Saturday, July 29, 2023

Bay Area Media Orgy Pitiful on Taylor Swift Concert Coverage

I'M LAUGHING. Of course I am.

I knew the coverage would go overboard. It didn't disappoint.

KCBS, on radio, was the worst. Multiple reports and most of it pure BABBLE.

What a complete JOKE.

The TV people? Sorta like kids on thier way to the prom. Gush and MUSH.

A NEW LOW in Bay Area alleged media "reporting"--and yes, indeed, What a TOTAL ABOMINATION!


  1. No KTVU Faux 2 was the WORST.
    1.Taylor Swift (top story)
    2.Weather short update.
    3.Recycled story from Fox-13
    4. Back to Taylor Swift
    5.Weather report.
    6. ADA patrons Taylor swift experience.
    A big nothing-burger of local news with a local news story count of 1 or 2
    They are just phoning it in !

    1. My Grandfather told me not to go to the Taylor Swift concert. We all had a picnic instead.

      Navy Felch
      Granddaughter of Peter Felch
      at KCBS

    2. Can't wait to see tonights newscast on KTVU
      See how many reports are from FOX-11, KCRA, FOX-13, or some filler national crap.
      I bet 10+ minutes of filler & fluff

    3. 6:42 🎯 KTVU News is a farce.

  2. Rich, are you simply describing the kee-rapp emanating from KNBR? Never in the history of radio has so little been said with so much blah blah blah. Murphy thought it was the return of Bill Swift, and gushed effusively like the lame Fan-Boy he is.

  3. Ugh. Had to turn off the TV. Overkill. Every station going overboard with ridiculous multi-reporter coverage. Especially ABC 7 and NBC Bay Area. Raj Mathai on social media claiming it's the biggest concert in the history of Northern California!!! Enough already. Some of us aren't Swifties and really don't give a...hoot. Blackout on local television news coverage for me until this circus skips town.

    No hate against her fans or her brand. It's just her music isn't all that to me. Can't relate and only know like two of her songs. And for all those adoring fans who hang on her every utterance on stage there's an equal amount of us who are like...WTF!?!

    Support local bands and upcoming acts because in my mind these mega-tours are like mega-churches...A money making extravaganza, entertainment for the masses and idolatry on steroids....All of which I avoid like the plague.

    The friendship bracelets are cool and her fans seem nice though. I just hope they listen to other artists as well. Never good to feed off just one act or style of music. Something very cultish about that. And waiting overnight just to buy merchandise?? Weird.

    'And in the streets, the children screamed
    The lovers cried and the poets dreamed
    But not a word was spoken
    The church bells all were broken
    And the three men I admire most
    The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost
    They caught the last train for the coast
    The day the music died' - American Pie

    1. Your comment is spot on! Besides listening to other artists, I certainly hope they open their minds and hearts to other things happening in the world. We certainly have turned into a nation of sheeple, and we need to consider who is feeding us this stuff.

    2. Exactly. My younger cousin in India is so crazy about Taylor Swift that it would appeal to her BUT unlike what has happened the last 20+ years they are making a very big deal out of this. I have never heard them rename cities based on an artist. It is absurd.

      The news is blowing it out of proportion and in many ways it drives me crazy. Often they will put this in 1 segment of the news and move on to more important news.

    3. @12:54 Corporate media is feeding it to us all. Often against our will. Owned and operated. Disney = Parent company of ABC 7. CBS = Paramount. NBC Bay Area = Universal. FOX = KTVU and on and on.

      And don't get me started on all the radio stations that are under one umbrella and play the same songs by artists like Swift (an artist who should have peaked on the radio seven years ago) over and over until we're forced to digest them. Those of us that still listen to radio that is. And streaming sites are ripe with corruption to keep certain artists name at the top of the heap. The payola of the 21st century.

      Yes. It's all just one media conglomerate joke these days. With the bottom line to brainwash the youth and put more money in their pockets at any cost.

      Scotty beam me up!!!

    4. @1:49PM - Yes, agree with you 100% here.

      I’m 30 and if I’m being honest unlike a decade or even 7 years ago, I stopped following the latest music trends. And I very much prefer songs in the 2000’s or even the 90’s which are more appropriate at least to me. One time I was a Zara Larsson fan but it did not last more than 2 years.

  4. Ugh. Too much Taylor Swift on coverage on KTVU and Bill Martin was doing weather from home again and it wasn't sunday.

  5. Two words - who cares!

    Seems like the Royalty was visiting that area! It even got coverage on stations in my area and I'm in another state now (Used to live in the Bay Area).

  6. Fri morning, Gloria Rodriguez on Ch 7, "reporting" live amid the crowd in Santa Clara waiting to see you-know-who, ended every sentence with an upward inflection, like THIS?? She sounded like a 2 year old, babbling on & on. Gag! I mean: GAG???

