Wednesday, October 25, 2023

415 Media Wesnesday Report; Tom Tolbert Jokes About Concussions on KNBR


  1. Tolbert and his ex jock sense of humour has been mailing it in since he has been on the air. Greg Papa light with juvenile and repeating himself often another one like Rod Brooks dont know how he lasted as long as he does currently.

  2. Low Hanging Fruit Rich - Tolbert is the poster child of dumb-phuckery.
    At least smart folks know they are stupid. Tom hasn’t a clue.

  3. Tolbert is so crude. His ending at the end of show used to be”Another Mans meal is anothers mans bile”.

  4. Tolbert has been stealing $$ since KNBR hired him almost 30 years ago. He’s example of one of the many things that are wrong in our once-respectable broadcast industry;
    a wise-guy ex-jock, ( who virtually no one remembers,) making snarky remarks and talking about drinking pitchers of beer while watching games on wide screen TV. A lazy, boring know-it-all who should do us all a favor and retire. Of course, he’s got nothing on those two idiots, the frat boy/cheerleader Brian Murphy and his pathetic sidekick “Pauly Mac,” a second string DJ from Sacramento who has a fake jersey accent and thinks he’s so hip but knows nothing about sports. Then of course there’s the annoying Greg Papa and his weaselly partner John one who giggles like a 10-year-old it over penis jokes. And then we’ve got the supreme giggler, the unqualified Adam Copeland, Who is probably being paid about $50,000 because he comes cheap.

  5. Man Rich, you need to lighten up…. I was actually listening to Tolbert's show when he did this since FP was on instead of that unlistenable bafoon Copes…. I thought he was making fun of FP, not concussions…. Seemed funny and harmless to me…..
