Thursday, September 7, 2023

Exclusive: Julie Haener's Anxious Night at KTVU After Son's, (Jake) NFL Suspension

HER NFL son, Jake, about to serve a six-game suspension for using PEDs, Julie Haener was quite SULLEN last night at KTVU.


The fact she showed up tp work surprised many of her buds at the KTVU studios.

"We were shocked," said a station source.

Haener did all her scheduled evening newscasts She vwas quiet, reserved, and obviously shaken.

A close confidant tpld me Julie didn't want to be at work but not being there would have fostered more gossip and innuendo, something she didn't want either.

Her son Jake, will lose $250K of his base, $750K a -year salary. He can go back on the Saints, (New Orleans) roster in early October.


  1. Did KTVU report this on their news last night? They clearly find him to be newsworthy since they covered all his college games and did a 5+ minute spotlight story on him when he got drafted.

  2. This is what happens when parents put so much pressure on their child to do a certain something or be a certain someone.

    1. I thought men had to take performance enhancing drugs all the time?

    2. yeah sure...every kid has the talent to become an NFL player especially when mom forces them to like football...please

    3. Looks like the nut does not fall from the tree. as of late it looks like jewels has been hitting the botox lately

  3. Jake will be nothing without those PED's...
    Jake and Frank need to have a "Man to Man" about substance abuse.

  4. I can't find anything on KTVU webpage.

  5. It's called accountability.

  6. A mindset born of the family in which he was raised. Or have we forgotten the Haener's behavior during the drought?

    1. I haven't but most surely have. She is very entitled and thinks her poop doesn't stink.

  7. KRON reported it. It was weird because they then faded to black after the report like he died or something.

  8. he's too small to be an effective (durable) NFL QB, but the PEDs made him feel big. Too bad, I don't think this ends well 10 years down the line for Mr. Haener. That Fresno degree isn't going to pay him what he's tasted and the posse he's run with will evaporate when his career never gets started. Time to put a call in to Ryan Leaf and Johnny Manziel for some life coaching tips.

  9. "The fact she showed up to work surprised many of her buds at the KTVU studios". This seems to be a recurring theme with the oft-absent Ms. Haener . . .

  10. Oh those Danville GOPers…they’ll always lie, cheat, and steal their way to success. Finally, he’s a Fresno State grad…did you really expect he’d be successful in the NFL without cheating?

  11. Jake Haener is the only NFL player to have been suspended for PEDs this pre-season. That’s a fact.seems highly unlikely thus was some kind of fluke or false positive especially since the NFL’s current testing protocols require secondary verification from an independent lab for all suspected positive results.

    1. Is anyone here moronic enough to believe that Haener, after working his ass off to get drafted, would take performance enhancing drugs knowing damn well the league regularly tests for this stuff? You really think he's dumb enough to do this before he's ever even taken a snap, possibly jeopardizing his NFL career? Bless your heart if you're dumb enough to believe there's an ounce of truth to this.

    2. You’re right Mr. Julia Haener. Aka Dad.

  12. Jake knew he was taking PED or agreed as long as he did not 'knowingly' know HOW... smoothie? injections? 'vitamins?' Plausible deniabilility!
    Unfortunately this may mean Malibu Barbie may not be retiring anytime soon. Paging Mark Ibanez...

    1. Malibu Barbie owns her own Malibu beach house, paid off mortgage without any help from Ken.

  13. He can workout with Bonds. lol

  14. Won't be long before he is known as Jake from State Farm.

    1. He already got a $700k bonus that is guaranteed… be a 3rd string qb . His parents are rich , he’ll still get a shot to be a backup and make way more $$$ than most people . He will be a former nfl player no matter what , plenty of connections . I don’t think Jake is gonna be struggling in life.

    2. 10:12, how do you know his parents are rich?have you seen there current financials? Sometimes those who flaunt wealth don’t have a pot to piss in or window to throw it out of. It’s all smoke and mirrors as I suspect may be the case with Mr Julie Haener

  15. Not a good start for a career in the NFL. Likely he'll fade away from view for the rest of the season, maybe they'll let him just sit on the sidelines. But hey he can follow in mom's footsteps. Perhaps a career as a sports commentator would work for him. Perhaps KRON would welcome him.