  7. Woke clown concert, lol

  8. The news media is over the top with all the TS coverage. The only one laughing is Taylor Swift...all the way to the bank.
    Net Worth $740 Million and counting.

  9. Clips pretty much empty. Isn't it?

  10. Swiftie Clara? What a joke!!! Excellent article from KQED that pretty much sums up how I feel about this Levi Stadium TS frenzy:

    City Leaders, Please Stop With the Taylor Swift Pandering Already

    Please stop, indeed. Laughingstocks to those of us with half a brain.

  11. If TS say's "Get the jab", they will...if she say's "Vote for Kennedy"...they will.

  12. I love Taylor. She is a sweet, kind person and a great role model for kids and teens. Plus, she writes amazing songs and treats people well. Why knock her?

    1. She really is an amazing human being, but I think this was purely regarding the coverage of the concert and how it took priority over more pressing issues.

    2. @4:37 Spot on, way too much coverage when there are other important news to cover more on, I'm sure she's a fine person but certainly not news, more like it should be covered by "Entertainment Media"

  13. No different when the Beatles or Madonna or Oasis toured. It happens every generation. Calm down.

    1. "Oasis"? In your dreams, Sport. This is very different.

      The Beatles on tour had US press in their pocket, but those were simpler times. Lennon had some interesting things to say about the US press's interest in "free whores".

      Madonna's people knew how to buy publicity, in case you didn't know. I'm sure Taylor's people have learned a thing or two along those lines from Madge.

      Students of contemporary Bay Area media would do well to compare KGO's fawning coverage of TS with its grudging coverage of the recent Dead & Co. shows in SF.
      The latter focused heavily on the garbage fans left behind. Think the Swifties left Levi Stadium's parking lot spotless? KGO sure ain't gonna tell you!

    2. Oasis, LOL, really LOL.

    3. You lost me at Oasis. Besides Wonderwall, what global hits do they have?

  14. coldhandswarmheartJuly 29, 2023 at 3:02 PM

    You'd think Taylor Swift is the second coming of Jesus for chrissakes!
    I know fans love her because she comes across as wholesome, relatable and (ahem) WHITE. But ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

    1. Snoop Dog just canceled his concerts to support the actor and writers strike…

  15. The KRON coverage was cringeworthy. The reporter sent to cover the story was not prepared and the one fan he spoke to barely wanted to talk to him. Where did they find the guy? He is barely qualified to be a reporter for SF City College.

  16. Started watching KPIX news at 5 PM on Friday. First story was a giddy Liz Cook talking about Taylor Swift. Turned off the news about 15 seconds later.

  17. 100% agree. It is an easy story for them to cover and reporters like it because it is fluff. It is typical of local news, whose content is mostly meaningless and doesn't impact the majority of its audience. Would the same coverage happen if it were Beyonce or Rhianna?

  18. Yup, Rich, overkill

  19. Refreshing not to hear about murder or shootings on 280, 580, 680, 80. Not a Taylor Swift fan but it’s news. Just like when Springsteen comes in December. There’ll be Boss stories. And I have tickets to Springsteen.

  20. "Swift"mania took over the Bay Area airwaves. Im surprised none of the local radio stations went all in on 24 hours of "Swiftie" music over the weekend...

  21. Share the same TS sentiments with y'all here.... she's overrated.

  22. Rich is not a Swiftie. :-D

  23. Calm down everyone, It's one weekend. Then we can go back to our regular reported news of car jackings, freeway shootings, side shows, and open air drug markets. Will that make you feel better?

  24. The Federal Reserve, yes the Fed, projects her concert tour will produce over $4 billion in consumer spending for the GDP. Cry more.

    1. Hate that we live in a society where everything is measured by the almighty dollar. McDonald’s sells the most burgers in the world. Try eating that crap 24/7. I feel the same about her music. A little goes a long way.

    2. You clearly don’t understand economics. It’s not the concert itself it is everything that comes with it. People coming in and filling hotels, eating at restaurants, shopping. That’s what is coming with the 2 shows . When she was in Chicago hotels were filled up to their highest levels since the pandemic. So go eat your McDonald’s burger and enjoy how crappy it is; that’s not part of the Swift Stimulus that hit the Bay Area this week.

  25. Why is the Media making such a big deal about the Swift Show? Why is this news? These reporters are so fake.

  26. There were other concerts around the Bay, but didn't get any coverage.

    1. That’s because the others are not the thermonuclear music/pop culture phenomenon that TS is. Very few ever reach those heights. You or I may or may not be moved by it, but she produces Beatles level excitement around the world.

  27. Yes, a friend of mine went to see Tori Amos in SFat a much smaller venue.
