Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Dreaded End of The Month at Circle7; ABC/Disney Cuts Coming En Fuego; 900 Front Fear and Paranoia

DREAD END OF MONTH---June 2023 figures to be especially cruel.

Especially at 900 FRONT where the KGO/Circle7 are tense and stoic. Disney/ABC is rumored to CUT and DEVOUR, with authority! They've already ambushed ESPN and their O/O TV stations are on the HIT LIST.

KGO folks, I'd bet will be at Kokkari bar--and the vodka will be flowing.


  1. Please cut Trixie and Ming See (Kristen Sze), high paid and big bully

    1. I'm sure after reading this eloquent comment the powers that be will get right on it. You are stupid.

    2. Thanks Trixie and Sze for showing your class here! This is not so stupid an idea and the station would be all the better if your are both sent out the door!

    3. That would be a great start, to Building A Better Bay Area!!!

  2. The fake lying media is toast. No credibility. Crocodile tears for all.

    1. I know what you mean. Oddly only Fox news tells the truth? And Truth Social never lies?
      Puh-Leeze! Huge corporations own the media, they never found a billionaire, or his corporation, that they didn’t suck up to.
      They manufacture new boogiemen every election. 3 years ago nobody had heard of “woke” (the dog whistle for the intellectually bereft), now it is repeated ad nauseum by certain networks and individuals. If you don’t see you are being led by the nose, you’re blind. Viva cheap slogans and mindless posturing by the far far far right !!!

    2. The only truth is Tucker Carlson.

  3. When revenues don’t match it exceed expenses, cost need to cut. All of the old retro-KGO types (I loved those hosts) need recognize that model wouldn’t make it today (too many other marketing channels). Jim Gabbert would never invest!

  4. Replies
    1. Yeah, they're going to get rid of a pregnant woman of color whose an outspoken advocate against anti-Asian crimes. And a damn good journalist. You are stupid.

    2. How much is that DEI hire costing the company each quarter, or how much is that DEI hire making the company each quarter?
      Remember the recent hi-tech firings??? The first to be let go were the DEI,HR and other "place holders". This is about money and who has a contract. PSC contract or a union contract?
      So that leaves middle management (no-union) and other disposable types.

      Ask your agent or union rep if you are safe.
      I kinda surprised no union reps or agents ever are quoted here since they would be a good source for information here.

    3. @10:01am.... I wish.

    4. Dion was the only local TV reporter that held Chesa's feet to the fire. I hope she sticks around KGO for a long time.

    5. It's not the job of any reporter to advocate for any candidate.

    6. @11:09 I agree with you, 10:01 is a misogynist and an moron

    7. @11:09 AM ding dong

  5. Building a better bay area .....
    So you can find .... a better job.

  6. Reggie and Drew have to go! Do they always have to make a “reference” all the time? Yes we get it about your orientation!

    KPIX is trying to hard to compete with KGO. Yes we get you’re the straight version and Gianna being the cool hip mom of them.

    KTVU is my go to. Straight to the point news and what I need to know before I go. If I wanted a circus I’d rather watch KTLA or Good Day Sacramento

    1. So should a straight anchor not talk about his/her spouse or family?Is that shoving their lifestyle onto everyone? This knife cuts both ways. And isn't it a GOOD thing that people don't have to hide their sexuality in order not to offend the "norm?" Isn't that what progress and growth is all about? Normal is just a setting on the clothes dryer. And you are VERY stupid.

    2. Straight news is boring. Just like a lot of straight people. Fact is these journalists are all just news readers regurgitating the same stories from different pie holes...I mean perspectives. At least the ABC 7 morning crew (Reggie, Drew, Kumasi and Jobina) has a sense of personality and make me laugh at the absurdity of it all sometimes. Same model that works for KTLA and Good Day Sacramento, indeed.

      It's almost like the contrast between a black church and white church on Sunday mornings. I personally prefer the one with the joyous good music, lively parishioners and a fiery sing song sermon from the pastor towards the end. (And a chicken dinner in the basement after service back in the day!) Gentrified neighborhoods prefer more gentrified things. Same with certain news stations. Yawn.

      But...'To each his own. That's my philosophy. I don't know what's right for you. And you don't know what's right for me...' - Faith, Hope & Charity (An R&B classic!!)

    3. When will the bashing of white people and straight people stop?

    4. It’s time for the GM to pull a Russ Coughlin and make the morning news him solo holding up newspapers - cost saving and back to the roots of morning news

  7. Perhaps if news agencies didn’t shove the same shit down our throats every fucking day (Gays, Homelessness, Inequality) they might get a little more interest. People are sick and tired of this and the blatant propaganda machine that news has become!

    1. Perhaps if people weren't homophobic, racist or misogynist they wouldn't have to. But they ARE, Blanche, they are. You are extremely stupid.

    2. The only true propaganda machine in operation today is Fox News Corporation. 786 million dollars worth of payouts for their misleading information and outright lies told on air to date. The most evil and divisive force on the American news media landscape by far. But they'll never change. Divide and conquer that's the goal. Keep the people distracted while the true enemy (the fat cats) continues to pick their pockets without them even noticing. It's called programming for a reason. And Fox News does it worse than anybody else.

      If we as a society can someday get past our own noses and realize that hatred, bigotry and inequality have no place in a just world then maybe one day we'll get our heads out of our you know whats and make some progress towards equity and loving one another. But some people are so entrenched in their beliefs and their disdain for others based on taught prejudices and entrenched systemic systems of oppression that it often seems like a gap too wide to overcome. Love thy neighbor as thyself...what a concept. And treat them fairly, I might add. These systems spit in the face of all of that.

      As the great philosopher Henry Winkler...(aka the Fonz) recently tweeted: 'We are So divided as a country...Only a cataclysmic event , that makes us depend on one another again, can bring us back together'.

      I concur.

    3. Wrong pole smoker. It' called being disgusted by the constant bombardment of a skewed narrative.

    4. All news is skewed because they all serve their corporate overlords. Propaganda...Now that's a different story. Enter Fox News. Also, your mamma should've smoked a pole the night she conceived you. (See...I can get immature and juvenile, too!)

  8. 3:10 drank the Kool-aid for sure. Wow

  9. Can we get rid of Tom Vacar? He defers to the same sources, muuch like Debra Villaon did. It's lazy unbalanced reporting.

  10. Ok, I'll say it.. Kindra!

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