Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Bay Area Radio is Dead --What an Abomination

WE USED to be a radio hotbed.

Now we have NOTHING.

A radio cesspool.

No KGO; No news-talk; No news station--KCBS, are you kidding me.

And the WORST sportstalk radio in the country.

Professional gigglers at KNBR constitute as jock radio, what a TOTAL ABOMINATION!


  1. The focus on the poor folks leaving Burning Gland, Colorado’s Deion Sanders, the Kardashians, J-Lo & Ben, homeless encampments, picking one’s nose, ineffective politicians, Texas Oil producer Greed - WHAT’s Not to like?
    For many of us, the sound of a drilling dental tool has more appeal.

  2. I always feel a little embarrassed for Murph and Mac when Pauly yell/sings one his "songs" and Murph squeals like a little girl about it.

    1. Still listening to Smurf and Crap? That is embarrassing.

  3. And then you have FP Santangelo, recently denied entry to a local bar for prior (alleged) bad behavior. Imagine if he teamed up with Raj Mathai and Frank Somerville for a night on the town.

  4. Julie Haener won’t have to miss any broadcasts for the next six weeks to watch her son play football as the NFL just suspended him for six weeks for PEDS

    1. I bet this won't be on KTVU tonight.

    2. Wow, what a beginning! :-D

    3. Let’s see KTVU cover that in Sports tonight. Bailey is on it with a now back to you Julie.

    4. @2:33. Read his boilerplate apology. Could be nothing, but ignorance is no excuse. You don't even accept a bottle of water from someone. We'll see.

    5. She'll find an excuse to miss work, don't you worry.

    6. Jake's a good kid. He was raised right. It's extremely unlikely he'd ever even think about taking PEDS let alone knowingly take them. If he says he doesn't know how it (whatever it was) got into his body, then I believe him.

    7. Seriously?? Oh shit

    8. He claims he has no idea how the illegal substance(s) entered his body! LOL!

    9. Not that he was going to play anyways. He is a 3rd or 4th backup QB. His job was to detail Derek Carr's car.

    10. What does Julie have to do with her son using drugs?

    11. WHOA! I didn't see that. What a moron!

    12. Jake’s good boy, goody two shoes persona is officially shattered.

  5. Radnich Franklin Barbieri Wattenburg Wahl !

  6. mr. 415,notice how theyre layely trying to 'make stories'' out of everything-like the 49 ers are supposed to win super bowl , nothings happened yet.or making big deal about player who had 25 home runs and 25 stolen bases,nobody knew it was even considered any kind of ''record''. making inconsequential things a big ''click bait''.like they dont think regulart sports is good enough.

  7. Gotta love KCBS yesterday when they couldn’t give any score updates on the sports report while the Giants AND A’s were playing (live)…and their sports reporter identified Saint Mary’s College as Saint Mary’s University…in a TAPED segment! Must not have seen their SMC logo while out there.

  8. Where have all the talk shows gone, long time passing . . .

  9. Agree wholeheartedly. At least KGO Newstalk Radio 81 stimulated my mind on those long drives home. I know Pat Thurston and John Rothman had their haters, some of whom chimed in on their programs on a daily basis , but it was nice to get a little give and take on local, national and even international issues through their various programs.

    I can't listen to talk radio anymore. Most of it's just right wing propaganda in the vein of Rush Limbaugh (blech). It's annoying and the reason why almost a third of the country STILL thinks Trump won the election. That and FOX News are part of the albatross that continues to drown this country in hatred and anger for each other. While the fat cats continue to laugh and dine on caviar from their yachts. It's almost as if this is all by design. And that's because it is. The wealthy and well connected will do anything and everything to maintain the status quo.

    Don't be fooled. Back in the day Ray Taliafero would've spelled it out plainly and succinctly in the midnight hour on KGO. But times have changed and I guess the podcast is now the AM talk radio for Generation Alpha. In the words of Stevie Wonder....'Heaven Help Us All'.

    1. I stopped listening to talk radio because it was nothing but left wing propaganda, at least in Bay Area it was.

    2. Right wing propaganda in SF? You are delusional.....

    3. ‘The definition of conservative talk is generally broad enough that libertarian talk show hosts are also included in the definition. The format has become the dominant form of talk radio in the United States since the 1987 abolition of the fairness doctrine’. - Google

      But thanks for chiming in @4:13 from Lafayette. Typical conservative playbook move to try and convince us that facts don’t matter. When the truth is right wing radio has had a dominant stronghold on the American airwaves since the late eighties. Especially in rural areas where the men are men and the sheep are the gullible listeners who enjoy being brainwashed by right wing talking points.

      For anyone who thinks that the proliferation of lies and deceptions by conservative talking heads has not had a deleterious effect on the American psyche I point you to Jan. 6th (2020).

      But yeah…I’m glad talk radio is dead. Even in the liberal San Francisco Bay Area where one somewhat liberal talk radio format (KGO) amongst a plethora of conservative propaganda stations was like trying to put out a fire with a water gun.

    4. The owners and management of news/talk stations don’t care if they’re right wing or left wing. They just want the format that makes the most money. If the audience and advertisers wanted wall-to-wall Chinese opera, a station would be doing that. It’s not about politics, it’s about money.

  10. And don't get me started on local sports talk radio. That died the day The Razor & Mr T were forcibly separated by Ralph Barbieri's unceremonious firing back in the day. Tom Tolbert hasn't been the same since. And outside of the Giants World Series runs KNBR has been equally unlistenable.

