Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Tuesday Moody Blues at Circle7: Ashley and Sze's Dark Cloud Future Murky; 900 Front Misery

IF ONE of the TWO major stalwarts at KGO, (ABC7) is still THERE at 900 FRONT years end, I'D BE SURPRISED.

Dan Ashley is playing out the string; either by choice or obvious signs from the Mouse House. ABC has toyed with Danno too much. He's seen the handwriting on the wall.

Kristen Sze, perhaps keenly aware her power trip hs become transparent, her juice has ERODED. And too the salary from frugal Disney, bye bye Ming.

And you thought you were having a moody Tuesday.


  1. Meanwhile the new 8-10 PIX broadcast on 44 is underwhelming. They billed it as a Devin Fehely/Juliette Goodrich/Liz Cook/Sarah Donchey newscast but that was all a smokescreen. The reality is this is a two hour Devin Fehely newscast that PIX just doesn't have confidence in. Why don't they have confidence in it? Because Fehely doesn't have the gravitas to pull it off on his own so PIX is sprinkling in bits of Goodrich/Cook/Donchey to break up the Fehely monotony. The problem is the Goodrich and Cook bits are canned...taped in advance...and the only live person is Donchey who gets like one hit an hour. The rest of the time its all Fehely and he just doesn't sell it.

    Maybe this is why PIX is spending the bulk of its advertising on the newscast showcasing the VR environment they overpaid for which has little intrinsic news utility and watching Paul Heggen weathercasts in it is silly.

    What PIX should have done if it wanted to push Fehely was pair him with Donchey to give him someone to play off of for more than 6 minutes a night. That they didn't also says a lot about PIX's confidence in Donchey.

    1. Well, I have no confidence in Donchey either. She'll be taking the Starrainto route to LA in less than a year, I guarantee it.

    2. Sarah came from KCBS/KCAL where she was an anchor.

    3. I have only seen a little bit of the news on channel 44. I miss Mac, Wendy, and Wayne. Devin sucks. I like Peck. The VR map is neat.

      I mostly watch the news on channel 2 and channel 4. Once in a while I watch channel 11.

  2. How about getting rid of Gloria Rodriguez as a substitute anchor on the morning show? Her gushing teeny-bopper tone with upspeak??? at the end of every sentence & vocal fryyyyyy in between is nauseating.

  3. Cutting cost is fine, align with drops in revenue...done deal, all should smile :-)

  4. From here it seems more like Danno is playing with Disney than Disney with Danno.

    True I don't know the gory details, but it seems to me a guy getting paid a healthy six figures to sit at a desk in a suit and read other people's labor over the air should be happy. Name me another job that good.

    But he's not. Boo hoo, David Muir is making more. Yeah, well, it's a tough world, Dan. Better clip those Great Cut coupons.

    As for Sze, well, she's a vegetarian nothingburger, mustard on the side, hold the pickle. They could replace her with a dunking bird and half their viewers (that makes three people) wouldn't know the difference.

    If they wanted to up either of their profiles, they could have had either of them go to Maui and volunteer to help victims, as well as report the news.

    But Oprah would probably chase them away. "Dangit, Dan, there's only enough cameras for ME on this island!!!"

    As I said, life is tough.

    1. DAMN, 12:18, you nailed it all with that brilliant post! Yup. A bunch of nothingburgers, all of them.

    2. Lol. Ouch! but true.

    3. 12:18 I disagree. While it may seem to the average Joe/Josette that it would be easy reading a bunch of copy, I dare you to give it a shot. It's really tough. I'm a reporter---and have tried it before ...and would NEVER want to anchor another newscast. I'm more comfortable out in the field. You can't just sit there and read. YOU may think you're doing a good job. But what matters is if the ND or the viewers think you're good. And that's where the pressure is. You sign a 2-3 year contract as an anchor...and for the next 2-3 years you will be judged on a daily basis if you're good enough. If you're not, you won't be re-hired when your contract expires. This means you'll have to find another job--possibly in another city. And this is tough if you have a spouse who has a great job in your city...and if you have kids in school. Back in the day, the only worries an anchor had were the ratings...and the occasional mention by critics/pundits in your local newspaper (that is, if your paper even bothered "rating" their city's anchors). Nowadays the pressure is "on"...24/7/365, from blogs, and social media. Before, you could slip up on-air, and it might get noticed and mentioned by a newspaper's TV critic. Today? That slip-up will get "liked", re-tweeted (or re-X'ed?) and shared on social media. Every day, you'll hear from people that chime in with "YOU SUCK." I've told my buddy...who's a designer/engineer at Apple. Imagine if everything you submit...or write a report about...or every marketing deal you sign...is "open season" for your co-workers and the public." Same with a plumber friend of mine: "You call yourself a plumber? Your last sink repair SUCKED!" And imagine if this gets written/blogged about...and shared on social media.

