Sunday, July 30, 2023

Taylor Swift is News; Saturation Coverage Isn't; KRON Ridiculous; Liz Cook on KPIX (Oy); Sunday Slop on KCBS; Thurston Factoid; Frank Somerville Update; Anne Makovec Gets Love, Careful KPIX; KTVU Mess But Lamonica Peters is Star Power; Giants Should Call Ted Robinson; Live 105 Meh; Sunday 415 Media Deli

NOBODY disputes the popularity of Taylor Swift; her Bay Area concerts are a legit news story. That's not the point here.

It's the SATURATION coverage-- the REPEATED overbearing stuff that isn't news, just a whole lot of FLUFF.

It gets tired and old.

And it shows just how pathetic our local media has become. Sorry, but 'yall really are sorry.

*Could you imagine if a major news event took place, like an earthquake or a terrorist attack, Friday night? Then what? OMG.. Bay Area media would be in PANIC mode and they should.

*Yes, as many readers noted, KRON outdid itself on Taylor coverage --even by KRON standards, it was a JOKE!

*Liz Cook on PIX actiog thoroughly GIDDY and ridiculous talking about Taylor. Liz, come on, get a grip, dear lord.

*KCBS Sunday should be labelled, "Sloppy Sunday"--a gargantuan ocean full of REPEAT stories, excess commercials, DEAD AIR and weather/traffic reports when there's NO weather and traffic.

*If Pat Thurston just read her copy and delivered the news, she'd be a very good anchor, it's the chatty, yappy, giggly Thurston that IRRITATES to the MAX that's a bummer.

EXTRA COOK:she hasn't become PIX's main cog even after a decade's worth of reading the news. She's much better than when she first started but she still can't ad-lib, has problems interacting with other anchors and looks clueless at times. Her overall anchoring is just fine and adequate but not the pace that CBS people here wanted.

*Frank Somerville is working out, running, lifting weights, and sippong lots of coffee near his Downtown Oakland condo--his legal woes are just beginning and professional career over.

*KTVU: what a mess and it's getting worse. Three senior news peeps are LEAVING and they're not alone come September.

*Anne Makovec is being courted by SEVERAL Bay Area TV News stations and she's ready to JUMP unless PIX decides to place her in PRIME TIME.

*The Giants should call Ted Robinson, his feud with Larry Baer is over and Ted would be great for 2024 work.

*PLEASE, KTVU; MORE Lamonica Peters! She's got LOOK, PRESENCE! and STAR appeal. Evcen you guys can't screw that up, oh, wait a minute, you could.

*The condo lot across from KTVU is prime land for internal station schmoozing --now I'm hearing KRON'S DESIGNATED BITCH ZONE IS THE in-building break room at 900 Front, hope the Nexstar cameras are OUTTA focus, guys and goirls.

*DON'T GET ME WRONG, I love Live 105 but it's just rehashed 80's songs most of whcih sound like, well, 1980's, nothing special.


  1. Somehow I saw Liz Cook anchor very well with the great Ken Bastida even though he was “helping her along the way”. Guessing after Bastida lett, it took a turn for the worst after Ryan Yamamoto came. I like Yamamoto, but he can mess around at times along with Liz on the air and with the meteorologists sometimes. But I can say she was good anchoring with Devin Fehely.

    1. Liz Cook doesn't "need to be helped along the way".

    2. Did Liz Cook used to wear a wedding ring? I’ve noticed that she’s not wearing one now.

    3. Liz Cook and her husband separated earlier this year, so the lack of a wedding ring is likely related to that.

    4. 9:29, Yep. Liz continued to wear her wedding band for a while even after they separated, but appears to have stopped doing that. By all accounts it's been incredibly amicable (thus far) and they continue to co-parent and do what's best for their family.

  2. U-verse isn’t showing KRON right now, so I’m spared their nonsense

    1. If Nexstar were smart they would get rid of GM Jim Rose. He is losing a lot of really good people because of his mismanagement of everything

  3. Someone needs to tell Mary Hughes that if she’s running In Depth now on KCBS, she should have her interviews be more relatable. I had no idea what I was listened to this morning. Sorry we’re beneath you, Mary.

