Thursday, July 20, 2023

A Permanent Betty Yu/KPIX Investigative Unit Would Be Cool; Prime Time Interviews; Changes Coming to PIX Morning Show; Reed Cowan Headed For The AM

I WASN'T WRITING PRO-CON Alameda DA --you all be the judge on that.

I simply stated Betty Yu did a very good job on the interview and that it was a refreshing glimpse of TV News journalism.

That's it.

Kudos to KPIX. Can we see more of this?

How about an Investigative Unit and Betty Yu with a producer, a roving camera person and hard-hitting interviews--like say?

*Mayor London Breed --but would Breed agree to such an interview?

*Larry Baer, although I doubt Lockstep would put himself up to a ten-minute free-for-all,

*Frank Somerville. Just kidding.

*The SFPD Police chief, Bill Scott. So much to ask.

*SPEAKING OF PIX: changes are coming to The Morning Show --with a key personnel move imminent: evening anchor, Reed Cowan going to the AM and playing a significant part in the process.

Cowan is an up and comer at 855 Battery--I hope PIX gives him time to grow in the morning.


  1. That would eat too much into Betty Yu’s social media lifestyle. She wouldn’t want to work that much. I just stating the facts.

    1. Betty Yu eats well, lives well, dresses well on IG... must be a good contract at KPIX

  2. Oh Mamma. Let me interview Larry Baer for 10 minutes.

    Some questions.

    Does he have any remorse for treating Hank Greenwald so poorly?

    Why doesn’t he do what’s right and give up the South Bay territorial rights back to the A’s? Is he afraid of a two team market?

    Does he think he should have kept his job with the Giants after assaulting his wife in public?

    Larry Baer is a knob.

    1. @11.29 1. Employer/employee relationships can sour. Two sides to every story. 2. Why should he? The A's failed to aggressively pursue this, even after a south bay stadium site never materialized. It is now a moot point.3. Assault? By legal definition it really does not meet the criteria. Deliberate? Malice aforethought? No. Unfortunate altercation, skirmish with two parties engaged in a tussle over a cell phone belonging to one spouse. Optics were bad enough. He was tried in the court of public opinion. 4. Yes, but a rich one.

    2. Good to hear from you Murph

    3. 5:40 That's your interpretation, Larry. Perception is often reality--and the appearance that you shoved Hank out the door...and beat your wife..will forever stick in the minds of us Giants fans.

  3. If I could put this thought here: Watched Greg Lee coanchor the KTVU news last night, and I thought he did a decent job. He as presence, and a fair voice, although I saw him as a little diffident. Not menacing like Mibach.

    1. Mibach reminds me of 'Seed of Chucky"

    2. Devin Fehely was co-anchoring on KPIX a few days ago and he was very good.

  4. That investigative unit idea is actually very good. But KPIX, if they're thinking that far ahead, may fear taking Betty away from everything else means removing a very good reporter when there's a shortage of them.

    But I'm probably giving the Neanderthals that run the station too much credit.

    1. You definitely are. Look how they treat Ann Makovec and Brian Hackney.

  5. Reed is very good.

  6. Good for Reed. I saw he got along with the morning team.

    What does this mean for the 3PM newscast? Will it be called Afternoon Edition? They should not necessarily dedicate their newscasts to just 1 anchor.

    1. You put your weakest on at 3PM. Sze at KGO so Ryan Yamamoto come on down

  7. Nice clip of the Golden Gate Bridge Rich.

  8. Ad usual you got the pulse on Bay Area media, Rich, good job

  9. It looks like Price was making the rounds in the same day, doing a media blitz. She interviewed with KTVU and I think another station as well. Betty Yu's story was a better tell. She is a pro and fair. I don't know how she stayed calm in the face of a clown. DA's laugh at the end of the story was disgusting!

    1. And this will be the last time Betty or KPIX will get an interview with Price.

    2. Maybe so. Betty Yu does have presence and she is eloquent. I think Gavin should sit down with her as well. We need Alameda County and beyond to be educated on this mess before we become the laughing stock of the country!

  10. London Breed may be failing as mayor, but at least she doesn't hide from the press the way Price does.. After what happened with Betty Yu, et al., I expect Price will go back into hiding.

    1. Exactly @5:31pm ! I've never seen a DA record a message that basically says nothing but continues to push her "soft on crime" Progressive agenda. Her handler must have to prep her constantly just to get a coherent message recorded. For someone who's an "attorney with over 40 years of experience" her public speaking skills are poor at best. How many takes do you think there or before the final video is posted up on YouTube? Pathetic Pamela...

  11. London is better than the Oakland major, the Oakland one has a terrible background, past personal life and lack of experience not deserving the high pay. Atleast London is more closer with the people vs Oakland one who cares about herself than the people

  12. Price did an interview with KRON, KRON was giving her a softer ride. lol

    1. The one I saw on NBC and KTVU was not hard hitting or splashy either. Regardless, this DA lady is going to affect so many people in Alameda County, unless you're a criminal!

  13. I thought Betty Yu was an influencer

    1. I thought Betty Yu was a socialite

  14. Those type of interviews are advocacy interviews. They approach a controversial subject from one side. They try to appear to be neutral but the bulk of it comes from one side. And when it is played several days in a row, well, the audience gets the message. I'm not saying I agree with the the DA but this kind of journalism drives me crazy. I saw the same thing with Chesa Boudin.

  15. 12:27 pm: I like Betty Yu in general, but I agree with you 100%.