    1. @9:36 You're right. I just can't wrap my head around some of these sports contracts. The latest sees Cincinnati Bengals quarterback signing a 275 million dollar contract making him the highest paid NFL player in the league!!! Niners Nick Bosa just held out for over 100 million. It's just kinda gross on some level that athletes can make so much money while schoolteachers who educate our children can't even earn a livable wage. And have to dig in their own pockets for basic school supplies for their students.

      But that's the society we've built up and want to live in. I do have mad respect for an athlete like Steph Curry who actually puts his money where his mouth is and gives back to underserved communities and supports women's sports which are woefully underfunded. Sadly, he seems like the exception more than the rule. generation alpha. And let's get into how much these owners have and these agents are making off the backs of these talented athletes. It's all pretty obscene when you really dig deep.

      But like many others I'll be shallow and belly up to the flatscreen watching the 49ers on Sunday. We're all complicit on some level. And the band plays on, the anthems and flyovers commence and the BUSINESS of gladiators continues to entrance the masses.

      'Give the people bread and circuses and they'll never revolt'. - Juvenal (Unless climate change eventually has the final say, I might add.) All their millions won't save them then.

  16. Hey Jake, next time use BALCO.

    1. The NFL is a brutal, unforgiving sport. The turnover rate is astronomical. The league grinds you up and spits you out like a watermelon seed. There are, quite literally 10+ superb athletes standing in line to take your place. If one pulls a muscle in training camp it could mean the one chance you have to make it big goes up in flames…
      Still, $100 million bucks for a gym rat, is ludicrous. These folks are not curing cancer or teaching your children. They are simply gladiators in a fake arena, prancing around like the tooth fairy.

  17. Jason Applebaum "forgot" to mention this important piece of information. Probably because management told him to. That is weak. However all other channels... NBC 11, KPIX, KGO & KRON all reported on this and got their digs in on his mom. Of course he knows what he took and just disappointed he got caught.

    1. “However all other channels... NBC 11, KPIX, KGO & KRON all reported on this and got their digs in on his mom.”

      Stop lying. No one got any digs in on his mom. Writers and anchors at other stations don’t give two shits about Julie Haener. She’s never been at any other Bay Area station so they have no reason to have beef with her. And unlike many on this blog, they don’t have some desire to kick her when she and her family are clearly down.
      If you have proof that they tried to get their ‘digs in’ then put your cards on the table. Otherwise STFU.

    2. Any publicity is good publicity.

  18. He already got a $700k bonus that is guaranteed… be a 3rd string qb . His parents are rich , he’ll still get a shot to be a backup and make way more $$$ than most people . He will be a former nfl player no matter what , plenty of connections . I don’t think Jake is gonna be struggling in life .

  19. Read the highly scripted cryptic statement he posted on his social medias. He only mentions a substance banned by the NFL. Since he makes no mention of PEDs I have to wonder if it was weed or something like E or coke.

    1. Hard to believe weed is still a banned substance by the NFL.

    2. I don't get what's highly cryptic about it.

    3. He just said banned substance. He didn’t say anything about PEDs.

    4. "He just said banned substance. He didn’t say anything about PEDs."

      Smart legal move. If he's talked to a lawyer (and he's an idiot if he doesn't have one) said lawyer would advise him to do that. Nothing "cryptic" about it at all. Never be specific in an admission. That's true whether you're innocent or guilty. Take it from an ex-lawyer.

    5. He needs to stop training with Somerville and Mibach.

  20. Julie is a pro despite what all the haters say on this blog. She's put in ~25yrs at ch2 and can take time off because she has a contract that allows it. Her son Jake has worked his ass off to get to the NFL. Let's hope this suspension doesn't derail the young man's years of effort.

    1. He worked his ass off with the help of PEDs. That gave him an advantage into getting into the NFL over guys who worked their asses off without using PEDs. If he knowingly used PEDs, then he deserves no praise.

    2. "That gave him an advantage into getting into the NFL over guys who worked their asses off without using PEDs."

      Aren't they tested before they get to the NFL level?