    Darla Felch
    Star of The Little Rascals and Grandmother of Peter Felch at KCBS

    1. In Depth is so deep in the hole right now. The one last segment that was worth listening to. Not so anymore.

    2. In Depth today was just awful. The guest they had on about what else, A.I. couldn't put a coherent sentence together and said, "Huh". "You know." "Um." "Ah." so many times it was irritating. Mary Hughes just let her go on and on that after ten minutes I turned it off. What was once my favorite KCBS show that I have given four weeks grace to is now completely off my radar. Keith was amazing and now he and his skills are gone. Mary has potential but so far this has been a complete fail.

    3. Like you said, Mary Hughes does have potential but something needs to be done to pick interesting topics and book interesting guests. If she is in charge it is on her to put the show together. If your toplcs and your guests are bad the half hour show will stink after five minutes. Things will never get better.

  4. Rich... Why is Carmen Kiew on "television"? She refers to Logan Webb as Webby, has no baseball knowledge and is grating to listen to. Guess she works cheap for NBC Sports Bay Area but she shouldn't be on the air. Here's my ultimate nightmare... Bailey O'Carroll & Carmen on Sports. Kill me!

    1. "Why is Carmen Kiew on "television"?"

      Why is television in quotes in your post?

    2. Carmen checks Lockstep Larry's boxes after he lost his Amy (shorten the Gutierrez so we don't alienate viewers) G. And for those of you saying derp derp it's not Giants broadcasts...Lockstep Larry has his nose in everything.

    3. @6:32pm Because is NBC Bay Area & especially that God awful pregame show "Summer Sunday" really tv? Also we should ask Larry Baer... "So, when's the last time you beat your wife... Errr... Pushed her down? He should be out of baseball just like Glen Kuiper.

  5. I have opposite opinions of Liz Cook and Lamonica Peters. I think Liz is a star and transitions well with her colleagues. While Lamonica is capable, she doesn't seem to transition well with the anchors. I don't think Live 105 was meant to be a different version of the original station, so if you're expecting something different, you'll be disappointed. If you enjoyed the original Live 105, like me, then its rebirth is a blessing.

  6. So when Beyoncé comes next month,
    Are we going to get the same type of coverage again? *rolls eyes*

    Is this the new standard in the industry?
    Bat Kid, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé?

    What ever happened to covering what’s happening in the neighborhoods in the first 10 minutes of a newscast where we live?

    It’s always 1 local story, a National story, then random stories from other affiliates or recycled context from CNN and what not.

    1. “… What ever happened to covering what’s happening in the neighborhoods…”. That’s funny. Same question could be asked of the Chronicle. On what passes for their online edition was this headline “An exclusive interview with Santa Cruz’s surfboard-stealing sea otter”. Really?!!! Pathetic, and a lousy example to anyone in the business of what passes for journalism these days.

    2. @1:06 - I agree any news channel it is driving me crazy. Even when big celebrity artists have come in town, they may highlight a bit of it but not turn it into a big deal. The worst was the morning show on KPIX. It’s nuts

  7. Taylor Swift is low-hanging fruit. Easy for the lazy journalists to cover. Any bush league journalist can look at their social media and sound intelligent. KCBS sucks. Period. But honestly, Pat Thurston is way better than Lisa Chen. It's not saying much, but actually it is. Lamonica Peters is solid.

    1. Taylor Swift is topical for the typical TV news viewer because its their grandchildren that are attending the concerts. They want to know more about those the grandchildren idolize.

  8. A Ted Robinson return to the Giant and 49er booths would be wonderful.

    1. I would heartily welcome Ted Robinson’s return to the Giants and 49ers broadcasts. Ted is the consummate pro!

  9. KCBS is about as enjoyable to listen to as their reese's, reese's, reese's, reese's, reese's...commercial.

  10. Re: Lamonica Peters. No. Just. No.

    1. She makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

    2. I agree! Her purple eye shadow which matches her purple top or blouse is distracting and necessary. I don't think viewers want to look at the way she calls attention to her eyes. I change the channel when her or deer in the headlights Bailey report on a story.

