Tuesday, June 27, 2023

KNBR Muddy Leadership; "810 The Spread" Far Superior; Heather Holmes-KTVU Ultimatum Part 2; Castaneda Contract Beckoning; Vern Glenn Less Than Frank; "Murph& Mac" Factoid; The Heritage -Less Stations; Weather or Not at Circle7; A New Movie About Andy Baggarly With Several Stars; Tuesday Bullet Points

The fact KNBR is being run, (for the most part) by an Uber driver and part-time producer isn't that big a deal; by Cumulus standards, that's their basic MO. And the result? THIS.

*The scary thing about KNBR: KGO "810 The Spread" is a far superior sports station. Yeah, nobosy listens but the hosts, (out of NY and Vegas) are knowledgable, funny, insightful and edgy/interesting. Sure, it's all centered around gambling but it beats the mundane, largely boring and insignificant KNBR daily YAWNfest.

*"Murph and Mac" will be a GONER soon, no later than end of year. The show is barely breaking even. Paulie Mac's singing is worse torture than a night in Santa Rita.

*If Heather Holmes doesn't have Julie H aener's gig by the end of the year, she'll bail on KTVU. HH has had enough of empty promises. Finally.

*Haener, meanwhile, is only at The Firm because she's got 'em by the balls and Fox doesn';t have a clear path to remove her. The ratings are terrible, the 10 is a disaster; even Bill Martin wants the hell out and that's plain SAD!

*Sal Castaneda's contract is up in Sept. Sal only wants to be paid what he's earning now--roughly $200K a year. But The Firm wants to CUT! Advantage, Fox.

*A diseased canary could do the sports on KTVU weekend nights; nobody would notice/care and it sure beats looking at Joe Fonzi, who must be 99 now.

*If Vern Glenn didn't have much to do with the departure of Charlie Walter, the ex-weekend sports guy, you got a story.

*Vern, who's still trying to mimic Gary Radnich, has become an expert on being disingenuous to certain friends and advisers.

*Greg Papa's insufferable radio act is made possible by a guy, his boss, a 49ers broadcast exec/VIP who thinks Pop is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

*John Lund, any day now, will be TOAST because even Cumulus has some taste. "Like you said,...?" You're FIRED!

*A market rich with savvy street reporters--Tv and radio--now left with sophmoric dimwits with about as much news chops as a Belvedere 7-11.

*Actually, Toonces the driving cat would be too good for KCBS.

*Eric Thomas makes Jeffrey Schaub look like Ted Koppel.

*Heritage stations KCBS, KTVU, KRON, KGO Radio --used to be atleast--now, outlets barely breathing and run into the ground by mutts who wouldn't know legacy if it hit 'em in the head.

*The two main weather chicks at ABC7--she's on weekday nights; the other, Sunday--are quite literally ready to WAGE WAR. My bet would be on Countess Argen.

*Coming soon to a theatre near you: "The Andy Baggarly Chronicles" --starring, as Baggarly, Kevin Spacey; George Takei as Tim Kawakami; Donald Sutherland as Larry Baer; David Duchovny as Gabe Kapler and Debra Messing as Susan Slusser!


  1. Who’s palms do I need to grease to get rid of the entire 6am-6pm KNBR crew? Can they be any worse than they now are? They love the sounds of their own voices, the rest of us voiced our opinion on them by changing the channel.
    Adios Frat-Rats !!

    1. I tuned in yesterday for the first time to see Papa and Lund live on Youtube during their show. Papa looked so uninterested and has major sun damage all over his face. I see now that they pancake on the makeup during airings.

      And there was John Lund putting on his glasses to read copy and/or screens. Maybe he put them on to read the radio spots where he talks about how wonderful his vision is now that he had laser eye correction surgery and how his vision is now 20/20. Blatant liars. Papa goes along with it as well.

  2. Debra used to be hot before she went bat shit crazy on social media with her political viewpoints.

    1. @1:03 I've always felt entertainers, actors and sports people should stay out of politics, like Russell Crowe said in "Gladiator" "Are you entertained!" Once these people gets political they are no longer "Entertaining"

  3. Heather is smoking hot in that pic

  4. If Heather Holmes bails where's so gonna go? Possibly KRON (if they're just looking for a "name") but more likely Starbucks.

