Thursday, July 20, 2023

KPIX Morning Missive: Tweak Presentation and Give KTVU Some Fight

I MENTIONED this morning about changes coming to KPIX's morning show presentation.

Don't know all the specifics just yet, ( I will), but I can tell you it involves personnel and a few programming tweaks.

Reed Cowan, as I earlier noted, is headed to the morning. What role, I have no idea but I'll assume lead anchor. I don't think it affects the status of Amanda Starrantino, at least for now.

Other personnel is another story but the buzz is that they'll be some changes, technical and style-wise included.

THE GIST of this? PIX's want to seriously challenge KTVU's dominance in the morning. KPIX brass feels KTVU has been lacking lately, (AM) and that it, (CBS-SF) has the resources to give Fox2 a serious challenge, if not takeover, at least some fight at a percentage of their viewers.

We'll see.


  1. Get rid of Starrantino!! She isnt credible and not smart. Change energy of morning show to give it a small chance.

  2. "I don't think it affects the status of Amanda Starrantino, at least for now."

    Amanda Starrantino should be sent back to the Fresno Macy's cosmetic counter where she came from. She's an embarrassment. Actually, most of KPIX's anchors are an embarrassment.

    1. Don’t you dare insult the LT! She knows how to operate a helicopter!

    2. Love Jessica Burch, What a Woman!

    3. dear 4:44....she is a chopper pilot, not an "operator".

    4. Justin Andrews, Jocelyn Moran, Gianna Franco, Jessica Burch and even Shawn Chitnis are very good. Also Mary Lee when she fills in during the mornings. Very solid

      Can’t say the same about Amanda:

  3. Don't normally watch KPIX news but a few days ago saw Devin Fehely reporting news around the nation, almost fell over considering almost all the local news don't report news events around the nation unless it's a HUGE story, shame, how drastic local has drastically change to very "poor" writing, editing and poor directions from the ND's

    1. Agreed. For example, they often use verbs in present tense when they should use past and they put quotes around words that do not need them in the context they're in.

  4. They need big changes because Starrantino looks like Barbie and she talks so fast you have to keep up. The group banter is so fake. Can the guy on there get some suits that fit better? He has a strange shape and the double breasted jacket and flooding straight leg pants with no socks look ridiculous on him.

  5. I can’t wait to see the changes, but I hope to see more pronounced changes especially over the weekday and 11PM on weeknights. Something tells me it’s in the works but we need to wait.

  6. When are they going to let go of the KGO morning clowns referring to Reggie and Drew begging Kristen back to AM to improve ratings?? Reed going to morning is a fight with Reggie and Drew, viewers know why to fight for one group of viewers, the Pride viewers. I don’t see how the focus on this group will increase that group viewers to another level.

    1. Please get rid of reggie and drew, so ...........

    2. lets leave Sze at 3PM where the dogs can sleep on the remote.

      KPIX already has Andrews for the Pride viewers in the morning

  7. I’ll give KTVU points for the Zip Trips, alternate Fridays through the summer. They actually show some life. Even Andre Senior seems to have a tiny spark. But I hope KPIX gives ‘em a run for their money

    1. Wish it was every summer fridays, makes it interesting

  8. The KPIX morning clown show is a total embarrassment. The group banter is cringeworthy. No one has credibility or knowledge. Anything different would probably be an improvement.

  9. Anyone know why KTVU’s 10 O’Clock News is on their lower level station KTVU Plus? Breaking news here tomorrow probably. Maybe they want to hide the ratings on their evening newscast that also has gone down hill. They keep pushing commercials about streaming their news too. What’s up with that?

    1. What's up with what you don't understand?

  10. I mean, KPIX mornings already has FIVE ANCHORS, which is ridiculous. I agree with an earlier commenter about the AA guy wearing weird clothes and no socks. I mean, c'mon now! But even YOU Rich, mentioned before that Jocelyn does a good job, which is something that I commented on way back when she first started. She has improved tremendously in both her reporting and her general appearance. I don't like Reed Cowan, just for his glasses, if nothing else. And Devin Fehely to me, is the epitome of what an anchor should be. That guy is GREAT!

    1. Jocelyn Moran is a great reporter and beautiful too. She could be the noon or weeknight anchor at 11.

  11. What are 5 and 2 even fighting over? Is there really that much viewership on local morning programs?

  12. Would be great to have the KPIX morning news to be put into a Naked News format. All hotties

  13. Reed Cowan has got the wrong on screen demeanor for morning drive time. Mornings need zip and Reed is Mr. Anti-zip. I don't get the Starrantino hate at all. She does her job well. Yes, I get the Barbie allusions but that's not her fault that she looks that good.

    1. I can't tell if *she* looks good; you'd have to scrape away the inches and inches of facepaint.

  14. Swap out all of the bodies to your hearts contempt. It's not going to change a thing. Enjoy the visual. I don't see real broadcast journalism. I see narcissistic social media influencers,enamored with their look and in love with the sound of their own voice. It's all garbage.

  15. PIX couldn’t possibly compete with KTVU as long as they’re saddled with the wretched CBS Morning show, and that’s saying something given how poor channel 2 has become since the arrival of Dave Clark.

    1. Second that re the CBS morning show. Absolutely unwatchable.

  16. I'll stick with KTVU, At least Steve Paulson knows Ca. weather doesn't end in Sonoma County, as he's the only one who does weather for Mendocino.

  17. Move Donchey to the mornings, pair Cowan and Goodrich together at 6pm and 11pm, leave Cook and Yamamoto at Noon and 5:00 pm. Send Starrantino back to the field doing general assignment work. Problem solved…

    1. I love this! Even better why not move her to weekend mornings? Devin Fehely should be the face at 11 on weeknights, better yet, pair him with Hackney. Brian Hackney can do the 3pm on weekdays too in place of Reed.

      Yamamoto can do the weekend evenings along with Andrea.

  18. Ktvu now has a 9pm news on channel 2. Are they insane?

  19. KTVU most likely had the news on 2 at 9 bc their 6PM news was pre-empted by Fox coverage of the FIFA Women's World Cup.

  20. Matt Lively joined the sports team on 7/4 and so far I love his energy and knowledge of sports. In my opinion as good as Charlie Walter if not better. But on set, he is as humble as Jessica Burch.

  21. Reed Cowan’s last day on the 3PM show was yesterday. Today morning, 8/4 he is on the Morning show.

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