  11. Live 105 isn't just 80s music. Some of the artists are from the 80s, but there are plenty of artists from today. The playlist from the last hour include: Lana Del Rey, M.I.A., Green Day, Bastille, and Romeo Void. More than half of those artists are post-80s. Also, they still have Sound Check on Sundays, which is completely dedicated to new artists.

    1. @4:53 anything is better than it’s previous existence playing “Hotel California “, “Don’t Stop Believin’” and “Bohemian Rhapsody “ on non stop nauseating repeat loop like 3 other stations in the market. A little extra Radiohead and Muse and new local stuff is better than constant repeat!

    2. Agreed re. Live 105. They are sprinkling some new stuff in the playlist. Given the reality of radio economics, the majority of the music has to be familiar. I get that. Still, it's good to see that despite the need to play the old familiar stuff, at least they've got a pretty expanded list in their rotation, and it's not non-stop '90s grunge.

  12. Liz Cook has the most annoying laugh and childish banter . It’s really hard to stomach . No thank you. Save the theatrics please . I do like Paul Heggen and Ann Makovic.

  13. All the gripes posted about Taylor Swift sounds like a bunch of grouchy old white men. She's hugely popular and makes generous donations. If you don't like the coverage from local news, watch the BBC!

    1. I've got some tea bags I'd like to toss in your direction.

    2. Taylor is "now" just like Britney was, Jessica was, Christina was, and the Spice Girls before her. She's pushing mid 30's. Someone else will come along soon enough.

  14. The shootings in Oakland, San Francisco, freeways and increase in crime is depressing. I have lived in California my entire life and crime had spilled into small cities and towns. The TS hoopla is respite from the shit that permeates the Bay Area and dominates the news. The idea of being mugged, carjacked or shot every time I leave the house is not encouraging.

  15. Is there anyone that doesn’t have a curd with Larry Baer? He’s a putz.

  16. I like Lamonica; smooth delivery and sultry voice. Did you see the pic above? Wow, beautiful with and without the eye shadow. I am with Rich and many other guys I imagine; call it fetish or whatever. Enjoy your white milk toast women.

  17. Think when Swift gets older - she might have to sing at the famous Walnut Creek fountain!

  18. How many men has Taylor been with by now? It is well known. Not exactly saving it for marriage.

  19. I wish Anne Makovec the best of luck. I think KPIX has been taking her for granted. And you have to admit, she has a sexy voice. Television is also an aural medium.

  20. watching the 10 o clock news on ktvu-i have noticed that their reporter Dave Detling has an irritating habit of waving his microphone in a circular motion while reporting-it detracts from my attention as to what he is saying-hope he can fix it-he seems good otherwise

    1. Detling goes round and round all right…

  21. Frank S. Hope you're having a decent week.
    Allow yourself to relax a little bit, Frank. Allow yourself to let go of the habitual anger and frustration you feel.
    Direct yourself to recall some of the good times.

    You had many years in that profession. There had to be moments of joy here and there.
    After some time passes, give some thought to working in education.
    Give some thought to helping and inspiring others to earn what you had at one time.

    Im done talking for now.

  22. Doug Greenwald should be doing Giants games but a-hole Baer still holds a grudge over Hank Greenwald’s book.

    1. Maybe Doug is just not all that great as a broadcaster? If he's so good, why has he been in the minors for almost 30 years? Where is he now? Wasn't he let go by the Fresno team? There are 29 other MLB teams that could have hired him and no one has.

  23. Yesterday Darren Peck was filling in for Paul Heggen, which was why Burch was there at noon.

    On the 11PM news, he made the weather more engaging and even asked Sara to play a little game of guessing what city was above average.

  24. Hard news rarely leads on KPIX at 11:00 PM. In fact it is relegated to the backwaters weather and sports use to occupy. Why is that?

    1. While they spend time sharing stories with their mantra “Our stories define us”, the problem here is that it takes away the proper time from when there needs to ACTUALLY be news. Which is why on another degree some of us like myself feel at 11PM on weeknights there is just NO NEWS.

      If you want to really share stories, might I suggest put a show between the primetime newscast & 11PM where it is dedicated to just the stories and have the actual timeslots of news just be news. Like I don’t know, put a show before the 11PM News called News stories from the Bay Area or something idk.

      Weekday 11PM news should be Evening edition like weekends where we actually really have news.