    3. Hi, Julie. Thanks for writing in.

  21. Why do athletes take performance enhancing drugs? I'll never understand it. The desire to be great for a few fleeting moments or over the course of a career no matter the cost, I guess. Lance Armstrong, Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire, Flo-Jo, the entire Russian olympic squad and so many more come to mind. You'd think these young ones would have learned from the sins of their elders so to speak.

    But it's a game of money ball with sports these days. The pressure to perform and be the best. And most of all get that lucrative bag come contract signing can really make people do some crazy things. Even allegedly cheat in other ways like Tom Brady with deflate-gate. Or the Houston Astros who won a whole World Series banging a trash can and buzzers attached to their star player. 'Don't take off my jersey...' - Altuve.

    Athletes. I'll never understand them fully. But everyone wants to be #1 at all cost. I'll cut Julie Haener some slack because unlike the Don Henley song and news in general, I don't like to 'kick 'em when they're down'. And this is quite embarrassing for her and her family I'm sure. Just hope her son...Frank Somerville and anyone else going through trials of their own making or not get the serious psychological help they need to keep pushing on.

    “Life is not about how many times you fall down. It's about how many times you get back up.” - Jaime Escalante (Hopefully clean and sober this time around.)

    1. @5:33. The cult of personality. We love to build them up and then body slam them back to earth when caught in an indiscretion. It is the insecure pettiness of human nature. When people enter the entertainment arena, they have to make a conscious decision. Who's rules am I going to play by to succeed? To remain on the straight narrow and hard work, can be temptingly subverted by those cheating and by all appearances...getting away with it. Why doesn't the SEC do anything about "naked shorting"? An illegal practice of selling stock shares you don't own? WS would be a different place if shorting was prosecuted, but it isn't.
      Sports. Athletes/Actors are entertainers. They don't call it "show art". No. Show BUSINESS. Lying and cheating has sadly become woven into the fabric our society that it goes uncontested. Material gains mean nothing if it costs you your soul. You're right about getting back up, after being knocked down. Adversity, courage and perseverance are invaluable and no dollar sign can be placed upon them. I'd rather do the heavy lifting myself. You sleep better at night and your conscience is at peace.

    2. So you don't understand why male players(virtually all at some point) take steroids etc? Do you understand why most men after age 40 have to have a performance enhancing blue pill? Is that cheating? uh..yes

    3. @8:33 Points well made. Thank you.

      It is a business indeed. And in the end….’All that you have is your soul’. - Tracy Chapman

  22. They never learn, remember how much trouble caused for Barry Bonds due to PED (Steroids)?

    1. Yeah, I'm sure with all the honors, money, endorsements and acclaim, Barry Bonds regrets it. Uh-huh.

      Crime pays. That's a fact.

  23. A; " Feel Good Story " that isn't anymore..will it turn into a; " Phoenix Rising.." Or; " A Cautionary Tale.." Stay Tuned!

  24. Mommy better keep working since she will be supporting him once he blows through all his money and gets the boot from the NFL. What an embarrassment!

    1. Hope his step dad, Mark Ibanez, is prepared to support him financially when his NFL dreams go up in smoke.

  25. Haener throws the tightest spiral in the NFL and NOBODY can argue with that.

  26. Why he the only player in the entire NFL who fail a drug test this pre season? In his socials he said they found the substance earlier this summer.not recently. Prolly got all juiced up before training camp y pre season hoping to be the #2 behind Carr

  27. Now Junior will have to get a real job.

  28. Little Billy best be prepared to dust off that almighty Fresno Stste degree.

  29. I’m gonna be laughing my ass off when still ends up taking Derek Carr’s job.

  30. Heard the CFL is looking for some QB's

  31. Everyone's comments here are dumb. He's a cheater and got caught.

    1. Exactly. He thought he could cheat his way into a #2 position and got exposed for the cheat he is. I hear the lingerie football league is looking for a QB

  32. Why did Julie Haener work today? Didn’t she have to watch her little Billy throw a football for the saints?

  33. Jake should’ve won the Heisman last year. Anybody who doubts that don’t know jack bout college football.

    1. If not the winner he should’ve at least placed in the top 3