    In the words of Jack Nicholson from Batman...'This town needs an enema'....And so does local sports-talk radio. Tik Toc...KNBR. 95.7 The Game ain't far behind. I mean really who wants to sit around and listen to guys talk about other guys who are much more athletically inclined than they are? I'd rather learn a foreign language in my spare time.

  11. Ooops. True story. Not a good look for the Haener clan

  12. You know, Rich, I pretty much never listen to radio at all. When I bought my new truck back in 2019, it came with Sirius XM free for 90 days trial. I listened to it here and there, but since I pretty much don't listen to radio or anything in the car [including the wife], I rarely listened to XM. The ONE time I did listen to it, was later in 2019, when I drove across the country. I was able to get another 90 day trial period for only one dollar. Now I have to say it was actually very good because I hadn't realized that with satellite radio, the signal never disappears when leaving a broadcast area, because the whole world is the broadcast area! So I actually enjoyed listening to it while driving across the country. That being said, once I got back, I let it expire and have not used it since. The rare occasion that I listen to local radio in the Bay Area, is when I make a solo trip for an hour or more, during which time, for the first 45 minutes to an hour until I run out of signal, I listen to KCBS news radio. I enjoy it, although the number of commercials is insane. But still, I like listening to the news, which was another good thing about Sirius XM when I was traveling, because I could listen to news live. But here in the Bay Area, when I do listen to radio, it is KCBS news radio.

  13. Paulie Mac should be on the Morning Zoo in Topeka, not on a major metropolitan radio station. His “act” is both boring and sophomoric,

  14. Bay Area talk radio has been dead for about a decade now. Talk radio nationwide is likewise dead/has been dying for the past decade. I have two 20-something college-grad kids. Neither of them have ever listened to talk radio--or terrestrial radio, for that matter. I have five advanced-degreed nieces/nephews in their 30s--none of THEM have ever listened to talk radio. iTunes/Spotify/Google Music? Oh heck yeah---that's all they listen to. I'm pretty sure my "kids" and nieces/nephews are pretty reflective of youth today. To them, talk radio is for "old people." Or as my daughter says, "angry old White guys." (We're Filipino-American).

  15. They quietly stopped drug testing I'm baseball. Look for more bizarre Bondsian happenings- like 5'4" Altuves' 3 homers in 3 innings

  16. KCBS lost the perfect opportunity to become the king of Bay Area when KGO shutdown for good. Who wants to listen to same news all day long and traffic - Really! my phone GPS gives me better real time traffic updates. KCBS should have taken advantage of taking over call back with audience. So many topics to discuss. AM radio is dead in the Bay Area.

    1. TSC's comment above (8:15 AM) is spot on the mark. KCBS was offered a very lucrative gift, sat on their hands & refused to take it. The next obvious question is: Why? One has to wonder, is it possible America's air waves that supposedly "belong to the people", actually belong to someone else?

  17. If KBCS got steady anchors for each time slot on a daily basis, full time sports reporters and got rid of some of the stupid commercials it might be worth listening too. But I don't think that will happen.

  18. who needs to listen to sports talk radio when you have commercial-free, team-focused podcasts? Many of the podcasts will cast live on YouTube or some other platform and interact with the chat comments.

    And there's no need to call-in to sports talk because we have twitter and reddit... and team-focused podcasts.

  19. Radio is dying. Stations are returning their licenses to the FCC and selling their transmitter sites to developers. The few stations that remain will be local repeaters of national networks. FM stations are worth more than AM, but even their value is crashing. Only stations with a strong local following like KMJ Fresno and KFI Los Angeles will survive in their present form. KQED will stick around because it’s a front operation for a charity rip-off. Their CEO makes a million a year.

    1. I've taken to listening to KMJ Fresno...during the day the signal is quite good, most of the time, here in the Bay Area. How do they stay on the air? Yes...everything in Fresno is a bit less expensive than here, but not, really dramatically. The amount of "live-and-local" programming they do on Saturday amazes me.

  20. Radio is dying. Stations are returning their licenses to the FCC and selling their transmitter sites to developers. The few stations that remain will be local repeaters of national networks. FM stations are worth more than AM, but even their value is crashing. Only stations with a strong local following like KMJ Fresno and KFI Los Angeles will survive in their present form. KQED will stick around because it’s a front operation for a charity rip-off. Their CEO makes a million a year.

    1. Done with local radio especially KCBS & KGO let alone KNBR, love my SXM, so much content

  21. As far as I'm concerned, Bay Area radio has been dead since KFRC was yanked off the air.

  22. Free radio has died for ages.

    1. Done with local radio especially KCBS & KGO let alone KNBR, love my SXM, so much content

  23. Generally keep the dial below 92, even when driving cross country. Local and traveling use of AM is exclusively baseball games and nighttime DXing. Occasionally I still take a transistor radio on airplanes and listen to it as we travel over the nation.

  24. Talk radio has always been dominated by ignorant callers spouting off -- not what I enjoy listening to.

  25. After Barbieri was fired, I heard him wheezing on "The Game," being interviewed. I guess it was an audition as well, but they did not pick him up.

  26. I gave up on KNBR about 3 years ago - during my commute to/from work. Its unlistenable now - even tho the characters are the same. The Morning Show is God-awful. The Afternoon shows even worse. Time to syndicate ESPN or FOX Sports - the local shows suck.

    1. Spot on commentary. KNBR is a scheiss-show from 6am until 10pm. How those nose-pickers retain their jobs is a miracle, maybe they’ll make Saint later.

  27. Deregulation was the beginning of the end for terrestrial radio. No company should be allowed to own more than 3 stations in a market, and no more than 2 per modulation.
