchey at 11:00. The overall reporting is straightforward. They are professionals. The meteorologists are satisfactory. The only obvious weakness is sports with Vern Glenn.

    I stopped watching the 10:00 news on KTVU and KGO news completely. KGO ‘s “Building a Better Bay Area” is annoying and they are not impressive except for Sandhya Patel.

  9. More predictable speculation and opinion from you. Nothing with any real facts or first-hand knowledge to back anything up. You are worse than a KRON reporter.

  10. San Francisco Comical should fold up its tent and go home.

  11. Rich would you consider doing a feature story on Lt. Jessica Burch. She's sharp as a tack and a true American hero. I think your readers would benefit from learning more about her.

    1. This comment has to be a joke or satire.