    1. Maybe she will join Ken Wayne and Kyla Grogan

  5. Heather deserves a top anchor gig. If she can't get it at KTVU, some other station should snatch her up.

  6. No offense to Sal, but he is simply not necessary on the 9. Having him as a 3rd anchor just seems like overkill.

    1. Tick tock Sal! Your 15 minutes of fame is almost up. Face facts... KTVU is not going to pay you $200,000 a year. They can't afford it! Look how many layoffs ESPN just had to cut salary. Pigs get fat & hogs get slaughtered. You're only negotiation will be to take a pay cut if you want to stay at KTVU. Or retire?

  7. KNBR is a big time Giants/9ers homer station, but that's not the problem over there. The morning M&M show is simply loud and annoying; Papa/Lund gets a pass for the guest list; Tolbert/Copes is just ok; and FP sounds amateur-ish with content bordering on satellite appropriate.

  8. I would have to agree with you that KNBR stinks. Not just the morning duo but the entire line-up. I have switched over to 95.7 The Game if and when I turn on the radio. The hosts at KNBR talk about just about everything BUT sports. I am not a fan of 95.7 The Game the morning, but it is better than KNBR. I don't listen to 810 The Spread because it is not about local teams. What I cannot figure out about The Game is why they tell their audience to turn on YouTube or Twitch to see some code word for a contest. Why would you send your audience to a platform you cannot monetize? Why would you not want to reward your listeners on the radio? It baffles me.

    1. They do it so that their streaming numbers go up. When the numbers go up they can then monetize.

    2. Monetize what? They don't own YouTube or Twitch? How would they do that? Why would you want to drive traffic to a site that is not yours? I guess they could have some ad bar or run a separate ad break only on streaming but do they actually think those numbers will be large enough that some advertiser would spend money? That is.a stretch. I find the tactic only alienates its loyal radio listeners.

  9. From the above photo, I like JH’s Curves, she looks tasty, and Heather has legs all the way to her neck. Both very attractive women, and both decent newsreaders. Call me a sexist pig, but that’s some nice eye candy.

    1. Its not sexist. Its human. I'm a Heather man myself.

    2. I'm sure even Eric Thomas and Sal Castaneda have their fans so sometimes the bar ain't too high.

    3. Heather Holmes is beautiful, smart and reliable. Julie is good too but not into it anymore. Please hire Heather for 10 PM.

  10. dont be too flippant about ;;santa rita'' american jaila, a guy in jail said ''this jail is worse than prison''. anyway ''like you said'' is just another kow tow adulation voice tone constant.lund.yea yea yup yup uh huh uh huh yea yea yea yea .

  11. I had to turn off the 6PM KTVU. I looked up an Mike Melba Toast was on with his attempt to grin like the Mona Lisa. KRON here I come!

  12. I’m a fan of Murph and Mac. When they are gone local radio is done. They have good chemistry, love Bay Area sports and are a good consistent radio show. Especially if you are a Giants fan. It will be a sad day when local radio ends. Firing Ralph was the first straw. Not keeping Ratto with Tolbert was bad. Larry Krueger was great.

    1. Thanks Murph or is that Mac? Unless you’re involved with the station or drunk no one would like this dreck!

    2. Thank you Murph. Your time has long passed. You and Paul doing that tired old schtick has grown lifeless and reeks of decay. Face it, you grew old and slow and still laugh at the jokes you told 30 years ago. Your bloated UCLA ego only besmirches the reputation of a once reputable university. You cannot think on your feet, you vamp like a doddering, senile, demented old fart. As you are in your late 50’s, you try to be hip but dude - you jumped off that ship decades ago. I know it is difficult to act your age when you are still immature, but pretending to be something you are not invites criticism and admonishment. Your ratings are sinking because you are lame.

      Ralph B got smoked for opining about non-sports issues, and thinking he was untouchable. When he was fired, many if us shouted Hallelujah !! We will shout in joy again, when Murph N Mac are shown out of the building by security. That day cannot come soon enough. And as far as the Murph n Mac love affair with KISS - my Ass.

    3. Those guys are a bit tired but you sound like a Trump goosestepper

  13. June 27 10:00 There is one reason Thompson and Castaneda have the jobs they do and it's not their anchoring skills. ;-)