      Anchoring is a really tough job. I've told management here repeatedly "don't worry about me demanding anchoring time--I don't want it! Keep me out in the field, and I'm happy!"

  5. Adios to Ming! Disney should have dumped her ass years ago. Same with Ashley... none of these two so-called "anchors" are even in the same newsroom as me. How the mighty ABC 7 has fallen... DO BETTER! Instead of trying to build a "better (woke) Bay Area".

    1. Ah, but in 20 or 30 years we'll all be singing praises for that great team of Ashley and Sze back in those golden years of ABC 7. There are reasons the greats fade from the scene. Time marches on.

  6. Can't stand Empress Ming Sze, won't be missed, good riddance

  7. The MSM is dead. They've lost the narrative and everyone knows it's all lies and bullshit. Let em starve.

    1. Local media is not MSM, bozo.

    2. You are so Right: Truth Social and Fox News are the only sources of non-fake news. Their journalistic integrity is second to none. I love love love their reportage on green M&Ms. We are so blessed to reap their wisdom and unbiased opinion.

    3. @6:14. The local media is just an extension of the MSM armpit. They both stink and are useless. No go back to your job at the Glory Hole!

    4. @10:09. Sure. David Muir and Norah O'Donnell are beacons of truth and honesty. CNN has another Edward R. Murrow in that Jake Tapper. Kaitlin Collins is a star in the making! Not.

  8. Kick out Ming Sze, sick of watching her fake smile and sour long face look like she is so tough on tv, maybe, Cheryl Jenning can teach her sone manners on LIVE TV

  9. Dumpress Ming Sze has launched an all-out, no-holds-barred smear campaign against Dion Lim here on this blog complete with tacky cheap shots and immature hitjobs. Give her butt a one-way ticket to the unemployment line.

  10. Great to hear that the $ is over for blog now! Appreciate it Rich

  11. The abc7 shitshow isn’t just in the evenings: Karina Nova called Milpitas ‘Mil-PENIS.’ Not once but TWICE. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cw0yYsYyF5n/

    1. I remember a reporter who signed off KRON back in the 90s as "Nudecenter 4."

    2. Damn! Girl was horny!

    3. I like Karina Nova. She’s cute and far better than Sze.

    4. Are you sure that wasn't Donny Aqui using his drag voice?

    5. Was Karina desperate that day? She was wearing tight dresses on Saturday showing some exposure.

    6. It was Kumasi who called it Milpenis, not Karina.

    7. 11:01, it was Karina.

    8. I like "the Marin layer"!

  12. PIX+ should add Mabrisa Rodriguez to the line up.

    1. Please don’t let that happen!

  13. All sounds juicy, but where's the beef? It's not like we haven't read these or similar predictions before in this column. Be nice to to get some depth with the forecast...

  14. PIX+ weather is a mess.

  15. Channel 44

  16. Why is the Pix weather dude standing in the middle of the bay?

  17. KRON:
    My TV

  18. Nice Moody Blues video

  19. Dumping Ming I might reactivate my Disney Plus

  20. Kristen Sze isn’t going anywhere. Live with it.

    1. The end of Ming is the one thing that can unite the entire bay area

    2. I hope she isn't. I like Kristen. Get rid of Dion !!

  21. The song Tuesday Afternoon has been one of my favorites from that group for many decades. I love the cello, as it leads us into the refrain. That's the best use of cello + Sitar as Point of Transition since a Led Zeppilin song named Kashmir. If you have heard Kashmir in full, you know what I'm talking about.

  22. I still make my presence known to Queen Ming on social media everyday.... and not in a good way
